
Mech Terror

This e-book is about a young man named Gray, who was one of many humans on earth to witness an alien invasion and survive. He not only survived he also fights back, becoming every alien Mech's terror. How he does that? With the help of stolen alien knowledge and a new type of power known as Bio plasma, with this knowledge he builds Mech’s, space ships and all sorts of weapons for his crew that he assembled to fight with him, though he can’t use a Mech at the moment. That is one of his goals for the future! So, join him on his journey as he fights to save mankind and to avenge his dead mother.

Jet_Redelinghuys · ไซไฟ
20 Chs

Chapter 4 Getting some cleaning done

Gray happily flew his new ship away without a care in the world, he laughed out loud and spoke. "Hahahaha, I actually stole an alien ship! I bet I'm one of the few people on earth to do this, if not the only one to do it!"

Gray had big smile on his face, but it did not last long. As a thought came to mind. 'What happens if I am one of the only people to steal an alien ship and acquire their knowledge and get away with it.' It was then that Gray realized that he might not just be facing the alien invaders but also his own kind.

Gray had a good understanding of human nature, especially in times of chaos such as this. The first and biggest problem was that he had actually stolen an alien ship, most of the world governments if not all of them would stop at nothing to get his ship.

Then the next problem was that he had basic knowledge about the aliens. Humanity and the aliens would stop at nothing to capture him and retrieve that knowledge or to stop him from spreading it.

Gray then went on to say. "Hah. I've become the most wanted man in this solar system, haven't I ? I'll need to keep a low profile and not get caught or who knows what will happen to me."

He then decided to keep what he knew to himself to avoid trouble, even if humanity welcomed him with open arms. Could they protect him from the aliens? Highly unlikely.

Gray was not worried about the ship being tracked down. Because he had engaged it in stealth mode and knew this ship better than he knew himself. After all, the information about it was uploaded into his head.

He also understood a bit about the aliens, for example they are a fast-reproducing race that has a queen that gives birth to them.

It takes a new born six hundred days to reach adulthood, during that time they are fed and are grown in special environments till adulthood while they are not taught a thing. When they reach adulthood, they are taught through a neural helmet, just like he was.

This system allows this alien race to thrive, but also unintentionally gave Gray some basic knowledge about them. The reason why its basic knowledge is because the ship had mistaken him for a new pilot candidate.

The ship only has the most basic information about the aliens, it mainly has information about its model and how to fly it. Although a pilot candidate sounds like a special roll, this roll was left for the most untalented and useless aliens.

Nevertheless this information was like gold to the human race and if they ever got it they would become a thorn in the aliens side.

Gray knew this and kept his guard up. He would not let this information slip and endanger himself, knowing that he had this ship gave him hope to avenge his mother and help him to survive this invasion.

After flying the ship for about twenty minutes Gray decided to land it. To his convenience the ship had a rough map of earth and he had only flown it 300km from where it was landed. He looked at the map and found a place to land, it was another farm by the looks of things.

He then landed it next to the farm house. He was not worried about the ship being spotted from space or by people because he left its cloaking mechanism on. It would use more of the ships fuel but he was not worried about that at the moment.

He had landed on a fairly flat piece of ground. Then its hanger doors slowly opened up, then Gray left the control room and crawled through the ships cramped hallways.

He thought 'if only they were slightly bigger than this and not so slippery. Damn, if I'm not careful I might slip and hurt my self or get a mouthful of slime again.'

His body trembled at the thought of tasting that foul smelling slime again. He also knew what the stuff was this time, it was the alien's secretion that was also their excrement. Which they used to help them move around better. But in Gray's case it restricted his movements and it was just disgusting.

"Maybe I can find something to eat here and some cleaning materials." He said as he finely got to the huge hanger bay and breathed in some fresh air.

"Sigh... That smell, it's just… terrible." Gray shook his head and spoke as he enjoyed the fresh air. He stood up and lifted up his right arm to inspect the damage he had received from the alien; a few deep cuts were left on it.

Other than some dry blood that was on his face and sore ears he was actually fine.

"I better hurry up and look for the supplies I need, and a medical kit for my arm to bandage it up, I don't want it getting infected" Gray spoke as hurried and left the ships hanger bay.

He made his way to the farm house; he also noticed that the ship disappeared behind him. He then spoke in an amazed voice. "Even though I knew about it, its still amazing no matter how I look at it."

His eyes shone a bit with curiosity for a few moments. He then slowly made his way to the farm house, when he got to the door that was left open, he called out to see if anyone was there. "Hallo…? Is there any one here?"


After a while without a reply, Gray decided to go inside and see what he could find, he started searching the house for what he needed. Though he did not find any people around, it looked like it was deserted in a hurry. He found some food which he ate without a second thought.

He took a quick shower and used the medicine which he found to disinfect the wounds on is arm. Gray got into some clean clothes that he found and headed to the ship with his new supplies and cleaning materials.

Gray took some bedding, clothes and some tools which he found useful. He was planning on living on the ship, after all it was the safest place on earth at the moment.

He started cleaning all the slime in the lift and hallways. This took him quite a while to get it done. "At least its easer to move around and the smell is almost gone." Gray said happily while he was getting ready to clean the control room.

As soon as the small hatch opened Gray was hit by the worst smell in his entire life, it smelt so bad that Gray almost vomited what he had just eaten. His eyes watered as the smell stung them. He looked around to see where this new and more foul smell had come from.

He spoke out once he had found the source of the smell. "Turns out the smell came for where the dead alien was once lying."

Where the dead alien was lying was now a puddle of smelly, phosphorescent purple slime mixed with bones. Gray almost cried from the pain that his eyes were in, he truly wished he had taken the body of the alien out when he first left the ship.

"Argh! This is going to be a nightmare to clean up!" Gray shouted in an exhausted tone. He was truly tired and his body hurt all over, he was ready to get some sleep.

He then went on to say, "Whatever, it might become worse if I leave it like this any longer."

So, he started cleaning up the control room and that very unpleasant puddle of alien flesh, while he was doing this, he remembered the claim he made earlier. ' But I swear that If I ever come face to face with those F**kers I will tear them apart with my bare hands and drink their blood.'




He shivered at the thought of ever eating alien flesh. "At least I actually tore them apart with my bear hands."

He muttered while cleaning up the mess, after what seemed like an eternity to him, he finely got it cleaned up. He went back to the farm house and found a can of cheap cologne and sprayed it around the hallways and the control room.

He then smiled and muttered in an exhausted tone, "I'm finely done, it doesn't smell so bad and is actually bearable."

Quite pleased with his efforts and hard work. He checked on his phone to see the time, it was already passed six in the evening. He crawled back to the control room and closed the hanger door and made a place for himself to sleep on the floor.

As he laid down to sleep and closed his eyes…

He suddenly opened them and voiced out his concern, "I can't sleep."

Standing up, he went to put on the neural helmet and started familiarizing himself with the ship's functions. Hoping to tire himself out.

As he was pressing and playing with the holographic control system of the ship, he heard a voice that seemed to come from behind him. This made him almost jump from fright, he then cautiously turned his head around to see what it was and saw...