
10 Days and 10 Nights

Medusa ran back to the town as people was turning into stone looking at her, but that what she wanted she wanted everyone to look at her. By the time she was done everyone turn to stone but as she thought, two girls and two boys where able to run away before she could get to them. Medusa wanted to take something for Athena as she took something from her, she look over to her left and saw a scarf and some black glasses. She took them and wrap the snakes up and but the black glassed over her eyes so know one can see them, she went back home and grab as much stuff that she could stuff in her bag, She took everything that she had money, food, clothing everything. She was on her way to leave but before she could she kiss all of her family goodbye with tears coming down her face, as she was on her was to Roman.

10 days and 10 night, that's how long it would take her to get to Roman, she knew what she was looking for. The sword that could kill a god, she taught that if she killed Athena that her curse would be lifted because than she take the power of Athena and if that would come true she would because a god her self.