

"Occhan! Ochhan!" Ochaco could hear the banging on the door all the way from her room. Ochaco got up, looking down to check if her pajamas were decent, as she was not getting changed to appease Toga's antics. She trudged along towards the door, noting how empty the apartment felt with her parents on a business trip. She eventually makes it to the door, slowly opening it by a crack, revealing Toga, wearing a pretty, red skirt, her hair tied in pigtails.

"Yes..?" Ochaco mumbled. If she wasn't so tired, she probably would have blushed and stammered.

"Occhan, did you forget about our date?" Toga whined, looking dejected.

"D-date?" Like magic, the word caused Ochaco to stir. "I thought that was supposed to be tomorrow…"

"It's Sunday," Toga deadpanned uncharacteristically.

"Ack!" Ochaco's face flared up. She could have sworn that it was Saturday, but due to her tendency to stay up all night studying and training her quirk, sometimes the days blended together. She slammed the door, barely able the manage out. "I-I'm sorry! I'll be right out!"

A couple minutes later, Ochaco opened the door, dressed in a pink skirt, deciding to wear a sunflower hairpin her mother gave her for her tenth birthday. "I-I'm so sorry! I was up all night-"

"It's okay, Occhan!" Toga hastily cut in before Ochaco could start rambling. Her lips parted into a warm smile. "I'm just happy that we can spend some time together."

Ochaco sputtered a little bit as Toga grabbed her hand. "H-Himi- chan!"

"Come on!" Toga chirped, pulling her classmate along, a genuine laugh escaping her. Ochaco smiled softly, her drowsiness long forgotten. Perhaps today wouldn't be that bad.


Ochaco and Toga exited the train to Naruhata. Toga had decided to go here because there was a huge candy shop that has been steadily finding its way in headlines for the past few years. Ochaco had gone once with her parents to celebrate graduating primary school, but she doesn't really remember it all too well.

"Ne, Occhan!" Toga said, tightening the grip she had on Ochaco's hand. "I'm so excited! I've never been here before! Well, I have, but…"

"Hey, I'm here this time," Ochaco smiled at Toga. Ochaco didn't know what happened, but Toga seemed troubled. What happened doesn't matter. What matters is that Ochaco was there to make her friend happy. Toga looked up at her, the girl's frown slowly fading away.

"Thanks, Occhan," Toga pulled her friend into a hug, causing Ochaco's face to redden. "It really means a lot to me."

"N-no problem," Ochaco looked up, meeting Toga's eyes. Her face was still in the color of the tomato, but her lips were curved into a large, genuine, smile. "I'm happy to be there for you."


Eventually, the two arrived at the huge castle known as the "Pop Castle", now the post popular candy store in Japan. "Hey, Himi-chan," Ochaco said, looking around. "The place doesn't seem to crowded today."

"You're right," Toga replied, looking around. There were about fifteen people hanging around the entrance. Sure, they haven't entered, but all the pictures had hundreds of people bustling about the entrance. She pulled out her phone, letting out an audible groan.

"Wha-" Ochaco was cut off when Toga shoved the phone in her friend's face. Ochaco read the top headline of Hero News.


"Of course it would be those two," Ochaco's palm promptly connected with her face after reading the headline.


Two days ago:

"Wouldn't it be a shame if Pop Castle was too crowded for your date on Sunday?" Kuro said as he nudged Ochaco, offering a wink.

"Yeah," Dabi smirked, shooting a glance at Toga, who was busy bothering Shoto. "It wouldn't be as if a high ranking hero would hold a live conference announcing a sidekick for the first time?"

"Uhhh… that would be nice..?" Ochaco was still wrapping her head around the fact that she was going on a "date" with Toga at all to catch the meaning of what the two pros were saying. She chuckled nervously as she hastily looked for a way to excuse herself.


Present Day:

"I don't see how that will work," Toga placed her index finger on her chin and tilted her headed, making a confused frown.

"Nevermind," Ochaco grabbed Toga's hand and pulled her into the store.

"Welcome!" An adult woman with pink hair and the standard uniform, a pink tee that had the words "Pop Castle" with a star in between the words and black jeans smiled at the two girls as soon as they crossed the threshold into the gigantic castle of sweets.

"Hello!~" Toga chirped as she dashed up to the girl, who's nametag read "Kazuho Haneyama", her face positively beaming. "I'm Himiko Toga!"

"Hello, Toga-san," Haneyama said, the customer service smile plastered on her face. "Is that girl over there your girlfriend? We do offer couples packages at this time of year."

"G-g-g-girlfriend?!" Ocacho all but shouted, her face beet red. "We are absolutely n-"

"Yup!" She replied, popping the "p", causing Ochaco to sputter and trip over her words. "Can you show us around? Please?~"

Haneyama's smile morphed from a classic customer service smile to a more genuine smile as she witnessed her antics. She then suppressed a sigh as she was exposed to Toga's secret second quirk: puppy eyes. There was no way she could endure such a powerful technique. Though her younger self might have, the purity in the teen's eyes was something that didn't come often in these parts. "Of course, follow me. I will show you around the castle."


"So, what do you want to be when you grow up?" The three were about an hour into their tour. Haneyama realized that she got along well with the two girls, bringing out a liveliness in her that that she had thought was lost long ago.

"We going to be heroes!" Toga squealed! While Toga may have been oblivious to the hint of grief in Haneyama's eyes, but Ochaco caught it. It was a lot similar to the hint of grief that she would see in Kuro as he looks at the students.

"Ah, I remember when I wanted to be a hero," Haneyama said, a wistful expression on her face before turning serious. "My friend and I tried to play hero a long time ago. If I had any advice for you, you should stop now."

"Why?" Ochaco decided to butt in. It didn't take a detective to know what happened to her friend.

"Just…" Haneyama stopped and looked at the couple with pained eyes. "I-"

"It's okay," Ochaco moved before she thought, placing her hands on Haneyama's. "We'll be okay. I'll make sure of that."

"Me too!" Toga chirped, placing her hands with Ochaco's. "We're too awesome to get hurt!"

Haneyama looked at the two, studying them. She saw the resolve in their eyes and the calices in their hands spoke of unspoken experience. For some reason, Haneyama felt inclined to believe the two girls. Of course, she felt that way about Haimawari. Although she knew how well that turned out, she knew that there was nothing she could do about it. That feeling aside, she had a feeling those two would succeed.

"Alright," Haneyama sighed and shook her head before honing her eyes at the two girls, eyes full of hope. "But promise that you won't do anything stupid."

"Yeah!" The two girls chirped happily before looking at each other, a wide grin on both of their faces.

It's certain, Haneyama thought to herself as she turned around and beckoned the couple to follow her. These two are going places. 'Haimawari, please watch over them.'

I originally wrote this Omake as a celebration for 10,000 hits on AO3, so I decided to upload it here for 50,000 views on WebNovel. I want to thank all of you for reading and supporting me throughout this fic. It truly means the world.

lightningstormtccreators' thoughts