
Mech Terror

This e-book is about a young man named Gray, who was one of many humans on earth to witness an alien invasion and survive. He not only survived he also fights back, becoming every alien Mech's terror. How he does that? With the help of stolen alien knowledge and a new type of power known as Bio plasma, with this knowledge he builds Mech’s, space ships and all sorts of weapons for his crew that he assembled to fight with him, though he can’t use a Mech at the moment. That is one of his goals for the future! So, join him on his journey as he fights to save mankind and to avenge his dead mother.

Jet_Redelinghuys · ไซไฟ
20 Chs

Chapter 15 Getting a ride

Gray was running quite fast; his destination was a metal scrap yard. Fantasma had found quite a suitable location for Gray to build himself a space ship. Their plan was to go to a scrap yard and use the materials available to make his space ship.

He was going to melt it down and infuse some of the materials with Bio Plasma to produce a promising space craft or at least a useful air craft that runs off of Bio matter, he planned to install stealth systems and weapons on it. Gray also wanted it to have the ability to carry Mech's so that he could fight against the aliens.

After a while of running Gray noticed that his shoes had been completely worn out. So, Gray had to make the rest of the journey bare foot, or so he thought.

He and Fantasma came across an accident scene. It looked like a biker had a head on collision with a small car, but if one were to look carefully… they would be able to notice that the roof of the car had been torn off and there were no bodies in sight!

"Damn, it looks like someone opened a big tin can and extracted the sardines of people that that were in the car and through it to the side. There are also no bodies around, it looks like they were all harvested." Gray said this while he had finished examining the crash site.

"By the looks of things, the biker and car were both going in opposite directions, one of them had gotten distracted by what was probably a Mech and veered off course and had a head on collision with the other. The Mech that they saw had most probably seen the commotion that they had caused and came down to see if it could get some Bio matter, it then proceeded to open the roof of the car and removed its passengers and picked up the dead biker's corpse as well." Fantasma explained to Gray how the accident had played out.

"Hmm… sus." Gray said as he rubbed his chin looking at Fantasma suspiciously, he was not very convinced with her detailed explanation, not even he knew exactly what had happened.

Fantasma noticed the doubtful look on Grays face as he stared at her. "Gray you look quite skeptical, do you not believe me?" Fantasma pouted while she looked at Gray.

"Your detailed explanation is quite sus, where did you get all that information from?" Gray asked Fantasma with a skeptical look on his face.

"Look at all of the clues lying around." Fantasma said as she pointed out all of the evidence that she had uncovered.

It took quite some time for her to do this. But at the end of the day her hard work had paid off as she had managed to show Gray all of the evidence and the calculations that she had made. Once Gray managed to see all of her calculations and the math she had prepared through his phone, he admitted that she was right.

"Okay, okay I admit it you are an awesome investigator." Gray said this as he waved his hands to try and stop her from going on.

"Humph, at least you finely believe me." Fantasma said as she crossed her arms together and looked at Gray while she floated in the air.

"Alright, enough with that lets get down to business. While you were proving yourself, I had an idea. I think modifying and fixing the motorbike would be our best option to get us to our destination as soon as possible." Gray said this to Fantasma while he picked up the damaged motorbike and put it next to the car.

"Sure, what are you planning?" Fantasma questioned him.

"I'm going to use some of the car's parts and infuse them into the motorbike, I will also make it run on Bio Plasma instead of petrol." Gray explained his plan to the curious and playful looking Fantasma.

Once Gray had finished explaining everything to her, he let his Bio plasma flow out of his body. It enveloped both the car and the motorbike, soon liquid metals and other materials were floating in the direction of the disassembling motorbike. He then started to make an electric motor with all the car motors and parts from the motorbike, he then made a special Bio converter that converted Bio plasma into electricity. Then parts started fusing together in a strange and majestic way.

The whole process made no sound, it only took Gray a couple of minutes to finish making it. The finished product looked like a robust oversized off-road motorbike; its color had a mixture of grayish blue and silver on it.

This time Gray had outdone himself as this was by far his greatest creation he had ever come up with. It had a cold vibe to it and looked like it was made to go fast, it had bluish veins that pulsated and glowed when Gray fed it some Bio Plasma. All in all, it was a true beast, one could tell that it was hungry for more Bio Plasma and its need to go fast.

Gray admired his work for a while before he decided to get on it. When he was on it, he let out some of his Bio plasma, it flowed into the beast's veins and the primitive peace of Bio engineering came to life. It made no sound as if it was a vicious predator that was out for a hunt.

"How is it?" Gray asked Fantasma with a smug and proud look on his face.

"Well, for the materials you had on hand… I guess this is the best you would get. It's quite inefficient though." Fantasma gave her honest opinion about Grays work.

When Gray heard this, he was quite disappointed with her answer. 'Tsk. I did not mean to ask you about how efficient it was, I meant how good it looked.' Gray thought, as he still thought the work he had done on the Bike with the amount of time and lack of materials he had was quite an accomplishment.

"Well yeah, not having the time and materials does not help in making something better. It would at least take me a couple of hours to make something with a better efficiency, with what I have." Gray explained this to Fantasma.

To make something with a higher efficiency Gray would have to spend a lot of time to reconfigure the molecular structure. It would consume a huge amount of Bio Plasma during this process, Gray would also need a lot of time to complete this process.

Unfortunately, Gray did not have the advanced tools needed to make rare and important Bio metals. Bio metal is a metal that has been infused with Bio Plasma, while it is being infused it would also be purified to its perfect form.

A perfectly pure metal has a 100% purity which is an extremely pure type of metal, this metal is called native metal. The tool used to purify metal or to infuse Bio Plasma and purify it at the same time, is called a Bio Forge.

There is also a tool that changes the atomic structure of an element to either modify it or change it, this tool allows for large quantities of materials to be modified. Examples of which are turning iron into gold or led into uranium.

It does this by changing the number of protons a nucleus has, this changes the atoms' atomic structure thus changing the element. This tool is called a Bio atomizer. Bio atomizers are one of the most needed tools for space travel as trying to find a certain material for something in space would most of the time prove very challenging, for example if one is on a planet full of copper and there is no water that would be very bad but with a Bio atomizer this problem is negated.

Because of the invention of the Bio atomizer the need for materials in space has been almost nullified, with this long space battles are able to go on for years or even decades. This also made the value of minerals drop like crazy, to a point that aliens did not even value them anymore.

The only valued material is Bio matter, with this one can have almost anything they desire. Bio Plasma is known as an infinite energy that has made many question it, but the answer has never been found… yet.

The third tool is a graviton compressor, this tool uses gravity to compress objects. This is mainly used to make special types of alloys or other things, for example it could turn a piece of carbon into a diamond.

These are the most important tools for space travel, Gray also needed to make three simplified versions of these tools to make his space ship. The whole reason he chose to go to a scrap yard, was to use the raw materials to make his space ship.

"Let's not waist anymore time hare." Gray said, with a cold smile on his face.

"Yep, let's go!" Fantasma said in an excited tone as she pumped her fist up towards the sky.

Because Fantasma was encoded in Grays genes, she did not have to worry about being left behind. No matter how fast Gray goes she would always remain by his side, this was the fate of an encoded AI. If Gray died, she would also die or cease to exist.

Gray then repowered up his bike by feeding it his Bio Plasma, the beast of a machine came to life. It was as if it did not start at all. He gently put his hand on the accelerator and slowly pulled it back. The bike started moving quite slowly as it started off.

Once Gray got the hang of it, he pulled the accelerator back all the way. The true power of the machine was then revealed, it was so powerful that the bike pulled a wheelie. Gray on the other hand did not mind this as he already knew how to ride a motorbike.

Soon he was moving quite fast, on the road full of abandon and wrecked vehicles. This was not a problem for Gray as his senses were sharper, he easily dodged all of them and happily made his way down the highway.

While Gray was moving down the road like a mad biker, he saw two cars block the road up ahead, it looked to have been made with the collision of two cars that had burnt up.

For Gray this was not a problem as he just pulled the accelerator back fully and headed for them even faster.

"Gray, if you don't stop you will have a collision soon!" Fantasma warned him while she floated next to him.

"Haha, calm down! I just want to test something!" Gray shouted, as the wind caused by the speed made it hard to hear his voice. Not that it was even necessary as Fantasma could hear Gray just by listening to him speak in his throat.

The two of them got closer and closer to where the crashed cars were blocking the road. Gray started releasing his Bio Plasma from his body. It looked like a grayish blue cloud that followed him. Once he let out enough Bio Plasma, Gray commanded it to shoot forward and move towards the crashed.

The fog quickly moved according to Grays will and shot forward past him and headed to the crashed cars ahead. Once it got there it split into two fog tentacles and grabbed the two burnt cars and forcefully pushed them in different directions of the highway. This all happened in the nick of time as Gray was just about to hit them.

"Whoo!! That was awesome!" Gray shouted as he slammed his hands on the breaks of the bike. He came to a sudden halt, he then turned around to look at what he had done with his Bio Plasma.

"Nice, so this is the power of Bio Plasma." Gray said while looking at what his power had done. After a short while, Gray continued his journey.