

The sun was setting and he had not yet found her. He knew she was somewhere undergoing torture as they tried to get hold of what happened a thousand years ago. Sepher rode in the woods and jumped across the river.as the horse raced up the hill his uncontrolled range shook the skies. Lightning struck all over and the river behind him appeared like a stream of lightning..." I must save you Meryl'' was the only thought keeping him from burning the forest

wnagaru · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs


"what do you mean that the savior will die before he accomplishes his task?" the girl asked again. She removed her cloak and threw it to the floor. her faced glowed with anger. Big brown eyes and dark black hair. All her life she was waiting for the savior and looked up to him. She stamped her feet and walked away. The mother stared at her as she left the door. She walked outside the church and walked to her favorite spot at a cliff where she stared at the big forest that kept them hidden from the followers of Indjj. She stared at her palms and remembered that her grandmother used to brush the with her finger and tell her that she was destined with greatness with the savior. How could she lie when she knew that he was going to die before he completed his purpose. She then lay her head on her knees as she stared at the empty sky. The sun was setting was so was the savior. She heard someone walk behind her and as she looked it was her mother. she came and sat next to her and she took her in her arms as she lay her on her lap.

"You know your grandmother said that you were going to have a great future. Just know that no one can change what was written by the arm of the highest. We are just part of the prophecy and you happen to be caught up in it just do not try to do something we will regret," her mother said.

"I will do whatever destiny has in place for me," she said and rested on her mother's lap. She closed her eyes and visioned the caught savior. Something was just not right.


Things turned out unexpected. Arriety had pulled the sword from the prince. It was by magic or by the power of the gods that he was alive. Though it was due to his bloodline that he was able to stay alive. She sat on the bed as she wiped him with a piece of white clothe. They were already in the palace and now the murderer Slain was going to have to get killed for trying to assassinate a crown prince. She touched the princes face and removed the hair from his face. she stared at his face and could not help but smile. All of a sudden she had no ounce of care towards Slain. The prince slept peacefully just like a child. It was two days later and he was already healing. He was a strong prince she had to admit. She walked out as servant walked in two guards including Calixta were at the door. She walked past them as they bowed. She had to and that murderer.

She walked through the corridors and came to the training ground where Slain was tied up to a pole with chains. It was night and the moon shone lighting up her path. She walked with grace as she approached him and stopped some steps away. She stared at him and she could not help but feel hate. He was receiving severe beating everyday three times. She stared at his face where dry blood was on his face. He was pretty strong for someone who had not eaten for the past two days. he did not show any sign of weakness and his eyes were so much determined that she thought he was going to break the chains and come at her and try killing her. She then turned and walked away but he called her

"Do you really think that I would try to kill a prince for you?" he asked calmly. she turned and looked at his with anger.

"You almost killed the one man who will marry me..." she was cut short by Slain's laughter. She was shocked as he wore a face of menace. Why was he laughing and in two days he was going to be dead? His laugh was like that of a mad man only that he was tied up he would be clapping. Did his life nit matter to him?

"So he was not dead?" he spoke in the midst of the laughter. She felt fear as she stepped back almost tripping, "I knew that this was his plan."

"What is it with you are going insane. You are crazy!" She turned and started walking away.

"Do you really want to execute me Kate?" he asked as she stopped on her heels still. She turned and looked at him. His face was now hard and he was serious.

"You do not deserve to live anymore," she walked in a hurry and went to her room where the maids had prepared a hot bath for her.

In the bath tab she heard footsteps approaching. "Who's there?" she asked as the steps stopped at the string curtain in the bathroom.

"Its Calixta, you asked for me he highness," oh it was her.

"Tomorrow you and I are to visit the king early morning before the king speaks to the people. So you take the night off and be ready," she said as she continued bathing.

"About Slain, you know you can save him. you could plea..." She was cut short by the princess.

"That will never happen. He must face judgement and no one this time is going to save him. So just cut the crap and forget about him. Dismissed.'' Arriety stepped out of the bath tab as two maids covered her up with a towel. She could hear distant footsteps of Calixta. She went to her room where she was going to change and wait for the next day when her father was going to pass his judgement.

She was going to get justice for the prince.


Calixta walked out as she headed to the place where Slain was held. She carried a bag of water and went to him. his hair was all messed and his skin was all messed. His clothes bloody and had no shoes. His legs were bloody too. These soldiers had no mercy. She opened the lid and went to give him the drink. She looked at his eyes and they were the only parts which were him. She touched his face but he nodded pushing her away.

"Anyone who helps me will get exiled. Just leave with you water am not thirsty." Slain said and closed his eyes.

"Tomorrow the king will pass out you judgement. I will try to convince the princess to plea for your life," Calixta said and turned to walk away. A tear fell from her left eye as she walked away fast.

"Do not bother no one will listen you. And never come see me again. We cut off ties before I die and incase I survive I will leave this kingdom and everyone I know." Slain said and looked at the stars. Rain he muttered to himself. A drop fell on Calixta as she looked at the sky which was just starry. more drops fell as she ran to the pavement to head to her quarters. She sobbed as she remembered that Slain had disowned them. She went to her room and she did not bother to bathe.

She woke earlier and had a bath. She dressed officially as she was going to meet the king for the first time. She stepped out and headed towards the princess's chambers. On her was she saw Slain receive the morning dose. All three soldiers beat him in intervals. She could not watch so she hurried towards the chambers. She knocked and as the door opened Arriety was walking out. This beautiful princess was just not real. She was just like an angel that she felt that she would kneel. She bowed as the two walked together side by side. Behind them steps back were two maids. They walked a long distance as the headed to the main hall where the king was always.

As they approached a messenger announced her arrival and the maids were left standing at the door. The hall was large and as they walked the royal maids stared at the princess as she walked. Each of them talking about her beauty. Even a blind person would her for the rest were blinded by her beauty. They walked towards the throne and bowed to the king.

"His majesty," the princess started

"My daughter finally paid her father a visit," the king said laughing s he stroked his beards," To what pleasure do I owe this visit just before the meeting with the people?"

"Father, it about the knight who tried to kill my fiancée.''

"And was he not your knight? I should have just chosen you a female warrior. What about him you know I can never let him go, right?"

"Father I feel offended by his behavior and that you must judge him according to his crime. He should be dismembered and the parts burnt. We cannot live with such a traitor. This is treason and cannot be accepted in our kingdom, father."

"That was merely what I was going to give him. My daughter has been learning politics and that's good you will help your husband. That knight will not live to see tomorrow. Wait and tomorrow and your wish will be granted."

Calixta looked at Arriety with horror. just a few days ago she would not want to see Slain in trouble and now she was asking for his death.

"And who is this beautiful lady with you?" the king asked scaring her back to her senses.

"This woman is a skilled warrior and my request is that you make her my knight. You said you should have chosen a woman. Here she is," Arriety said and looked at her a smile light her face. Calixta smiled back and looked at the king and bowed.

"Do you agree to this Calixta?" the king asked. She was silent for a while but she nodded and kneeled.

"I am ready to do anything on behalf of her majesty and protect her with my life," Calixta said and kneeled.

"Fine then, you are going to be her knight. The people are waiting for me to pass my judgement I will leave you for now," the king said and stepped from the throne and walked out. Two guards followed two maids behind the king.


Almost everyone who could come was here. They all wanted to see who dared tried to kill the man who was going to marry their princess. They also wanted to hear what punishment the king was going to pass to the traitor who dared nullify their name. The crowd was large and in between a person in a black cloak covering the face passed among the crowd. The crowd was noisy and they all went silent as a messenger announced the kings arrival. The king stood at the wall in front of the palace. Everyone looked up and the commotion went down as he began to speak. From below the princess could be seen with her knight next to her.

"This message is a warning to anyone who dares to conspire against royalty. As you all have heard, a knight dared attack the prince of the most powerful nation and almost took his life in our kingdom. We must show them that we can do them justice and today the murderer will be sentenced to death through dismemberment and chopping his head off. Bring the traitor to the front," The king said as Slain was brought a black bag tied on his head. The king pulled the bag off and his face was shown to the world. There were murmurs some of excited girls and some from angry mob.

"Its the handsome knight why would he do it''

"I always wished to see him" said another girl. They seemed excited and sad at the same time.

"I always knew that wickedness was hidden but that handsome face. Just at how dirty and ugly he is, this is how dark his heart is," a man said shouting that all heard and restored the anger of the mob. The person in the black cloak looked at Slain and they caught eyes. The people looked but the person ran away and disappeared through the crowd.

"Tomorrow at noon he will be executed at the guillotine." The king said and headed back.

Slain was left hanging his hands tied with a rope that everyone could see him. The people waited for the king to leave and they started throwing stones and vegetables at him. The whole day he was there and at night he was taken to a cell and the next morning he was dressed white clothes.

Slain was removed from the cell at noon. White clothes were laid on the road as he was dragged out of the palace. The king was the one who was to conduct the execution. The prince had woken up and he too was carried to witness the execution. They walked to the center of the city where the execution was to take place. There never had been such a moment history. Slain was brought forward where he was forced to kneel and his head was placed on the board where he just closed his eyes and waited for his fate. No way he was going to survive the separation of head from the body. The soldier Raised the wide shaped axe and all watched the death of a traitor. Blood spluttered as the murmurs turned to scream. the traitor was no more....