


''How is everything Ria?'' I asked her on the phone while going through my wardrobe.

Sam invited me and Nat to her birthday party! She even asked me to bring the kids. I still don't know how she knows about Jay and Vicky. I'm assuming it's either Mr. Agosti or Mr.Ganovese was the one who told her.

Yeah, he is not Hottie anymore.

It's been more than a week since he came to my home. Things were awkward afterwards. I tried to speak to him many times during office hours, but he chose to ignore me. I was so hurt that I almost cried!

So, now back to Ria. As we planned, I booked her a room in NewView! She is staying there from today for two weeks. Hope she finds something against Moretti's!

''Everything is okay. The room is so beautiful! The view from the balcony is awesome.'' She sounds excited.

''I'm glad you like it! But please be careful, if you ever have the slightest doubt that you are in danger, just run from there, OK?''

''Okayyy'' she said in a sing-song voice.

I rolled my eyes ''I'm serious Ria, take care. Bye'' I said and hung up.

One of the biggest reasons why I hate parties is selecting a dress. I always look underdressed. If I dared to wear bold, I'd look overdressed. Urgh!!!!

I decided to wear a black dress. It reached a few inches above the knee. I badly wanted to pull my hair into a bun, just to irk hott- uh, Mr. Ganovese. But I didn't though, instead I curled my hair loosely and let it flow. I also put on some eyeliner and mascara, lip gloss, coconut body lotion. Coconut, I remember when he said about me smelling like a coconut.

Why do you smell like a coconut? I never knew it smelled so good.

Stop thinking about him!!! I closed my eyes tightly and took a deep breath.

I took my clutch and went out of my room. Nat is already here irritating Jay, along with Vicky. She wore a white half-shoulder dress which reached her mid thigh. She looks beautiful! Jay wore a suit and Vicky, being Vicky, wore the complete opposite of his brother.

''You look beautiful Nat!'' I said as I reached them.

She looked at me and gave me an appreciated look. ''And you look more innocent'' she said with a wink, making me pout.

''How do we look Mamma!!'' Vicky asked, giving me a pose holding Jay's hand.

I pretended to think a moment and said ''Not bad''.

I chuckled when he pouted. ''Just kidding, you both look handsome'' I said, pinching his cheeks and kissing his forehead.

He kissed my cheek and said ''You look gorgeous mamma''

''Aww thank you'' I ruffled his hair and turned to Jay.

''Will I not get a compliment from my Mr.Ialwayslookserious?'' I asked him, wiggling my eyebrows.

He rolled his eyes with a smile. ''You always look like an angel mom'' He said, melting my insides.

''Can we go now? You guys are making me jealous'' Nat said, stomping her foot.

Vicky stuck his tongue out at Nat and ran outside.





We are all going in Nat's car. The party is at Sam's house. It took almost 40min.

Ugh!! One day this motion sickness is going to kill me!!

I got out of the car immediately to breathe fresh air so that I could reduce this vomit-like feeling.

Woah... it's not a house, it's a mansion.

We all went inside. It looks like a business gathering more than a birthday party.

I looked around to find a familiar face, but my breath hitched when I saw Mr.Ganovese looking at me.

He wore a black tuxedo holding a wine glass. He is checking me out instead of paying attention to the man beside him. Heat rushed to my cheeks when I saw desire in his eyes.

''There she is'' Nat said, pointing to Sam, who was talking to an elderly couple.

She wore a gold sequin dress, making her presence shine.

Sam saw us and excused herself when we neared her.

''Ah! You guys made it!'' She said, pulling me and Nat into a hug.

''Yeah, Happy birthday by the way!'' I said when she pulled away from us.

''Thank you! Where is my gift?'' She asked when she saw my empty hand.

''I'll give it to you when you tell me what my kids should do here, where they serve only wine!'' I said, folding my hands.

''You mean kid?'' She asked, looking beside me.

I frowned and turned my head. There is only Jay. ''Where is Vicky?'' He sighed and pointed to somewhere in the crowd.

I followed his hand only to find Vicky talking to Mr. Ganovese. I rolled my eyes and looked back at Sam.

''Chill! The real party is on the first floor. This is just for my dad. My role on this floor has just finished.'' She chuckled, pointing.

I nodded my head and said Jay to go with Nat and Sam, but he shook his head. ''I'll come with you''.

So I took Jay with me and went near Mr. Ganovese. ''Vicky! Don't just go like that without telling me.''

''But it's just Alex!'' He said, holding Mr. Ganovese hands.

I looked at him in disbelief ''It's not about who you met, it's about disappearing in a new place without telling me!''.

''Right, Sorry Mamma'' He said with a pout.

''It's okay, just don't do it again.'' He nodded with a smile.

Mr. Ganovese cleared his throat, making me look at him. ''You look beautiful Lucy'' he said, making me all squishy inside.

''Thank you sir'' I said with a fake smile and turned to leave. But an elderly couple who were talking to Sam before stood in front of me.

''Won't you introduce me to your friends here Alex?'' The man asked, looking at me and the kids lovingly.

Mr. Ganovese chuckled and stood beside me. ''Ofcourse I will. This is Lucy Vitale, my assistant, and her kids Jay and Vicky. Lucy, he is Lorenzo De Luca and his wife Diana De Luca.''

''It's nice meeting you Mr and Mrs. De Luca.'' I said, giving them a forced smile. This is making Jay uncomfortable. He doesn't like meeting new people.

''You are so beautiful'' she said, pulling me into a tight hug.

I smiled. ''Nothing compared to you, Mrs. De Luca, you look gorgeous.'' It's true though, she looks around 65, but still has an elegant style.

''True child, she is gorgeous'' Mr. De Luca said, making his wife blush.

Aw. I need this type of relationship!

I told Jay and Vicky to go upstairs and meet with Nat. After that, we spoke for a few minutes. I got to know that they are partners with GG and held 30% shares. That's huge! They lost their family in an accident and live by themselves.

''You guys are stealing the spotlight. Why is it so radiant in here'' Another man around Mr. De Luca's age came and stood near us.

''That's natural Adriano, we De Luca's have that charm in us'' Mr. De Luca laughed, looking at me. I smiled in return.

''Nonno, where is dad?'' He asked, looking at the man.

Nonno? His grandfather?

''He can't make it tonight Alex, his meeting extended''

''Mr. Ganovese, I'm Lucy Vitale. Mr. Alex's assistant'' I introduced myself to him.

''Call me Adriano, Lucy. I'm not working at GG anymore!'' He said, patting my head, making me smile.

These people are so kind. They don't have any ego because they are rich.

''We will go upstairs, Nonno. See you guys later'' Mr. Ganovese said, pulling me by my wrist.

''Oh wait a second Alex!'' Mr. De Luca said, stopping us. ''You have to come to our house along with your kids for lunch, Lucy. And don't even try to turn down our invitation.'' He said in a final tone.

''Is this weekend ok with you?'' I nodded my head not knowing what to say.

''Okay then, Alex brings her on Sunday ''

Why him??

''No need to bother Mr. Ganovese. I can manage-'' I tried to refuse but he interrupted me.

''It's okay Lucy, it's not a bother, I haven't caught up with them in a while too''

They all looked amused.

''That's right Lucy, we haven't seen Alex in a long time.'' Mrs. De Luca said with a smirk, looking at him.

I nodded slowly, looking at them.

Are they talking through their minds?

We said our byes and made our way upstairs. I pulled my hand from his grip and went before him.

Now it looks like a birthday party. There are some kids besides Jay and Vicky. They formed a group and are doing their kids' thing.

Everyone is laughing and chatting. Nat, Sam and Ms. Radaelli are smiling and talking happily. But when Ms. Radaelli saw me coming towards them. She stopped laughing and frowned.

God! I'm not ready for this.

Ms. Radaelli wore a maroon dress. She looks classy and elegant.

''What were you two doing until now, huh?'' Sam asked, smirking.

I rolled my eyes. ''Nothing, we met Mr and Mrs. De Luca. We have talked until now and they invited us for lunch at the weekend. That's it''

Sam and Ms. Radaelli looked at me in disbelief.

''Why would they invite you?'' You guessed right, it's Ms. Radaelli.

''How would I know Ms. Radaelli?'' I sighed, folding my hands.

''Seriously? I know that they are a sweet couple. We have known them since we were kids. The thing is, they never invite anyone other than us to their house. And they just met you Lucy! What magic did you do?'' Sam asked, looking at me with wide eyes.

''The same magic she did on Alex'' Mr. Agosti said, joining us.

''Please Mr. Agosti, not you too'' I said, making all of them laugh, expect, yeah her.

I looked around to find Mr. Ganovese.

''Alex is busy talking on the phone and call me Rocco, I'm not your boss anymore Lucy'' He said, looking at me pleadingly.

I chuckled and nodded. ''Okay, Rocco''

''Oh thank god! I need to celebrate this!'' He said excitedly and asked someone to play music.

The lights became dim, and everyone started dancing with their partners.

Rocco turned towards Nat ''Can I have a dance with you beautiful?''

Nat chuckled and nodded her head. They both went to the dance floor and started dancing.

''Being me sucks'' Ms. Radaelli said with a pout.

Being me sucks too.

''We know'' I almost jumped when I heard Mr. Ganovese.

Jeez Lucy! He isn't talking to you.

''Shut up Alex!'' Ms. Redaelli said, giving him a glare.

''Stop it guys! It's been more than a week, just make up already!'' Sam said to them.

They fought?

''She is the one who stopped talking to me, so only tell her Sam'' He said, making Ms. Redaelli scoff.

''Hey ladies'' Enzo came and joined us.

''Too early Enzo'' Sam said, narrowing her eyes.

''Sorry, had surgery to do. But I did get you a gift. I'm sure you'll forgive me when you open it'' He said, giving her his gift.

''Happy birthday Samantha''

''Ahh! Thanks. It'd better be something useful, Enzo, or someone else will do your surgery tomorrow!'' Sam said, giving him a sweet smile.

That's scary!

I opened my clutch to take out her gift. I brought her a platinum deer heart shaped necklace. I hope she likes it.

''Happy birthday Sam!'' I said while giving it to her.

She gasped ''I forgot about your gift! Or else I would have asked as soon as you got here'' she said, and Ms. Radaelli smacked her.

''You have enough money to buy things! Stop asking everyone for gifts'' Sam pouted, rubbing the spot.

''You look beautiful Lucy'' Enzo said, looking at me.

''Thank you Enzo, you cleaned up nice too'' I can see Mr. Ganovese from the corner of my eyes, glaring at us.

Enzo chuckled and offered his hand ''would you like to dance?''

''I'm not a good dancer though'' I said, taking his hand.

''Then I'll teach you'' Enzo said with a smirk and pulled me to the dance floor.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, while he placed his hands on my hips. We started to dance slowly along with the music.

Enzo pulled me a little closer and glanced at Mr. Ganovese. ''You know, you can't actually gain anything by doing this. Mr. Ganovese doesn't care'' I said, rolling my eyes.

He chuckled ''So you know, huh? That I'm trying to irritate him?''

I nodded ''From the start''

He sighed ''I'm just giving him the taste of his own medicine''

I didn't get what he meant. But I hope this isn't something serious. They are behaving like kids.

''You do know you are behaving like a kid, right?''

Enzo chuckled ''Maybe I am, but who cares?'' He shrugged at the end.

I shook my head, smiling.

''Look at him, it's so satisfying seeing him like this'' Enzo smirked, looking past me.

My eyes widened when I saw Mr. Ganovese coming towards us with a clenched jaw and angry look.

He held my wrist and pushed Enzo, making him stumble back.

Thank god! The lights are dim and the music is loud. Everyone is busy dancing.

My heartbeat reached my ears when he pulled me along with him into a room and closed the door.
