
Melancholy’s Bride

"You own me, Feiya. So, if you're thinking of releasing me now, this loyal dog of yours might bite you," the heroine gently cradled my hand and kissed the back of my right hand. "Kiss me with those poisonous lips of yours, Feiya Poloro and feed me pretty little lies," the villainess pulled me in by my waist. "You're the most interesting thing I've ever seen. If I keep you as a pet, will you keep entertaining me for the rest of my life?" The wicked witch of the west caressed my left hand. "I'll give you anything in the world, Poloro. Just take my surname and the world is yours," the wild bitch of the empire knelt at my feet and kissed its top sweetly. I have a secret: I am not Feiya Poloro. Warning: I do not own the art cover of the book. All credits go to the artist who has drawn it.

baexuxi · LGBT+
10 Chs

- 9 -

Smack. Thwack. Smack.

It may have seemed bizarre to outsiders how the daughter of the Baron, a noble lady, was straddling a man's waist, raising her fist only to land it across the porcelain-like skin of the young man beneath her. What was more outlandish was how no one seemed inclined to stop the young lady's rage, for fear that it would turn to them instead.

Erwin's face that was in front of me, peered up at me with curved eyes that pleaded for more. Although this body of mine didn't pack much strength, with enough tenacity, I was certain I could beat this man up until his own father couldn't recognize him.

"You are the most disgusting man I've ever known." Venom seeped through my voice. Erwin opened his mouth to reply, but blood gargled in his throat, leaving me with a strange sense of satisfaction. I lifted my hand into the air, about to smack him when Caroline caught my wrist. With fierce eyes, I turned my head sideways to shoot her a warning glare, but the intensity within them faltered as soon as I recognized tears pooling in the corners of her eyes. Azure orbs that glimmered with a translucent sheen, more beautiful than any clear blue sky to exist. Right now they were staring at me.

"Let go of me, Caroline," I ordered calmly. Caroline shook her head vehemently, bulbous tears running down her face.

"M.. Mistress, your h.. hand. Your beautiful, fragile hand.." Caroline raised my hand to her face, staining the back of my hand with an unfamiliar wetness. The touch of her was like that of a ghost as if my hand that was grasped weakly within her palm was a cracked porcelain. Her trembling lips ghosted over my bruised knuckles, and her tears fell even more. She muttered against my skin. "Why should you injure these hands of yours when they're so precious? Why waste it to punish trash? It'll be better if mistress uses them on me instead."

This was my first time seeing Caroline cry. Even in the novel, she was described to be a woman who wouldn't shed tears even in the face of death. The only time she had ever cried was the day she was separated from her parents. As she journeyed further, she became more and more stone-like. But, now, seeing someone like her cry for my sake… I couldn't help but feel a little excited.

"Then, should I hit you, Caroline?" I whispered, hoisting myself off Erwin, who took this as a chance to swiftly roll over and hold himself up. He spat out a ball of spit mixed in with blood onto the floor and wiped the corners of his lips using his sleeve. But, that bitch didn't concern me. Not even once bit. The tear-stricken face of the most beautiful woman before me attracted me more than any other sight. I cradled her cheek in my palm and that was when I noticed the heinous state of my hands.

The skin over my knuckles used to the point of tearing. A trail of blood constantly oozed from them, making its way down my arm and tainting the puffs of my dress. It stung whenever I flexed my figures, so I could only cup Caroline's face half-heartedly. A speck of blood, from my hand, transferred onto her face, like a black dot ruining a blank canvas.

I tried to retract back my hand, but her hand around my wrist riveted me to the same spot.

"If that's what you want, mistress, I don't have any complaints. It's better if you use those beautiful hands on me than anyone else." Caroline's voice slipped past the spaces between my fingers from when she tilted her head to the side, plastering her lips against my metacarpus. After leaving a vague kiss, she finally released me.

"How im..! Ugh.." Erwin, who had pulled himself upright was about to scold, but the ache in his cheek interrupted his harangue. He held his bruised face, wincing.

I turned to face that masochistic pervert. Upon seeing the sight of his face that others would have considered handsome, only repulsion wracked through my body. I didn't know that I was shuddering until Caroline's hand rested over my trembling shoulder. Glancing briefly at Caroline, she smiled warily at me. Gnashing my teeth, I laid my hand on top of her hand, rubbing the side of it before decisively removing it from my shoulder. I took a step towards Erwin who instinctively inched back. When he realized what he did, he scoffed and straightened his posture.

"Why should I be scared of a little girl like you? Only thing you have going on is your pretty little face. That feistiness riles up a man's competitive spirit to conquer. But, other than that, you're just a useless doll hanging onto your father's splendor!" He leaned into my face, enunciating every word as if intending to drill it through my head. Even in the face of his blatant provocation, I maintained a calm veneer.

"What the…" Caroline's face flushed in anger. She raised her fist as though she were about to strike the man down. "Don't you dare about my mistress like that!"

"Why? Is it because you're in love with your miss, but I'm the one who'll obtain her in the end."

Erwin spread his arms like an arrogant showman, sneering in Caroline's face. Any image of them being lovey-dovey like in the novel had disappeared. If you told a stranger that these two were meant to be romantically intertwined, that person would rub their eyes twice and question your sanity.

Taken aback by Erwin's words, Caroline's fist shook faintly. "It's.. it's not because I.. because I.. towards the miss.. I could never…"

Whilst Caroline was struggling, I only felt an impending headache. It was obvious Erwin was merely arousing Caroline's fury for entertainment, but the girl was taking it solemnly. He even tilted his cheek to the side, exposing his bruised face as if asking for more direct punches — what a hardcore masochist.

"What a shitshow," I murmured, rubbing my forehead. "I implore you, Erwin, to never show your face to me again lest you want me to castrate you, and I assure you, that uselessly tiny thing that only twitches at the thought of being abused by women will be the dog's dinner."

"... I'd feel much sorry for the dog," Erwin squeezed out a wry smile.

Without forming another response, I grasped either side of my dress and lifted it up, walking away from the pervert. As stoic as my face looked on the outer, the same couldn't be said for the inner. Inwardly, I was wondering what I could do to prevent the same fate of being buried alive with a pig. Although I had seen Erwin as my key to escaping an unwanted marriage, what use was clinging onto that maniac. I'd dodge falling into the embrace of a perverted freak, just to end up with another. Well.. at the very start, why should I look to those men as a means of escaping? After all, I already have the protagonist of the novel right by my side. It was safe to say Caroline developed exactly the way I had planned; to be unhealthily obsessed with me.

I almost wanted to grab her by the shoulders and tell her, "Never let go of me as long as you breathe. You live for me, you die for me."

Hm... did that sound too extreme? I wasn't excellent at raising pets, but I presumed that I could raise this puppy, to turn it into a vicious hound that would bite at people's heads, just to ensure my safety. Sure, that would make me a selfish, and vain woman. Selfishness was the bane of humanity, yet it was innately present in all beings. The predator would eat its prey for survival. And I, would swallow Caroline to the very core to survive.

I couldn't help but think this was also a dangerous idea. Glancing at the girl that was walking by my side, instead of behind as other maids would do, the boldness and presumption were evident in her stride. When she noticed my hot gaze upon her side profile, she suddenly turned, causing our eyes to clash together. Blue against lilac. A smile bloomed on her face.

"My lady, I can't help but think you glow brighter and brighter every day. Someday, your existence will start to rival the stars. When that happens, I can't bear to think the gods would come to snatch you away." Whilst speaking, Caroline wilted.

I raised my brows upon her words, and couldn't help but find it humorous. Seriously.. what was this foolish girl thinking about? Comparing me to a star? Fearing those imperious deities would come to sweep me off my feet? God had given me a second chance, instilling my soul in the body of this pitiful girl. Why should he take it away from me? Even if he did, I was planning on defying him.

A small chuckle escaped past my lips, attracting her attention. She looked at me like I was holding a bone. "You..." I clamped a hand over my mouth to prevent the giggles from leaking out. "You have such a colorful imagination. Hah, instead of filling your head with such futile things, you should be worrying for what Baron Poloro would do to the two of us tomorrow."

"If it's for mistress, then I don't mind whatever that old knucklehead has in store for us," Caroline sighed, turning her face to the front. Even when she was the first to evade the gaze, I didn't look away. I studied the crinkled corners of her eyes, the imperceptible scowl on her lips, and the passion in her cerulean orbs. "I'm more concerned for what he'd do to miss. My body has already been hardened through the hardships I suffered, but you, mistress, have never experienced the outside world. Your battle has only been restricted within this place."

"Then, do you think I'm delicate?" I stopped and whispered. Caroline naturally followed suit. She turned her body towards me, casting her eyes down at me.

"Mistress..." her voice, along with the look in her eyes softened. I peered into that feathery gaze, feeling like I was floating on clouds. "You are far stronger than any person I know. Strength doesn't factor in on your outer appearance, but your soul. Mistress's soul is brighter than any sun, any stars, and any gems that ceased to exist."

"Hmph.." I bit back a laugh. "Caroline, you know, you're the only person to have ever described me as owning a bright soul."

Her eyes glistened at the thought of being my first. The way her eyes lit up, the corners of her lips that upturned -- I could even imagine ears perking up from her hair. She was so goddamn easy to read. That was why she was being taken advantage of by someone like me. You sweet, sweet, poor child.

I lifted my hand, cradling her cheek and she instinctively leaned into my palm. Her skin seemingly thawed the sheen of ice that covered my hand. I leaned in, lips moving to form a quiet murmur, like the lips of a demon that seduced humanity into idiosyncrasy. "You told me that you worry whether the Gods would come to take me away. Rest assured, they won't. Because the only place that will welcome me.." my voice grew lower and lower until it was no more than a whisper. "...is hell."

The look in her eyes changed from that of adoration to confusion. My grin grew even wider.

Perhaps, Caroline wouldn't understand the implication behind my words now, and I hoped that she would never too, in the future. Sometimes, obliviousness was bliss, and the things that you don't know, won't hurt you.


It was a restless night that day as well. Ever since coming into the body of Feiya Poloro, I suffered countless nights ridden with insomnia. Thoughts about the fate of this body, the solution to prevent it, and most of all, there wasn't even a cellphone that I could use to open music that'd help me ease myself into a deep sleep. I could only peer up at the white crevice of my room, intrusive ideas taking root in my brain. On such a tranquil night, why was it only me that was suffering? It was too unfair. I turned around, squeezing my eyes shut again.

I relaxed my body, releasing all the tension I could, from my shoulders to my toes, like a comatose person, and numbing all my senses in hopes of reaching my end goal, which was sleep. I closed my eyes in silence for a few seconds, and when a silver of tiredness appeared, I tried to grasp it, only for it to vanish at the creak of the window. As if someone was sneaking into my room.

My eyes instantly shot open, and I immediately sat up on the bed, facing the direction of the open window. In fact, there was no sighting of an intruder, only the cold wind that took the opportunity to whoosh in, blowing out the candles that were set on top of my table. Now, I was surrounded by utter darkness. A pale moonlight broke through the dark, giving me a semblance of comfort.

"It's cold," I murmured, teeth chattering. Why was it a rule that women should wear such thin undergarments to bed? I was almost about to freeze to death. And the news of a Baron's daughter dying of pneumonia wouldn't be an outstanding image for the house.

I peeled the blanket away from my legs, setting the tip of my toes onto the floor, before pressing them flat against it when I rose to my feet. I glided across the floor before finally reaching the window. Grabbing hold of the rustic, silver handles, I pulled them inwards and completely sealed it shut. At last, it wasn't so cold anymore. I heaved a relieved breath.

When I thought that I was safe from the chilly weather, I felt a hot breath fan against the back of my neck. Still holding onto the handles of the window, I stiffened up inadvertently. I dared not turn back in fear of what I was to see.

The thing behind me didn't seem to take my stoic reaction pleasantly. It ran a long stripe of saliva up my neck. Goosebumps appeared on the entirety of my arms and I began to tremble, either because of the chill that recently spiked, or the monstrosity that was standing right behind me, in the shame of a human's embrace. Yet, I couldn't feel the warmth of what a human should have.

"Hm.. you're scared?" A voice that was too familiar resounded next to my ear. The hot air from its breath wafted over the back of my ear, and my jaw began to quiver unconsciously.

"Do you think I'm a ghost?" It whispered. "I'm quite upset that you have this impression of me. You see, can a ghost do this?"

The strange being wrapped both of its arms around my waist. Its touch was too gentle, too humane, to say that it belonged to that a ghost. When I tipped my head down, I saw a pair of thin arms that packed a hidden strength beneath them, judging by how firmly they were tightening around me, like a cobra that was preparing to squeeze its prey to death. They looked too thin to belong to a man. And that voice... I was confident that even if I were to die, I'd never forget that voice.

Gentle, like honey falling from the branches of a tree into my mouth, seizing it with its sickly sweet taste. I swallowed a lump down my throat like I just ingested a potful of honey, and it clung to my throat, rendering me incapable of speech.

"Ha.. haha," the being chortled, feeling my muscles spasm under her touch. "I thought I was being gentle." Her voice rose in lilts like she was reciting a play. Every time she spoke, her breath drifted onto the tips of the hair that stood on the back of my neck. "Yet, why do you shudder? I'm wounded. You treat me like I'm a dirty thing."

"The witch of the West," I could barely breathe. Her domineering area riveted me to the spot.

"That's right. Such a smart child. How did you guess so quickly?" The Witch of the West purred with satisfaction, characterized by her hands that wandered down my waist until they properly held onto my hips with a steel-like grip. I was certain that it would leave imprints on the sensitive skin of Feiya's body. "Is it because... you're not from this world?" Her voice was mocking me for being the only one that was out of place. "I was wondering what kind of person God favored so much - even more than that blonde brat - to have brought you into a different world."

The witch's voice gained a dangerous edge. "So, I wanted to see you. Asses you. Figure out what you're capable of. You didn't fail my expectations, in fact, even impressed me. Quick-witted yet so fragile..."

As if to emphasize her point, she squeezed my hip, making a sharp pain shoot up from where she gripped. I sucked in a sudden, quick and harsh breath through my mouth.

She continued. "You're so desperate to change your predestined fate. Do you think you can escape it only by using your brain? Hm... you'll need my help. Since you're God's favorite subject, I want to see what he'd do if you end up falling into my hands. Just.. agree. I'll even help you get back to your old world."

"You want a taste of me?" I scoffed. "I thought the witch of the west was supposed to be magnanimous, not this lustful demon. In fact, you've got it all wrong. Me? Being God's favorite? If he loved me so much, I wouldn't be occupying the body of this poor girl. A girl fated to die. Hah. I see. I can totally feel God's overflowing affection."

"Ah, quite a flaring temper you have there. Your pretty lips are so quick to move before you can even think. I've been called a lot of things, but never a lustful demon." The Witch of the West chuckled with an underlying layer of venom. She abruptly grabbed me by the shoulders, flipping me around. Her oak-colored eyes glimmered with a fierce light. "Someday, that chatty mouth of yours will end up getting you killed."

Her fingers grasped my chin, forcibly tilting my head up, forcing me to look into her eyes that were curved with mirth. "So, do you recognize me? Who do I look like?"

"I.. Irene…" I stuttered out. My throat rolled up and down ferociously. I squeezed my eyes shut and propelled the brown-haired woman off me, shaking all over. From the tip of my hair to my feet. I hugged my trembling shoulders, muttering crazily. "No.. it can't be." I raised my head, meeting the gracefully smiling face of the beautiful woman before me. A woman I was all too familiar with. "Why you.. why are you here.. no, no, no..! You can't be..!"

"Haha.. is that how you see me as? Irene." The brown-haired woman whom I addressed as 'Irene' chided with a side-smirk. "She must've been an unrequited love. I really didn't think you would've been the type to wholeheartedly love a woman. It makes me almost jealous of her."

"Fuck.. what's going on…" I grabbed my head. My temples throbbed uncontrollably, instilling an urge inside of me to bash it against the windows in hopes of ridding the multifarious thoughts that whirled in my mind.

"Why are you so confused, my darling? You should be moaning in joy. You know what, I'll help you. Instead of those witty remarks coming out of your mouth, it'll be better if they were whimpers instead."

Irene, no, the Witch of the West abruptly pulled me in. Her arms seemed to have found home around me, and they tightened me around to the extent I was unable to resist. As much as I pushed, hit, and scratched at her, her Herculean strength didn't subside even an inch.

"How befitting. It feels like I've tamed a wild cat," the Witch of the West remarked sadistically, lifting her brow. Her thumb caressed my bottom lip, rubbing it so roughly it almost tore. And when it did — a round drop of blood surfaced through the newly torn wound — the witch lowered her head, slotting her lips against mine.

I shook my head, trying to evade her lips, but she grasped firmly onto my chin, stilling my movements. She tilted her head to the side, allowing more access to attack my mouth. She tried to pry open my lips, but I gritted my teeth. Her tongue rubbed all over my teeth before she playfully and harshly nipped at my lower lip. I unconsciously opened my mouth to wince, and she took it as an opportunity to plunder her tongue into the inside of my mouth.

"Ha—" The starting of a moan slipped past my lip to which the witch blocked with her mouth.

When she finally separated, a thin line of saliva connected our lips.

"This won't do, Feiya Poloro." She breathed in harshly through her mouth. "I want to embrace you."

This brown-haired woman… no, Irene.. no, it couldn't be. I couldn't determine her true identity. It was as if her tongue were poison that swept away my thoughts.

Ah. I seemed to have introduced Irene too late. In fact, Irene was my ex-girlfriend, and the woman who had kept my heart even after our separation.