
Mech Terror

This e-book is about a young man named Gray, who was one of many humans on earth to witness an alien invasion and survive. He not only survived he also fights back, becoming every alien Mech's terror. How he does that? With the help of stolen alien knowledge and a new type of power known as Bio plasma, with this knowledge he builds Mech’s, space ships and all sorts of weapons for his crew that he assembled to fight with him, though he can’t use a Mech at the moment. That is one of his goals for the future! So, join him on his journey as he fights to save mankind and to avenge his dead mother.

Jet_Redelinghuys · ไซไฟ
20 Chs

Chapter 20 The Chain Sword

After a while Gray sat down on the lonely chair that in this strange space, he looked at all the things that were on top of the drafting table. This site had almost overwhelmed him, it was like starting a new assignment and not knowing where to start.

His gaze then shifted to the blueprint that was lying neatly in front of him as it lay on the drafting table. Gray started to think and contemplate how he was going to start and approach this design.

He then decided to look into his head for alien knowledge, but after a while Gray's expression became solemn as a frown appeared on his face.

He then rubbed his forehead with his right hand and complained in a low voice, 'What happened to me… I can't seem to remember anything, I can't even remember much about engineering, not the alien engineering nor the engineering I learned back at university.'

This startled him as he was not a bad student at all, he had also received a huge amount of alien knowledge.


After letting out a long and depressing sigh he then continued to mumble to himself, 'I don't understand this should not be happening to me.

I chose the Mind-Body method over the Spirit-World method because it strengthens and allows one's mind to transcend and allows for one to not forget a single thing, it also does the same for the body. Why is it failing me now!?'

Gray held his hand over his face as he was in deep thought, after crunching his brain for a while he could not help but look around him, 'It must have something to do with this place.' He spoke in an exasperated tone.

Not knowing what to do he decided to look at the table again, this time he noticed the books that were on the far left of the table. He got up and walked to them as they weren't within his reach.

Gray then picked up one of the books, which had a black colored hardcover with no title about the book, he then opened it.

To his surprise the book contained information about physics in it, as he flipped through the pages, he noticed that it became more advanced it even contained Bio physics in it this knowledge had far surpassed humanity's knowledge by a long shot.

He then put the book down and picked up another one, this time the book had a red-colored cover with no title to it. He then opened it to find it contain Mathematics that had also surpassed human knowledge.

Gray then smiled as he guessed that this was his missing engineering knowledge that he could no longer remember. He then grabbed all the books and brought them to where he was sitting down.

He then started reading the mathematics one first, and after he finished the first page the information that was on it suddenly disappeared.

He then spoke up with an excited voice, 'So this is how it is? I can remember all the content from the first page without any issues. It's like this book contains beginner to advanced information.'

After Gray said this, he immersed himself in reading it. It felt like an eternity, but at the same time, it felt like time was not moving at all. Gray could only explain this with only one word, 'Strange.' That was the only word that had left his mouth while he was immersed in reading the red book.

After reading for who knows how long he had finished reading the Math and Physics books, he then opened the third book and to his surprise, it had engineering information. To be more specific this book contained knowledge about Bioengineering.

This book was half the size as well as half the thickness as the first two he read before; it had a green cover with no title like the books that came before it. He wondered why this book was so small.

It then dawned on him, that this book contained the very, very, basics of Bioengineering. He knew Fantasma could not gain all the access to the Larcripter's information as the rest of their important information was contained in offline data banks.

This did bother Gray a bit but not too much as he currently did not need such information at the moment.

Gray then chuckled and mumbled to himself in such a low voice that no one would notice if they were not right near him and paying absolute attention to him. 'Hehe… who knows how long they would be able to keep that information from me.'

Without wasting much time Gray started to devour the content of the Bioengineering book. For some reason, Gray felt that as he was relearning this knowledge, he gained a greater understanding of it.

He felt that all that he was learning had become a part of him in a deeper nature, it was like how one would know how to breathe from birth and how breathing occurred without having to think.




Flipping through the last page of the Bioengineering book, Gray now had the confidence to work on his chainsaw design.

He then pushed the books to his side and got all the necessary tools he needed to draft up his design. Gray then started drawing up his concept sketches, he did not lose even an ounce of focus for even a second.

Once the sketch was finished Gray looked at it with a bit of disappointment as it wasn't the best he had drawn and it was not the worst either. He then commented about his work, 'Meh… it isn't the best I've drawn, I'm not an artist after all.'

Gray looked at his sketch for a few minutes thinking of what else he should add, he then mumbled in a joking tone while taping the table with his pen. 'If only I had a computer of some sort to help with designing this chainsaw. Some CAD* would be nice.'

As if the blueprint had heard his words the drawing peeled off it, it was like the white lines of the drawing became tape. The mysterious phenomena had caused Gray to fall off of the chair he was swinging on.


'Ouch!... what the hell was that?' Gray spoke as he as he stood up while rubbing the back of his head.

He saw the white liens assemble into some ugly-looking 3D object that hovered over the blueprint like a hologram, that he could also touch.

It slightly resembled his sketch of the chainsaw. What Gray saw left his mouth gaping open in an 'O' shape.

A few seconds went by before he commented on his drawing turned 3D, 'This looks like sh*t!'

He studied the failed 3D drawing and noticed that he could improve in a lot of places. He also found that the drawing could not be taken out of the space which was over the surface area of the blueprint.

Never less, Gray was motivated as he felt that he could improve more on his concept sketch. He began drawing simple shapes on another blueprint improving his basics, these basic shapes included spheres and cubes.

The same hologram effect happened after he felt that he was done drawing, with the help of the tools he had at his disposal he had gotten a lot better.

He also learned that by adding measurements to them they would also become more accurate, not only that he noticed that he could control and assemble the shapes with his mind. He could also give the drawing's names, such as the name of the material that they were made out of and so on.

Gray's pace at which he improved was astonishing, before he knew it, he had completed the second chainsaw design. he had drawn every component from the bolts to the individual bearings.

It might sound hard but Gray felt that this method was much, much, easier than the CAD* software that he had learned. Gray had mastered the CAD* software he was taught in university, just like all his other peers he had learned with.

After admiring his work Gray noticed that he still could not leave this place. He still could not get his head around what was going on around here. He then asked himself a question, 'I'm finished, aren't I?'

There was no reaction as if this space did not acknowledge that he was done with what he had set out to do. Thinking about this Gray grew exasperated as he was worried about the situation that was going on outside of this space.

After calming himself down a bit, he felt that somehow, he was not yet done. He started going over the steps he had learned in university.

The first is the idea, then comes the sketch, and after the sketch is the 3D model, then comes the simulation to see if the 3D model works under different stress tests…

Gray's mouth curved into a smile as if he had gotten somewhere he then spoke up from the momentum he had from the inspiration, 'That's it I have not yet run a simulation on the design…! But then… how would I simulate without a computer?'

He kept thinking of how he was going to run a simulation and get the chainsaw running. He then tried to get the chainsaw he had drawn working, this seemed to have worked as it started up before it fell to paces.

Gray had just watched this spectacle happen right before his eyes. After looking at the broken 3D model of the chainsaw. This did not surprise Gray as he had already witnessed many strange things in this place.

Although this did not surprise him, he still felt amazed about how it happened as he thought, 'It seems that the chainsaw simulation failed. It looks like I still have a lot of work to do.'

Gray's damaged 3D model did not faze him at all, as he could reassemble it with just a mere thought. He did reassemble it and tried to run the simulation again, but to no avail, the same problem recurred again.

Gray ran the simulation a couple of times while studying it and trying to improve on it. After a couple of dozen attempts, Gray got the simulation to run smoothly, he had to move all sorts of parts around while completely redesigning others.

The redesigned chainsaw had a completely optimized Bio motor that ran more efficiently, this had made Gray extremely happy as he had come up with his own Bio motor design.

That was not all, he now understood how Bio matter could be used in machines better. The motor he had made for his Bike was a complete piece of junk, that miraculously ran without blowing up.

The only problem Gray noticed was that he still could not leave this place, knowing that he still had work to do he did not even stop as he knew the next step was to assemble the parts, he had on the table into the Bio powered chainsaw.

The then picked up the iron pieces and molded them it the parts he needed with his Bio plasma, soon Gray had a complete set of parts made lying on the table.

Gray also noticed that he had gotten better at molding the materials than he was before, he could only smile at the fact that this improvement had happened thanks to him using and drawing out on the blueprint.

Gray had molded the metals and infused his Bio plasma in them so that they had a higher Biocompatibility. If someone else tried to use this Bio chainsaw with their Bio plasma it would work perfectly for them, for the simple reason that his Bio plasma had enhanced the metal's biocompatibility.

As the Bio plasma Gray had infused would dissipate almost instantly, strengthening them in the process and allowing for Bio plasma to pass through them with ease.

It did not take him long to assemble the chainsaw, once he was finished, he tested it to see if it worked as well as the blueprint model. Gray spoke in an excited tone as he looked at his latest and greatest creation, 'All right, let's get this baby running.'

He then infused his Bio plasma into it and it came to life, it ran so well that it did not even seem to be spinning. The cutting chain glided smoothly over the guide bar without even making a sound.

Gray felt like jumping up and down in excitement, he had finely finished the chainsaw. Its chain part of the saw looked like a normal chainsaw while the back part had a complex handle that looked like a sword.

Upon noticing this Gray decided to come up with a name for it, 'I'll name you chain sword.'

Once he had named it Gray felt that he blacked out for a moment before realizing that he was once again back in reality, the fight was on.

[CAD*, is an acronym for computer-aided design.]

Sorry for the late update, I did not have any internet.

Jet_Redelinghuyscreators' thoughts