
Chapter 1:To Kill A Patriotic

1999, Sunday March 24 in United States Of America in Illinois in chicago that was 4:32 PM at that time a fancy looking man was forming a crowed and saying how amazing US is and it's the greatest country in the world and he said to them. "America is the best place in the world we are the strongest and biggest country in the world!" while screaming and happily jumping and dancing around on the chair he was standing in while smilling and laughting loudy without falling down or slipping down and one of the people on the crowed asked the fancy man. "Why is America the strongest and the best country in the world?" while raising he's hands up and shouting it loudly and the fancy man then stops dancing and fixes he's button and replied with. "Oh well why is America the greatest country in the world? Oh its because we have the greatest company and best states and we live cheap and rich here and not everything is expensive here. And why is it the strongest country? In the world its simple we have the largest and biggest army in the world and we have alot of giant and strong navals,aircrafts,militaries!" As he finishes talking he then proceeded to dance again and then one kid walks up with a ripped,cheap, and dirty clothes he then raises up he's voice and asked fancy man. "If we are the strongest country in the world why does russia have more military personal and stronger and more naval units and aircraft units and nuclear weapons? and if US is the greatest country in the world why does US inflation keeps getting bigger and bigger and why does the health care system so expensive and why does many people in the US have broken home and poor lifestyle and have no value in the future like me?" the boy then gazes in the fancy man's eyes as he said that angrily the fancy man replied with. "Tha-thats not true everything you said is a lie and never happend this is america not africa you damn child you don't know anything!" the man shouts angrily and runs towards the boy and grabs he's shirt and says. "Are you crazy where is your parents?" the man then looks at the crowed and shouts. "Is this someones kid? Or this kid is just lost!" as he shouts he then throws the kid on the ground and grabs he's cane and then tries to hit the child but the child roles over dodging the mans act of violence as the crowed tried to help the kid the fancy man then whipped out a gun in he's pocket and said. "WHO IS THIS KIDS PARENTS!" As he screams while the child is trembling with fear the cops then came but the fancy man jumped out the bridge with he's belonging and the money he tooked while speaking good things about america then the kid said while covering he's head in a rock position."Please don't hit me i did nothing wrong!" as he cries and tries to kick the police then the police picks up the kid and asked who is he but the kid just kept kicking and kicing and screaming for help while the police searches for the fancy man the police then tells the kid to shut up and tries to ask him a question the kid says nothing the general then asked the kid and said. "Who are you, and where is your parents and are you hurt?" as he offers the kid with a candy one of the policeman running then said to the general."Sir we can't find any traces of the fancy man and he disappeard quickly unnoticed!" As the police man is running out of breathe he notices the general giving candy to the crying kid and said confusingly. "What happend to that poor kid why is he crying?" the general said to the police man. "He almost got hit by a metal like cane in the head and luckily dodges it." as the general replied the kid them tries to run away but was tackeled by the police and then was picked and dragged in the police car and minutes has passed and the police man then gazes in the kid and but the kid is still in a ball like position and covering he's face the police man then tried to pick up a candy but the kid then notices and grabs the police man's baton and hides it in under he's shirt the police notices the boy hiding the stolen baton in he's shirt but didn't panic and just said. "Whats your name little man?" the boy then sighs replied with. "My name is Barbaros Melaverator." the police man replied with. "Don't do anything Barbaros i'll just go to the toilet outside unawered of Barbaros'es intelligent he then gazes on the police man waiting for him to go to the toilet but as the police man is about to go to the toilet he decided to check out for Barbaros first but he only saw him staring at him and after that the police man went to the toilet and Barbaros used the baton to smash the windows of the car the local men of the town notices him and tries to run but only to get threatened by getting smash in the head after that Barbaros runs and decided to hide behind a gas station the local men told the police where barbaros went the police then paniced and rushes towards the gas station Barbaros noticed that he can't go anywhere so he screamed and the policemen and local men notices him and said. "What are you doing are you out of your mind don't do that ever again we could have lost you!"As he grabs the kid and puts him back in the car and questioned."Why did you escape?" As he takes the baton away from Barbaros but Barbaros didn't respond so the police just thanks the local men and just drives off and now they have arrived in the police station the police man then takes the kid on the interrogation room and the police man introduces himself as. "I'm Johnny Melik The Third and what about you who are you?" As johnny prepares himself a paper to write the information about Barbaros and Barbaros answered and said. "I am Barbaros Melaverator i live in Indiania,Michigan City i was born in 1987,friday 21 and i was raised by my family of 8 which was my 2 parents,1 gramps,2 sisters,1 brother and me."Barbaros was very tired and had almost no energy and the police men replied with. "Tell me about your story." As he is about to write he's story Barbaros answered with. "I live in a very rough life where when i was 7 i got kicked out of my school for not paying money and stealing things in my school but i have a very good grades i was the top in the class but then i got caught and i had to run for it and they called my parents and suggested them to pay up or they will kick me out the school but my mom was a drug addict and my dad is very lovely to me but they have no money so i was forced to drop out on school on a early age and when i was 8 i always get bullied in my neighborhood but i choosed to ignore them but one day they decided to take it on another line where they stole my food and beaten me where i have scars,bruises and a black eye so i decided to stand up by my self by attempting to murder them by using a heavy rock and throwing it on their head which i succesfuly did but i almost had taken the bullies life which i felt no guilt because the things he had done to me but i got caught but said i was too young to go to jail so my dad stand up for me and said what happend but they refused to believe it so they locked my dad for 4 months in prison for unknown reasons but when he was realeased he was heavely sick and is about to die but i managed to stole some pills that may help him which it did help him but not for long since he died when i was 9 because of overdosing of illegal substances and also died because he was too sick but i just spend my time hanging around and teaching my self so that i couldn't be dumb as a stone and i should learn something and when i was 10 i managed to cross to Indiana to Illinois with my brothers using our horses that out father gaved before he died and now i am 11 and i am here now trying to find a purpose about myself. As Barbaros finishes he's story the officer offered him a free ride from where he was picked in so they decided to hop on the car and now hours had passed barbaros said to the police man. "Thank you for helping and giving me money and food so that i can feed it to my sibilings!" As he get out to the car he noticed the johnny waving at him so he waved back and johnny said. "Take care i will be seeing you in the near future!" As johnny hops on he's car he drives off tearing down and as the sun goes out everything went full night and silence is everywhere.

Conflicts and backstory?

baske_triocreators' thoughts