

 In the year 1996 In the small town west of the San Joaquin River, a baby was born to Joel and LaVonne Allen. They were farmers and showed Josh and his two sisters and brother what hard work looked like. 

Josh Allen's football career started in high school but there was one big problem: he was so bad he was unrated. That didn't stop him from dreaming about playing football. He went to reedley community college where he played football for one year.

 But Josh didn't stop there , he kept direct messaging college coaches but no one gave him an offer. But eventually one college did,University of Wyoming. 

He played there for three years and even got MVP at the Idaho potato bowl.

But one day everything changed he was drafted to the Buffalo Bills and signed a six year contract.

But it didn't end there he was still one of the worst quarterbacks in the nfl but that didn't stop him he practiced so much and now one of the best quarterbacks in the nfl.