

The sun was setting and he had not yet found her. He knew she was somewhere undergoing torture as they tried to get hold of what happened a thousand years ago. Sepher rode in the woods and jumped across the river.as the horse raced up the hill his uncontrolled range shook the skies. Lightning struck all over and the river behind him appeared like a stream of lightning..." I must save you Meryl'' was the only thought keeping him from burning the forest

wnagaru · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs


"What's your name," he finally asked. She had been waiting to hear him ask all time. She looked at him and let her name slide through her lips.

"Meryl," she whispered. The breeze from the ocean blew towards them as her hair fell on her face. He raised his hand and place it behind her ear as his finger brushed her cheeks. His almost cold hand sent a chill as her face heated and a brush crept on her face.

"Meryl, cool," he said looking away. he stood up and looked away. She too stood and held his hand. She then started walking on the sand as he dragged behind.

"Will hurry, I need to show you the sunset, its always cool as the sun sinks into the ocean," she said hurrying.

They sat on a cliff as they watched the sun set. The ocean below hit the rocks below as it bounced back forming waves and ripples. Slain looked at the sky intently and spoke unconsciously.

" Watch as the blue sky meet the blue ocean in the horizon."

" The sun sets and there falls darkness."

Meryl looked at him and asked him what he was saying. Then she remembered there was a new prophecy that her parents had been talking about. She also remembered she saw it as she was going to rescue slain. It was similar to what Slain was saying.

"I am the sky and you are the ocean and this is where we meet."

Slain continued. Whatever he was talking about she still could not fathom.

"Did you know what your name means? Your name Meryl means bright sea. Do you know what my second name means? It means the blue sky. Something tells me the prophecy in the hall talks about us." Slain continued. How did he know what was written in the halls. She did not care about how he knew but she wanted to know his second name.

"What is your second name?" She asked.

"Barely have I told anyone about it," he started "Sepher."

"Sepher, it means heaven" she repeated, "Sepher is much cool and I want permission to always call you that."

"That's better from you but only you can call me that," he said brushing her hair.

"Sepher," se called playfully.

"Don't keep calling or permission will be denied," he threatened.

"Was that a threat, Sepher?" She said smiling as she stood up.

"Now that I think of it I have no place to sleep but I might as well sleep where I slept last night," he said jokingly.

"That is acceptable but I cant allow it," she said and led the way home as he followed. The moon was rising and the stars were also rising. She led the way as he followed her a few steps away. They reached her home and as she looked behind he was long gone.


Slain rode in the forest as he headed towards the hills. He needed to take a break from all that was happening. He rode in the middle of the night and here was seated on a rock with his horse tied to a tree. He stared at the moon and he couldn't help but think about them. Had he not tried to be a man he would still be with them. He whispered her new name as he swallowed hard. "Arriety" These were the time when he wished that he was still back to his world. He knew if they got arrested they would face a maximus of two years and the he would be free again. He remembered every time he was depressed he would just have a drink with his beloved, "Kate,"

He remembered two days before the heist. The two were drinking in their favorite club. There was just soft music as the two danced together. He kissed her as he went to the counter and brought her a drink. Gave her as he trace his hand on her belly as she swayed her body in the black top. She swallowed it as two guys made an entrance and one of them came straight at her. They pulled her from his grip and one of them forced a kiss on her. She pushed him away as the other guy spanked her from behind. She was furious and turned at him slapping him. The guy smiled and looked at the other one.

"You are a tough one, I see," he said menace written on his face. Slain watched as anger boiled inside him. How dare they take a taken woman and more over his woman. He clenched his fists as he saw Kate tell him to lay low. She then punched one of the guys and the other crossed hands on her stomach lifting her from the ground. She threw her legs and struggled to let go from his grip. The other guy stood up and walked to him . He licked the blood and clenched his fist. He walked to her and gave her a punch on the belly. She was still and could not move. She could not hold the pain. Slain saw the pain in her eyes as the guy laughed maniacally. Slain's anger could not sop him from moving. He rushed towards them with clenched fists. The guy let go of her as they walked towards him. So they were just looking for trouble? Slain punched the guy who had punched her. He let the blood spill on his face. he wiped the blood and rushed to the other guy. He kicked the guy on the leg as he fell. He then rushed towards Kate and picked her. The crowd which had formed around them made way as he carried her past them. Her hand was around his neck as he walked out to his car.

Little did he know what they had done would lead to their doom.

Slain watched the stars and wished he could read them. Then there was Calixta whom he had met here. She was beautiful and he could not forget her. The two of them none of them tried to protect him. They just took him and tried to assassinate him. Then there was this girl he had never meet and she made him forget about his past. She was also in a prophecy with him. Was it destiny that they met. Were they to meet and what was with the fact that he was the sky and she was the sea. How was he to bring destruction to the earth when he was the savior. Did she not say that they were to bring the world to order together. He wanted to believe and join her in unifying the world.


Meryl stood in the temple and looked at the new prophecy. Whatever Slain had said seemed to be true. The prophecy really talked about them but there was no way Slain was going to cause destruction. She was not going to beleive in just any random prophecy. This she swore and walked out. She went to look for Slain's horse but it was gone. She walked back to her house and waited at the gate.

From afar she heard galloping and a neigh. She stood at the road side waiting for Slain. She saw fire light. He was using a fire torch. She could not see his face but suddenly behind him appeared another horse and the rider was carrying a fire torch too. She guessed it was not Slain and then a third rider appeared. Three horses in total. They had a black cloth covering their face revealing just the eyes. Tyrants! She stood before them but they shoved past her headed toward the village. She followed them and from far she saw them light the people's houses. She screamed for them to stop but they rode forward as the village caught fire. Why did the peace have to be disrupted now when there was a new prophecy saying the savior was the destroyer. Or was the prophecy true? The people woke up choked by the smoke. They rushed out and started shouting asking for help. She ran towards the village bell and rung it waking everyone up. The people stood in front of their burning houses as the brave ones got into the houses and rescued the children and the elderly. The village chief and his wife rushed to the scene and stared some incantations. Other priest joined and Meryl too joined.

The incantations started and there was a gust of wind which blew towards the ocean. The wind collected water and formed dark clouds in the sky. With their hands joined and their bodies deep in the spirit they all let out a loud wail as thunder rumbled and lightning sparkled. Water droplets started falling as the people went down on their knees shaken by power of the almighty. The rain put out the fire and smell of ash lingered the atmosphere. Though they managed to put it out and minimize the destruction, they were unable to save two kids and one elderly woman. Some broke their legs and arms while others burnt their faces. Meryl and those who could cast spells tried to heal their wounds. They spent the whole night counting their losses and preparing for how they had to rebuild their houses before sunset the following day. The village chief called all the leaders of the temple and in this meeting they adviced Meryl to stay away.

Meryl walked through the burnt houses and sat at the well. The sun was rising and Slain was nowhere to be seen. She looked at the water and deep down she could see her reflection. The water was calm and as she moved her arm she hit a pebble which dropped inside stirring the water forming ripples her face getting distorted and as the water calmed, her face came to life again. From afar she could see Sepher riding his horse. Where had he been. She walked towards him and stood in front of him. She saw him jump from his horse as he walked towards her holding its reins.


Slain was welcomed by the smell of ash as he neared the village. The rain had forced him to take shelter. He entered the village and it all was in ruins. Whatever happened was not good. He saw burnt black spots in the houses that remained and some places there was the thatching grass which was burnt halfway on the path. At the centre he saw the people gathered and there were three bodies which were covered. Three dead people. Then at the well he saw Meryl. She noticed him and stood and started to walk towards him. She stood infront of the horse. She never stopped that bad habit. He stopped and hopped from the horse. He walked to her. There was a concerned and angry look in her face.

"What happened?" He asked. She was silent for a while and then spoke softly. Anger evident but burried.

"Where were you. I waited but you never showed up," she said.

"I was on my way when the heavy rain stopped me. And why were you waiting for me. Just tell me what happened."

She explained waiting for him when three people in a black and two brown horses rode in the middle of the village carrying fire torches. One was definitely a man and the other two were girls. She explained how they burnt the houses. And how three people died and how they stopped the fire.

"You should have been here to protect the village," she said accusingly. Slain headed towards the crowd and looked at the dead bodies. One of the kids was the one he gave an apple. He felt his inside burn and he reached his sword. He stood up and he was about to walk to his horse when he felt his hand bond. His legs were immobilized and he was pulled towards the elders. The golden binding ropes burnt his hand whenever he tried to wriggle them out.

"It pointless, the harder you try the tighter they become," said the chief. Meryl came towards him but she was immobilized the same way and dropped next to him.

One of the female priests stood infront and addressed the people.

"For many years of peace it has been disrupted by the mistake of this silly girl who foolishly brought in a stranger into our land. She was also the one who freed him and now look at the mess this man has caused. It is only necessary we punish them by cutting his arms and also we will have to get rid of the chiefs daughter title as the next high priestess to get rid af all the bad omen. The new prophecy says that this man will bring destruction and we cannot allow it. We must send him away crippled so he never harm the world in any way. You should make sure to complete the construction of the houses by sundown for our safety. Tommorrow we must chop off his hands and legs. The guards will keep watch that no one will be able to get into our village again.'' The woman said and walked back. Guards came and took Slain and Meryl away.

"Move it people, we must sleep in sheltered houses today," the chief said clapping his hands. Slain and Meryl were thrown into the dungeon underneath the temple. Meryl could not understand. But one thing was certain, she was going to be exiled. Slain lay next to her. She turned and faced him. It was completely dark but she could see him and he could see her. She could not beleive that her mother and father were going to cut off his limbs. That she was not going to allow no matter what was the case. Slain was not a destroyer but a saviour. They stared at each other and a dark smoke was thrown inside and they fell asleep.


A man woke up early as usual and went to his animal house. He carried a milking bowl and his son was behind him carrying a bucket. The boy opened the door and screamed. The father came rushing and he two could not beleive his eyes. His only cow and three goats had been slaughtered. He stood on a pool of blood and tears fell from his eyes. He rushed to the chiefs places and explained what had happened. The chief walked to his animal house and his goats sheep and ten cows also had been slaughtered. He walked out and the whole village was there at his gate to report their animals slaughter. These were the consequences of doubting the savior.

Everyone gathered and they claimed that only Slain was the savior and he should be released to help fight the calamity that befell them but the chief and his fellow priests and priestesses did not yield. The only animals that could be seen wandering outside were the chicken. The chief called the elders for a meeting and they agreed that they were not going to change their mind. Instead, they recruited all the men and gave them spears and swords to keep night watch. The men who never in their lives went to battle...