


Nat freaked out when I said I have a date and told me I was finally living a life.

I rolled my eyes. Dramatic much?

When I told my monkeys, Jay smiled and told me to enjoy myself, while Vicky begged me to take him along. It took a lot of time for us to convince him and he finally calmed down when Nat said they would have an indoor date while I was gone.

It's still noon and the clock is not ticking fast enough.

One minute it feels like I only have 5 hours and the next second it feels like I still have 5 hours.


Right now, Nat is going through my closet, trying to find the perfect outfit for today's date. She was doing that for the past 30min and still didn't find anything.

According to her and I quote '' Mr. Hottie will definitely take me to a grand place and all I have is grandma's clothes''

I rolled my eyes and decided to message Hottie.

Me : Where are we going? I don't want to get underdressed or overdressed.

I still didn't get a reply even after waiting for 5min.

Is he just busy doing something or did he forget about the date?

After another 10 min, I finally got a replay.

Mr. Hottie : Dress casually.

What? That's it? He is too straightforward.

I sighed and looked at Nat, who was still going on a rampage to find me a dress.

''Stop messing with my closet, he asked me to dress casually and I know exactly what to wear.''

She pouted and fake glared at me, but let me choose what to wear.

We cleaned my closet and had lunch. As Gemma works only on weekdays, Nat cooks and eats with us. Most of the time, we just order.

It's 3:30 pm and I started getting ready.

I wore denim jeans and a peach-colored top. I decided to go with a strapless bra, since the top looks cute off shoulder. I side-braided my hair to my right. I want to leave my hair free, but I hate it when it gets on my face.





It's 4:55 pm now and I'm a nervous wreck.

What if he changes his mind again and starts ignoring me?

What if he realizes that I'm not enough for him?

What if he stops liking me after this date?


I snapped out my train of useless thoughts when I finally heard it.

Ding. Dong!

I released my shaky breath and went to open the door, but Jay and Vicky beat me.

And there he stood, taking my breath away.

He got me flowers and chocolates.

He gave them to me awkwardly and I took them more awkwardly. We stared at each other without saying anything.

It's my first time seeing him wear something so casual other than suits and he fucking nailed it.

He just wore a simple gray Tshirt, black jeans and a hoodie. His hair looks messy but neat. Is that even a thing?

Nat cleared her throat, smirking at us.

''I don't like you at all, but since mom wants to go out with you, I'll give you a chance'' Jay said, crossing his arms.

Hottie looked amused at him but nodded his head. ''I'll not make you regret your decision''

''Alex!! Buy mamma food! She loves it!!'' Vicky said, making me groan in embarrassment.

Hottie chuckled, nodding his head and bent down to give Vicky and Jay hi-five and when Jay refused, hottie just ruffled his hair making Jay glare at him.

I shook my head at their behavior.

''Shall we go?'' Hottie asked, looking at me.

I nodded my head, giving flowers and chocolates to Nat. I whispered her to let me have atleast one piece of chocolate, making her stomp on my leg.

Ouch! I glared at her and went to him, closing the door, but not before kissing Jay and Vicky a bye.

''You look beautiful'' Hottie said, placing a kiss on my cheek which lasted more than three seconds, making me blush.

''You look beautiful too‐ shit! I mean handsome, yeah handsome.'' I rambled, making him laugh out loud.

I cried internally. Why???

He took my hand and squeezed it.

''Relax'' He whispered, kissing the back of my palm.


Guess where we are?

In a movie theater!!

It's been ages since I actually saw a movie and I eventually lost interest in them.

Not that I'm complaining. But I can't believe he actually brought us to a crowded movie theater considering he is the CEO of the richest company in the country.

It's some scifi movie, it is good and Hottie is so engrossed in it to even acknowledge me.

It was fun looking at him like that. His eyes are narrowed to the screen with interest, taking one popcorn at a time, placing it slowly on his lips and rolling it into his mouth.

As he took a sip from his coke, I watched how his Adams apple bobbed, making me want to lick it. I gulped, suddenly feeling hot.

I leaned back in my seat and noticed the girl sitting on the other side of him also gawking at him. I turned to my right side, finding other girls were also looking at him now and then.

I frowned, not liking it. I want to take him out of here, but since he is enjoying the movie, I gave up on that thought.

Instead, I pulled his hoodie up, making him look at me. He raised his left eyebrow, probably asking me , what the hell is that for? But I grabbed his chin and turned his head towards the screen.

I can't see him now, but at least he will have fewer eyes on him.

After a few minutes, he leaned back and took my hand into his, never leaving it till the end, making me smile like an idiot throughout the movie.

''Where are we going?'' I asked as we entered the car.

''You'll see'' he said, giving me a smile, making my heart jump.

I hesitated. ''Well... I just want to know how much it will take. I have motion sickness and don't want to feel nauseated while we are on the date'' I finished with an awkward chuckle.

''Ah, it will probably take 40min. Is it okay? We'll go somewhere else if it's a problem'' he said with a frown, looking concerned.

I shook my head. ''Nope. I came prepared. Can I open the window?'' I asked while taking out my mask. It surprisingly helps, I only learned it during the pandemic.

He nodded, turning off the AC. I opened the window, only enough for the soft breeze to hit my face.

I am glad that he chose to drive slowly, compared to the time he drove to the theater. Thank God, that was a short drive.

We are both glancing at each other now and then. I can't help it, he is just so handsome. I panicked when his hand reached mine. I pulled away and looked at him like he was crazy.

''What?'' He asked, looking at me confused.

''I know at this point I might sound demanding, but please from now on, while I'm in the car, can you solemnly focus on driving? Eyes on the road, hands on the steering and drive at this pace? I'm sorry but I have a terrible driving experience'' I said, hoping he wouldn't find me a nuisance, that too on our first date.

He chuckled and said okay, making me sigh in relief.

I was confused when we passed my apartment street and headed towards the company.

''What are we doing here?'' I asked, taking off my mask, placing it inside my bag, when we reached the office.

He said nothing even when we got out of the car. He tossed the keys to the guard standing at the entrance and took my hand as we entered the building.

''Well?'' I asked him again when we reached his private elevator.

''Wait for a few minutes will you?'' He said with a chuckle and kissed my hand.

I blushed and nodded my head sheepishly.

I have zero patience.

We entered the elevator and I was confused when he pressed R. It means Rooftop. Only this elevator has this option and I know why. But why are we going there? Don't tell me—

My thoughts were cut short when Hottie pressed me against the elevator, making me gasp. His one hand is on the nape of my neck and the other is on my waist.

''You look breathtakingly beautiful and it takes everything in me to not touch you.'' He said, tracing his lips along my neck, making me whimper.

I bit my lip to stop myself from moaning. I never moaned, atleast not in pleasure.

His hand went inside my top, touching my bare waist. Goosebumps erupted everywhere he touched, sending delicious shivers down my spine. I tilted my neck, to give him more access, when he started kissing my neck and shoulder. Thank god I chose this outfit.

His hand went around my waist and I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, trying to pull him even closer if that was possible.

I moaned and my hand went into his hair, when he sucked the spot below my ear. At this point, I don't even care if I sounded like a dying pig.

I looked up to the elevator and it showed that we are at 43rd floor. I hope time will freeze.

He drew circles around my waist with his thumb, still kissing my neck. I pressed my thighs together when I felt tingling down there.

He started kissing my face, nose, eyes, forehead, everywhere except my lips and it was frustrating. I feel hot, especially my lips. My breasts became heavy, I suddenly felt suffocated.

''Fuck tesoro!! You are irresistible'' he cursed, pulling away.

I moaned in displeasure, making him chuckle.

''Patience tesoro'' he said, kissing my cheek, pulling me out of the elevator.

I scoffed in disbelief. He is talking about patience?

I was awestruck when I saw the helipad, which was decorated with dim lights. We took stairs to get to the top of the helipad.

''I hope you like it'' he said nervously.

I looked at him in disbelief. ''You are kidding, right? It's perfect. I love it!'' I took a deep breath and blinked my tears away.

It's a freaking picnic date!! On the rooftop! That too, on the helipad!! With a perfect view. It's my dream come true.

It's so beautiful. There is a thick blanket in the middle, a few cushions and a small table placed on it with dim lights decorated around us.

I removed my sandals as he removed his shoes and we sat facing each other.

I looked at the food placed on the table. They are still hot, making me wonder how? There is pizza, with extra cheese, lasagna, risotto and, for dessert, my favorite Tiramisu.

''They look delicious'' I said, smiling at him widely.

''They taste delicious too'' he grinned, seeing my excitement.

Oh gosh, can anything make him less attractive?

We talked a lot while eating. I told him about my school crush, Noah, and about my best friend in college, how we suddenly got distant as we both got busy with our careers. I had a boring life, so there is nothing exciting to tell.

Where as Mr. Hottie has such an adventurous life.


''Yes, Rocco and Sam are too wild for my liking, they always plan trips and hiking. Sam just loves new things, always drags us shopping. Rocco says yes to anything and everything as long as it keeps him entertained. Even though I hate to admit it, I did enjoy spending time with them and Monica is a more serious and matured one, keeping us at bay.'' He said and laughed as if he remembered something.

''As you know, we give a 10 day vacation, twice a year to employees, not just them but to their families as well. They can join us or go on their own if they wish to spend time with their families. It was Rocco's idea. I was totally against it but he made a bet and won. Bastard'' he shook his head, making me laugh.

''Well, we need him if our CEO is this grumpy'' I said and took a spoonful of Tiramisu from the box, eating it.

He narrowed his eyes playfully ''I'm not grumpy. Come here'' he said, pulling me towards him by my waist, so my back was pressed to his front and he wrapped his arms around me.

''Tell me more about you''

I sighed and made a humming sound.

''There is really nothing much. My friend in college is also an introvert and all we did was stay in our room and watch kdramas. After my parents' death, I concentrated on my studies. So, if I have any free time, it will be filled with food, sleep and headaches from binge watching all the kdramas''

''You don't like traveling?''

I shrugged ''Nope. I hate traveling because, 1. My motion sickness won't allow me to and 2. I get too tired. But I would love to visit all places around the world without traveling though. I just wish I had my own anywhere door ''

''Some weird and impossible wishes you have'' he said, placing a kiss on my head.

I sighed and turned my head to face him. ''If I knew being in someone's arms feels this good, I would have dated before'' I said teasingly.

He gasped loudly, making me giggle. ''I don't know whether I should feel flattered or offended''

I raised my head and pecked his jaw. ''Definitely flattered''

He grinned, making my heart flutter. I turned towards him fully and started tracing my fingers on his cheeks, trying to feel him, and looked at him. His eyes were darkened with desire.

In a swift motion, he wrapped his hands around my thighs and pulled me close, burying his head in my neck.

My hands instantly went to the back of his head as he started peppering kisses on my neck. I wrapped my legs around him, trying to pull him closer.

I whimpered when he started to suck my neck roughly. He squeezed my waist and gave open mouth kisses on my shoulder blades, pulling my sleeves further down, exposing my cleavage.

This is too much. Too much pleasure, too much need. I gasped as he sucked the skin on the top of my breasts. I-I can't–

My eyes started to tear as my body felt hot.

Again, my lips started to feel hot and trembling with need, need to be kissed.

I bit my lip hard and tilted my neck to give him more access. His hand started moving up and stopped at the side of my breast, still sucking on my neck.

I gripped his hair and moaned out loud when his thumb traced my hardened nipple through the fabric ''L-Lexus''.

He froze and looked at me shocked.

''W-What? Should I not call you that? It's okay if you don't like it, I'll just call you Alex'' I said quickly, not wanting to upset him.

He shook his head. ''No, it's just–'' he gulped ''no one calls me by my middle name. And it feels sexy coming from you'' he groaned, kissing my cheeks and jaw, going further down.

I cupped his face and pulled him up angry.

''What?'' He asked, acting innocently, obviously sensing my anger.

''Why aren't you kissing me?''

He smirked ''That's what I'm doing Tesoro''

''No! You know what I mean!! Why aren't you kissing me on the lips?'' I asked, puckering my lips at him.

He chuckled and looked at me amused.

''I just don't want to be slapped again''

I looked at him in disbelief. He probably did more than kissing at this point.

I slapped his face lightly with an angry frown. ''If you don't kiss me now, I'll slap you hard next ti–'' he cut me off, crashing his lips into mine with a rough kiss.

He gripped my neck, angling it and devoured my lips, making me whimper. I don't even know what to do and how to do, but he is just kissing me senselessly. I tried to pull away from him, his grip was too strong, but I did it with a lot of difficulty. We are both panting hard.

He looked at me cutely, confused.

''As much as I like you to go rough on me, I want to kiss you too. So—''I pecked his lips ''kiss me slowly, so that I can learn how to kiss you back properly''

''I don't mind though'' he muttered and bit my lower lip, pulling it.

''B-But I do'' I managed to choke out.

He finally decided to grant my wish and cupped my cheeks, pulling me close, placing his lips against mine, with a sensual kiss.

His arms wrapped around my waist, while mine went around his neck. He sucked on my lower lip and I followed his lead, sucking his upper lip. I'm not clueless. I have watched so many movies before, so I know how to kiss, but I just need some experience.

So we kissed that night, for god knows how long, under the stars.

That's how my date went.

And I definitely know that it is the best first date I could ever ask for.