

I am Adam just a normal guy aged 21 with average looks and average height (5.9). currently working at near by grocery store. Their pay is enough for my daily expenses but i always have the thought like build a great career and earn a lot of money. From childhood I love to anime even now and extended by love to manga and novels. First anime I watched is Pokemon then dragon ball z, Naruto and so on. From each anime my interest got more and more. I think in childhood my interest on them is because of child hormones to see cartoon( my guess) but when I got older and re-watch it, every character in anime shows a life lessons like Naruto never give up on your dream ( mentioning only Naruto Anime because Rock Lee is from that universe 😁😁), Sasuke about revenge and rock lee to work hard in only thing you are good at that will take you above all.

I think I got carried away sorry back to story. today I am doing same routine work. my shift is from 2 PM to 11 PM. After work I am on the way to home checking my mobile. while crossing the street I saw a legendary truck heading my way with no breaks. I think my life is going to end here but at the last minute I overcome my fear and got out of it's way. I think I missed my chance to reincarnate. I got up checked for any scratches and bruises. after confirming I am safe I am about to leave that damm place but I passed out.

When I open my eyes I found my self in Japanese style room. I put my self in thinker pose by thinking how I got into this situation. Wait! how the fuck my hands are so small wait! I fucking reincarnated. how is this possible. I know got away from that truck-kun . I think God decided to reincarnate me even if dead or not 😑😑. I thought to shout out of my lungs but only I got cry.


By my cry a 25 to 30 years guy came running to me and started to sing lullaby. when I saw his face with eyes first thing I noticed is his head band. I think I saw it some where. wait! that's konaha head band. I reincarnated in Naruto world.