
Medicine God

Arga was a remarkably brilliant doctor in his time, able to cure almost any disease. Because of his genius, he was given the title of the God of Medicine. Due to a mistake by a god, he was struck by lightning and died. To make amends for his mistake, the god brought him back to life as a prince in ancient times. He was reborn with the memories of his previous life. With his genius and the god's help, he will change the fate of the world.

Vnm_Lord · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


## Outside the Banquet Hall

Xiao Tian, who had left the banquet hall, bumped into Taiwu and said, "Taiwu, if anyone looks for me, tell them I've gone to the training room, and no one is allowed to enter until I come out."

"Understood, Prince," replied Taiwu.

Seeing Xiao Tian take the initiative to go to the training room, the Thunder God felt curious and asked telepathically, "Hey, what are you planning to do in the training room?"

"Of course, I'm going to practice martial arts!" replied Xiao Tian.

"Do you even know martial arts?" asked the Thunder God. "You can only heal people," he added telepathically.

"Stop using telepathy and show yourself!" demanded Xiao Tian.

The Thunder God revealed his form in front of Xiao Tian.

"Now that's better. I can talk to you while looking at your face," said Xiao Tian.

"Tch, fine. Now that you can see me, answer my question. Do you know martial arts?" asked the Thunder God.

"No, I don't," replied Xiao Tian.

"Then why are you here?" asked the Thunder God.

"To ask you to teach me martial arts, of course," said Xiao Tian.

"Why should I teach you?" asked the Thunder God.

"Didn't you promise to guide me until I become strong? Has your memory become weak because you're so old?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Hey, I'm still young, you know. I'm only 3000 years old," replied the Thunder God.

"Isn't that very old?"

"My grandmother isn't even that old," said Xiao Tian.

"Don't compare a god's age to a human's!" snapped the Thunder God.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now, teach me how to become strong!" said Xiao Tian, staring at the Thunder God.

"Tch, is that how you ask a god for help?" said the Thunder God.

"If I had a choice, I wouldn't want a god like you around. Did you forget that I ended up like this because of you? So if you want my respect, at least help me become strong," said Xiao Tian.

"Hah, fine. I feel like a failure as a god because I can't deny a human's request," said the Thunder God.

"You failed as a god the moment you accidentally struck a human with lightning," said Xiao Tian.

"This brat... I'll finish you off!" said the Thunder God.

"Did you forget the Sky Emperor's task?" said Xiao Tian.

"Who cares about the Sky Emperor!" said the Thunder God.

**Crash** (Sound of lightning striking the Thunder God)

"Looks like you're being watched, hahaha," said Xiao Tian.

Hearing the sound of lightning, Taiwu immediately opened the training room door.

*Creaaak* The door opened.

"Prince, are you alright?" asked Taiwu. "I heard lightning strike here!"

"Don't worry, I'm fine. The lightning just struck beside me, hehe," replied Xiao Tian.

"My lord, you must leave here. It's not safe. It seems there's a demon in this room causing the lightning to strike," said Taiwu.

"Alright, I'll go," said Xiao Tian.

As Xiao Tian left the training room, he ran into the King and Queen, who were running, worried that Xiao Tian had been struck by lightning.

"Son, are you alright?"

"We came because we heard the sound of lightning," said Xiao Zhaoye, sweat on his face.

"I'm fine, father. It was just stray lightning. Don't worry, as long as the god is with me, I won't get hurt again," said Xiao Tian.

"Are you sure you're okay? At least let the doctor check you," said Xiao Hong, holding Xiao Tian's hand.

"Don't worry, mother, I'm fine. You don't need to worry. Besides, your son is grown and can take care of himself," said Xiao Tian, releasing his mother's grip.

"But..." said Xiao Hong.

"Enough, my wife. Can't you see with your own eyes? Our son is fine, so relax," said Xiao Zhaoye.

"Alright then, father, mother, I'll be going now," said Xiao Tian.

"Where are you going?" asked Xiao Hong.

"Don't worry, mother. I'm just going to my room," replied Xiao Tian.

"Alright, be careful," said Xiao Hong.

"Am I really that clumsy that even walking requires caution?" said Xiao Tian.

"Your mother is just worried about you. Don't think too much about it," said Xiao Zhaoye.

"Alright, I'm off then, father, mother," said Xiao Tian.

As he turned around, Xiao Tian ran into Princess Jia Li.

"Prince, are you alright? I heard you almost got struck by lightning," said Princess Jia Li.

"I'm fine. You don't need to worry. I won't die that easily," said Xiao Tian, leaving Princess Jia Li.

"Prince, where are you going?" asked Princess Jia Li.

"None of your business!" said Xiao Tian.

"Why is the prince trying to distance himself from me? He used to act like a fool, always chasing after me despite being rejected repeatedly. Does he know that I was behind his accident? But why hasn't he reported it to the King and Queen? I must keep an eye on the prince," thought Jia Li.

Xiao Tian walked towards his room, with Princess Jia Li following him.

"Hey kid, it seems like someone is following you," said the Thunder God.

"Is she one of the people trying to kill me?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Yes and no," replied the Thunder God.

"What do you mean?" asked Xiao Tian.

"She did once plan to kill you. But now, she has no intention of killing you. She just wants to investigate you," said the Thunder God.

"I see."

"Come out, I know it's you, Princess Jia Li!" said Xiao Tian.

"Ho...how did you know it was me?" asked Princess Jia Li.

"Just a guess, hahaha."

"I'm heading to my room. Why are you following me? Do you also want to share a room with me? We haven't even gotten engaged yet, and didn't I tell you I'm no longer interested in you!" said Xiao Tian.

"Why are you no longer interested in me?" asked Princess Jia Li.

"Didn't you once plan to kill me, Princess Jia Li?" said Xiao Tian.

"Wh...why do you think that? I never planned to kill you. When did that happen?" asked Princess Jia Li.

"Is your memory failing you? Let me remind you, the ferocious tiger that attacked me in the royal herb forest yesterday. Wasn't that the doing of someone you ordered, Princess Jia Li?" said Xiao Tian.

"If you knew, why didn't you report it to the King and Queen? They are still investigating the case," said Princess Jia Li.

"Because I wanted to thank you," said Xiao Tian.

"Why would you thank me?" asked Princess Jia Li.

"For revealing your true nature, and also because I was looking for a way to cancel our engagement," said Xiao Tian.

"I don't understand what you mean. Weren't you the one who asked to marry me?" asked Princess Jia Li.

"I only pretended to like you so that my father wouldn't engage me to someone else. I knew you always rejected anyone who proposed to you. So if my father was rejected by you, I wouldn't have to worry about the engagement."

"Unfortunately, unexpectedly, you accepted."

"I'm curious why you accepted me. You said you didn't like me, you even tried to kill me. Why didn't you just tell your father that you didn't want to marry me?" asked Xiao Tian.

"I accepted the engagement because my father forced me. I had someone try to hurt you to break the engagement," said Princess Jia Li.

"Why do you hate me so much, Princess Jia Li?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Because you're a useless prince who can't fight, always obsessed with alchemy but without any talent, and most importantly, you play around with your maids! People say there's nothing good about you. You're just a perverted prince who can't do anything and only flirts with maids," said Princess Jia Li.

"After seeing me in person, do you believe those stories?"

"Believe what you want, but I'm not interested in you at all."

"So, don't plan on killing me or harming my people!"

"If you dare to harm my people, I guarantee you won't see tomorrow," said Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian left Princess Jia Li and entered his room.

"Was I wrong about him? Are those stories just baseless rumors?" thought Princess Jia Li.

## Inside Xiao Tian's Room

"Wow, you're quite the actor," said the Thunder God.

"Yeah, I learned from the best," replied Xiao Tian.

"Oh, and who might that be?" asked the Thunder God.

"Aren't you my teacher now? You're the most talented comedian," said Xiao Tian.

"Hey, stop mocking me, or I'll get angry!" said the Thunder God.

"Go ahead and get struck by lightning again," said Xiao Tian.

"Damn it, if it weren't for the Sky Emperor, I'd have finished you off by now!" said the Thunder God.

"Hahaha, just accept your fate. Now tell me how to become strong!" said Xiao Tian.

"First, you have to learn to feel the qi energy. Sit down, close your eyes, clear your mind, and feel the energy flowing through your body," said the Thunder God.

"Alright, I see a small light. Now what?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Feel the qi outside your body, and absorb all the external qi to strengthen your body," said the Thunder God.

"Congratulations, you have become a one-star warrior," said the Thunder God.

"Is that it?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Try breaking something, and you'll notice the difference," said the Thunder God.

"If I go through the door, someone will know.

 It's better to go through the window," said Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian opened the curtains covering his window, but he saw many guards patrolling around it.

"Wow, it's really tight. It seems there's no other way but through the door. Hopefully, no one is outside," said Xiao Tian.

"Wow, I'm lucky there's no one here, hehe," said Xiao Tian.

Before he could take a step further, the palace maids saw him coming out and approached him.

"Hey, prince, where are you going? We were just about to visit your room," said Maid A.

"What do you want to do in my room?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Of course, to keep you company," said Maid B.

"I knew it, he is a pervert, enjoying himself with his maids. Luckily, I'm hiding near his room to watch him," thought Princess Jia Li.

"Sorry, beautiful sisters, I don't have time to keep you company. I have something important to do. Maybe next time," said Xiao Tian, walking away.

"Oh, it's fine, prince. If you need us, just call," said Maid A.

"Alright then, see you," said Xiao Tian with a smile, leaving them.

"Oh god, why does the prince look so handsome today, right, Fang Yin?" said Maid B.

"Yeah, you're right. He looks so handsome," said Fang Yin.

"Hey, your nose is bleeding," said Maid A.

"Where is he going? I thought he wouldn't ignore his maids. Are the rumors really wrong?" wondered Princess Jia Li.

Princess Jia Li continued to follow Xiao Tian out of the palace.

"Hey, it looks like your fiancée is still following you," said the Thunder God.

"Sigh, I don't understand what that woman is thinking. Hey, Thunder God, can you make her lose track of me?" asked Xiao Tian.

"Ah, that's easy. Just pretend to stop and look back like you're searching for someone. When she hides, run as fast as you can," said the Thunder God.

"Good idea," said Xiao Tian.

Xiao Tian followed the Thunder God's plan and managed to escape Princess Jia Li's sight.

"Damn it, why did he suddenly stop? Is he looking for someone? Does he know I'm following him? I must hide so he doesn't see me," thought Princess Jia Li.

"Why is it suddenly quiet? I'd better check what he's doing. Where did he go?" wondered Princess Jia Li.

"Alright, it seems there's no one around, hehe. Let's see if I can break this rock," said Xiao Tian.

**Boom** A large rock shattered with one punch from Xiao Tian.

"Wow, I really have become strong, hahaha. Hey, Thunder God, you're finally a bit useful," said Xiao Tian.

"Tch, you brat, stop mocking me," said the Thunder God.