
Meant to be but will never be

Growing up for Tammy was never easy because everything she had she had to work hard for it.which was never an easy thing to do considering she had school as well to deal with and an uncle to bribe to be her guardian so she won't be shifted to foster care.what happens years later when she faces the hard battle of her life being married to a stranger and it's not even a drunken night at Vegas, nope she got married in her dreams and woke up with a gigantic ring that was stuck on her finger. Dean was raised in a group home with about 10 other teenagers but one stood out Laura his childhood sweetheart they knew each other since they were twelve, started dating when they were fourteen and she fell pregnant when she was 17 and died in a freak accident were nobody got even a scratch but she was unrecognizable since that day Dean sweared off love. what happens when he wake up day after a wedding dream and has a wedding band stuck on his finger.

mangi_0707 · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

chapter five

"Melissa you won't believe the scary news I got for you, and I'm sure you're not going to believe me when I tell you, so I'm just going to show you for yourself!" I said, sloughing into the couch breathing heavily, after a failed night at the restaurant

"I got news you won't believe yourself, the is a handsome young doctor that's coming to town, and his going to work at the hospital and in your unit, apparently it was a last-minute thingy because he has some stupid mystery to solve" she said, smiling feet on the couch with her toe painted pink, and face plastered in her latest mask, and pink towel wrapped in her head, cucumber on one eye and the other on her hand, so she could look at me 

"Melissa  not everything it's about a man okay? Now focus I got a lead on the dream wedding stuff" I told her, but she was apparently still dreaming about the mystery doctor coming to town, which I didn't care about because I had my own mystery to solve, and he was none of my concern!

"But they say his handsome with green/blue eyes tall, muscular, and a sharp intense jaw" she said, licking her lips, and I knew she was already invested in this guy, and she won't let go until I talk her out of whatever her little mind was planning, so input my news in the back of my kind, so I can listen to her

" What are you planning?" I said to the lovesick Barbie!

"ow nothing but I just transferred to your department because his coming to work with you guys" she said, smiling, and I rolled my eyes

"Mel you hate old people, you hate touching sick people in general, that's why I always wondered why you wanted to become a doctor in the first place, so want are going to in my department because we deal mostly with emergencies?" I said, raising my brow to her, hoping that she will see my point!

"put IV's and that, that's just easy, I will do the minimum needed, I  will even beg Jessie to pack her files in the reception area where he will frequently visit, before seeing other patients" eye said happily like a child who's eyeing a new toy

"whatever makes you happy" I thought as my phone pinged that I had a new message from the hospital but was the new doctor requesting us for a meeting tomorrow morning at seven, I was already starting to hate him, because my shift started an hour later, but I was glad I was off from the restaurant, so I can actually get a good night sleep tonight, I thought as I got up, and forgot to tell Mel about the content inside the envelope

"good night Mel" I said, going up the stairs leaving the day dreaming queen pampering herself for a  stranger

"good night Tam" I heard just before I entered my room, I did my business  before going to bed thinking about the selfish bastard who is making us come to work an hour early

Do you have a day when everything you could think about or do go wrong that was me the next morning when I woke up an hour late because the alarm clock dimmed unnecessary to wake me up, Mel used up all the hot water, and it was freaking cold outside for reasons only known by the gods because it was summer, then the engine decided you know what Fuck you, I'm not going to start today because I'm also cold, and you idiot forgot to park me inside the garage last night when you rushed inside

I called a taxi, that took forty minutes to actually come because of the traffic, everyone actually took a car, or taxi today because it was so cold, I couldn't wait to get inside the warmth of the hospital forgetting about the meeting that started ten minutes ago, by the time I actually reached the hospital it was eight forty-five, when I saw lack of any nurses in the emergency area that's when it actually dawned to me that I was late for the meeting, and Jessie gave me her motherly scrawl, telling me to run to the damn meeting, and I ran to the boardroom and when I got to the door I heard the deep voice that send shivers in my spine, I breathed heavily before I opened the door, not even realizing my ring was glowing blood-red inside the bigger diamond, I rushed in making everyone in there looked at me, and I almost tripped and fell, that's when  I wished the ground could open and swallow me, instead I got a shock of my life

"Thanks for finally gracing us with your presence nurse?" He said, waiting for me to answer because I forgot to even put my name tag on, how embarrassing, everything that could have gone wrong today already went wrong in the worst way possible!

When I lifted my eyes to answer, my eyes went wide I couldn't breathe, my heart was pounding in my chest so hard it was threatening to break my ribs, I was staring at the blue/green eyes, so intense, and they had the same shock, I had on his face as I probably had and all I was thinking, was he is real, the man in my dreams is real and most importantly I'm not crazy, I got out of my reverie when the man next to him cleared his throat whispering something in his ear, and that's when I also realized people were looking at me

So, instead of answering him, I just went and sat at the back of the meeting because I was too shocked to even say a thing to him afraid that my voice with betray me, but what will actually come out, but I did receive a very well-deserved glare from my co-workers and him