

It was a normal day in the Mushroom Kingdom, the sun was shining, and Y/N, Meggy and Tari were hanging out, walking around the park.

Meggy: Ah! What a lovely day, so peaceful

Y/N: Really is huh, it is very relaxing

Tari: You said it

They all walked into town, thinking about browsing the shops in the kingdom, however a sudden massive crowd of people following Hideo Kojima burst out of a store, separating the three of them.

Meggy: Oh god, is Y/N gonna be able to cope with this?!?!

Tari: I hope everyone's okay


Y/N: *Breathing rapidly and heavily* It's gonna be fine, Y/N pull yourself together....

Suddenly Y/N was shoved, and he fell, and the man that walked into him proceeded to yell


Y/N was too scared to reason, he was also distracted, he felt his mind gain control, as his whole body began to shake, his breathing increased and all he could do was crawl in an alleyway and break down.....


Meggy and Tari had grouped up, they were frantically looking for Y/N, as only them and SMG4 knew of his horrible conditions.

Meggy: C'mon, we gotta find him, i can't let him be alone!

Tari: I'll call up SMG4, he can help us search!

SMG4 soon arrived, and the search resumed, the three friends were all very close to Y/N, as they were the only ones Y/N could really open up to about his problems.

After about an hour of searching, Meggy heard some loud breathing in the distance, and instantly knew who it was, as she had dealt with Y/N's breakdowns before

Meggy: Y/N!!

Y/N slightly looked up to see Meggy, his eyes were filled with tears and he was curled in a little ball, his breathing was sporadic and heavy, Meggy quickly knelt down and pulled Y/N into a hug

Meggy: Shhh, its okay, i'm here, you're safe, just keep calm

Y/N strongly held Meggy, clutching her, as if to beg her not to leave, as Meggy texted Tari and SMG4. Who both quickly arrived.

SMG4: We're here bro, we're here

They all slowly gave Y/N a massive hug, calming him down

Y/N: Thanks G-guys

Meggy: It's no problem, you can count on any of us!

They all sat and talked for a while, just keeping the mood calm, making sure Y/N was ok.

After a while, Meggy took Y/N back to her apartment, where they were staying the night, Meggy was still slightly concerned for Y/N

Y/N: Meggy, don't worry, i'm fine now, i promise

Meggy: But what if i couldn't find you, what if i was not there to help, what would happen

Y/N: Meggy, no buts, i'm safe and its because of you that i am, i love you so much *pulls Meggy in for a hug*

Meggy: You're right, i love you too *Accepts hug and kisses Y/N's forehead*

Y/N: Let's get to bed, panic attacks really exhaust me you know

Meggy: Of course...hot stuff

Y/N: Meggy! *Blushes*