

"Komori-chan," Kuro caught the shy girl's attention. He was looking at his "Forest Training Prank List" to make it look like he was reading files on the students. "Ah, yes. I remember what I wanted to do with you."

"Y-yes?" Koniko looked up shyly. "I-is there something you need of me, Black Lightning-sensei?"

"Just call me Kuro," he said, looking up and smiling softly. "Actually, another student needed a little help with their training. Would you mind helping him out for me?"

"Me..?" Koniko asked, shocked. "Y-you shouldn't trust me with something like that…"

"Bah, nonsense," Kuro waved his had dismissively. "Follow me."


Shihai was moving back and forth between two shadows when he saw Kuro. "What do you want?" He asked dryly.

"Oh, I wanted you to train with someone," Kuro said simply. Shihai looked at him in confusion before it dawned on him.

"You didn't…" Shihai's face when from black to a very dark gray.

"Komori-chan?" Kuro looked behind him and Konoki's head poked out from behind him. "Play nice."


Kuro lead Stain to his first victim- student, a student with a muscled tail, who was swinging from tree to tree. "Ojiro-kun!" Kuro called over. The boy dropped down before seeing Stain. Most of the 1-A students were busy training to notice the appearance of the squad.

"Kuro-sensei…" Ojiro managed, his face as pale as a sheet. "What's he doing here? Wasn't he arrested?"

"Yeah," Kuro shrugged as if this was a normal Thursday. "This guy is going to teach you martial arts. There aren't really many experts left out there, much less ones who were free, so I had to get a little creative."

"Get a little creative…" Ojiro echoed. "I shouldn't even be surprised anymore. Just know my parents will sue if I get killed."


Kuro was standing around as he felt a hand touch his shoulder. "Last time someone tried to copy my quirk, Monoma-kun," Kuro said softly. "It didn't end too well."

Neito paled. How did Kuro know it was him? Kuro turned around. "As you recently learned, I have multiple quirks," Kuro turned around. "It's probably not a good idea to disclose what quirks you've copied."

Neito paled as he realized what four quirks he got. Some of them, like Aegis, weren't all too powerful, but what… what was that one..?

"You should probably dispel it before it takes you over," Kuro said. "Trust me. It's not a pretty sight."

Neito did what he was told, the quirk he had copied instilling an intolerable amount of fear in him. "Now, as far as I know, your body isn't strong enough to use certain quirks," Kuro said. "Anyways, we need to change that."


"Koda-kun," Kuro noticed the boy trying to shout to increase the strength of his vocal chords. "I personally don't think that's an efficient way to strengthen your vocal chords."

Koda jumped and turned around, startled. "K-kuro-sensei!" Koda signed.

"Instead of trying to shout at the top of your lungs, you need to get used to talking more," Kuro said. "Try your best not to use sign language while you're here."

"B-but…" Koda muttered, barely audible.

"That's why I brought someone for you to talk to," Kuro said.

"Koda-kun!~" Toga chirped, tackling the boy.

"H-Himiko-san!" Koda exclaimed, though it was barely louder than a whisper. "D-don't you need to train?"

"Himiko's not here as a student, but as a member of my special division," Kuro explained. "Since the quirk training I have planned for her is rather… violent, she's here as a tutor rather than a student."

"Ne, Koda-kun~" Toga lifted the boy to his feet. "Kuro-nii said that we would be great friends! I'm so excited!"

Kuro walked away, smirking as he could almost feel Koda's glare on him.


Kosei turned as he heard the sound of his quirk being shattered. He turned to see Kuro with a lizard man. "Kuro-sensei!" He said enthusiastically. "What-"

He was cut off as the lizard man dashed to attack him. He panicked and sent out an air wall, which the lizard man cut in half.

"This is Spinner," Kuro introduced. "He will be helping you with the durability of your quirk."

"You better prepare brat," Spinner said with an aggressive tone. "Because by the time I'm done with you, you won't ever see a reptile the same ever again."


"Red Riot Unbreakable!" Kirishima shouted as he pushed his quirk to the limit. Kuro had come up with the name when he saw Kirishima use the max output of his quirk for the first time. He punched a tree, completely shattering it.

"Not bad," Kuro said. "If it weren't for the stupid rules here, I would like to train you a bit harder."

"Rules?" Kirishima asked, turning to see the head of security. "What rules?"

"I'm not allowed to train you too hard," Kuro shrugged. "Let's leave it at that."

Kirishima reverted to his normal form, confused. "Anyways, for now, I want to work on the time limit of your quirk, rather than your Red Riot Unbreakable form."

Kirishima nodded. He knew that Kuro's training was hellish, but what kind of man would he be to back down a challenge?


Kaibara Sen was drilling through the ground with his legs, trying to push the limits of his Gyrate quirk. "Your quirk proficiency isn't bad," Kuro said, catching the boy's attention. "But your fighting style needs some work."

"I'm not even working on that," Sen pointed out bluntly.

"I know," Kuro said. "But combining your quirk with martial arts would be a better use of your time."

Sen nodded. He was thinking about learning martial arts, but his classmates kept on dragging him around to put up with their antics. "Alright," he said. "Teach me."


After leaving Neito to work on his quirk copying and exercising with Magne, the real Kuro went to a quiet, secluded place to meditate. He sat down on a rock and concentrated, attempting to bring himself to his subconscious.

"Why are you here?" Kuro opened his eyes when he heard All for One speaking to him. Kuro smiled as he looked around the enteral void and sat down, a chair materializing behind him.

"Come, sit," Kuro said as another chair and a table appeared in front of him. All for One hesitantly moved and sat down.

"What do you want?" All for One questioned aggressively.

"To play," Kuro said as a game of shogi appeared on the table.

"What is the meaning of this?" All for One asked, now irritated.

"One can learn a lot through a game of shogi," Kuro said as he moved a piece forward.

"That is true," All for One said as he moved a piece. "Why do you want to learn about me? So you could beat the version of me out there?"

"Please," Kuro said as he moved another piece. "I already know about how you fight. I promised I would save you, so I want to get to know you better."

"Midoriya Izuku," All for One said as he moved his piece. "You really are an interesting one."


The two played for some time, talking about how the world was outside of Kuro's subconscious. All for One was very interested in hearing about the state of the League of Villains.

"There was one more thing I wanted to ask you about," Kuro said as he moved a piece. "Checkmate."

"Fuck," All for One sighed. "I wouldn't think I would lose to you of all people. What is this last question you have?"

Kuro smirked.


Kuro sighed as he opened his eyes back in the real world. He thought about doing it now, but he decided to wait a few more hours. After all, he was in a training camp. He might as well train a few people before he did anything drastic.


Sato was lifting weights while working out, trying to extend the time limit of his quirk. "That may help a little bit," Sato turned to the source of the voice and saw Kuro. "But I think you need to get a little adrenaline pumping in you if you really want to up the effectiveness in your quirk."


"KABOOM!" Fukudashi Manga shouted, causing a rock to explode. He rubbed his throat, sighing. This wasn't going anywhere.

"That's an interesting quirk," He turned to see Kuro, who was reading a book and looking at him. "How's your close range fighting?"

"Not too good, sir," Manga admitted. "I've never needed a reason to use it."

"Just call me Kuro," Kuro replied. "It's important to keep a balance. Sometimes you won't always get a team."

Manga nodded, realizing the hero was right. "Now, I want you to work on using your quirk while fighting in close range combat."


Jiro stabbed her earlobes into a stone cliff, amplifying the volume. After a little while, she could hear the faint sound of a blast beat. Curious, she extended her earphone jacks even further. After a little while, she realized someone was playing some music on the other side. Maybe she could actually enjoy herself while training.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the cliff, Kuro walked away, leaving the MP3 player and a speaker with the "Metal Music to Freak Out and Cram To" playlist on shuffle.


Kacchan was continuing to cause explosions in the boiling water, starting to get agitated. He was doing the same thing over and over, and wasn't showing much improvement.

"Katsuki-kun," Kuro said. Kacchan was always Kacchan to him, but Kacchan couldn't know that. "Come with me. I have some rather important training to do with you."

Kacchan muttered something under his breath and he stepped out. As he was about to go to dress up, Kuro walked over and handed him a spare set of clothes. "Wear these."

Kacchan put them on, noting they were a bit heavy. By the time he sensed something wrong, it was too late. Kuro pressed a button and the weight of the clothes increased dramatically. "What the fuck is this?!" Kacchan shouted.

"One hundred fifty kilograms," Kuro said, smirking. "Now run with me, and no using your quirk."

"Fuck you," Kacchan said as Kuro ran off. He contemplated a bit, decided that running was better than sitting in a glorified hot tub all day and chased after him.


Kacchan realized that Kuro wasn't running at the normal pace of a human. He was going much faster. Kacchan yelled and kept up with him, despite the weighted clothing. They ran for a couple hours. By the time Kacchan was done, his limbs were on fire, screaming in pain at the slightest hint of movement.

"What the fuck was that..?" Kacchan asked between pants. He was in a sitting position, but the clothes were still weighing on him. What was the point of this training? Why did Kuro specifically pick him to do this? Why couldn't he have picked stupid Deku or anyone else to do this training?

"What do you think of Izuku?" Kuro asked, mirroring the question that he had asked him on the first day of school.

"Shitty Deku will always be Shitty Deku," Kacchan scoffed. "But you were right. He makes me want to try harder. Get stronger. Bullying him into submission was never right, and I know that now. He's my rival now, and I know I'm a lot stronger because of him, and vice versa."

Kuro nodded, satisfied. "It's good to see that you have to takes to become a real hero," he said, smiling. "Now, I have a little gift for you."

"Gift?" Kacchan forced his head to look up at Kuro's smirking face. The man plucked a strand of hair off his head and offered it to the boy.

"What do you want me to do with this?" Kacchan asked, obviously annoyed. "Is this a fucking joke or something because it's not funny, old man."

"Old man? I'm hurt," Kuro said, holding his chest in mock agony before his face turned back into his trademark smirk. "As for what I want you to do. Simple. I want you to eat it."

I don't know if you're aware, but Me, Myself and I has been put on an indefinite hiatus. I have a few more chapters backlogged for you, but I don't have any other chapters after that. If any of you want to know what would happen after the cutoff, feel free to email me at ofaruleafodrools@gmail.com. I'll give you a synopsis of what happens after the cutoff point. Thank you for supporting this story.

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