
Me and my zombie girlfriend.

In this virus-infected world, 80% of the people become zombies, but then again, they are nothing like the zombies in the apocalyptic movie ...... When facing the end of the world, the most important thing is to stay alive safely, but when the main character of the story meets his girlfriend on the run, the trajectory of his life goes completely out of control. The reason is simple. His girlfriend, mutated ...... Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

Rumngsuy · แฟนตาซี
20 Chs

Do Not Open Doors Recklessly

A brief skirmish resulting in four deaths shocked everyone present. 


The survivors regretted their decision, thinking that even starving to death in a safe environment was better than constantly facing death now. The concepts of dying at any moment versus slowly wasting away in safety were completely different.


One male student angrily turned to Wang Cheng, the bespectacled man, and grabbed his collar with trembling hands, "It's all your fault! I'm going to kill you!" 


As he spoke, he tightly gripped his small knife and stabbed towards Wang Cheng.


Driven by fear and hatred, the student's eyes were bloodshot and his face was filled with murderous intent. He acted without any hesitation, clearly driven mad by the situation… People in this state are dangerous and capable of anything on impulse.




Shana reacted instantly to this sudden development, flicking her wrist to knock the knife from the student's hand with her long knife. 


Liu Yuhao was also shocked, only coming to his senses when he heard the sound of metal striking metal. He rushed over to grab the student and threw a hard punch, "Are you crazy?!"


By now, Wang Cheng's face was pale and he was trembling uncontrollably. After finally catching his breath, the way he looked at the student was filled with deep resentment!


The punched student was clearly also stunned. It took him a long time to shakily stand up, looking completely distraught. This was understandable – ordinary people would inevitably have a temporary mental breakdown after a close brush with death. However, the human capacity to endure is strong. After the breakdown, when faced with the reality they have to accept, people like this will recover soon.


Ling Mo, who had been watching coldly, noticed the look in Wang Cheng's eyes and was inwardly shocked. 


Such a look appearing on the seemingly gentle student gave him chills…


"Alright, let's go quickly," Shana said coldly, her expression grim after the deaths of five classmates in such a short time. Seeing the infighting, her tone turned icy.


Wang Cheng was jolted back to alertness and looked at Shana nervously before revealing a strained smile, "Let's go."


He had just nearly been killed, yet could smile again in the blink of an eye. His ability to scheme despite his age… Ling Mo sighed inwardly before turning to pull Ye Lian along as they swiftly left the commercial building with Shana's group.


Temporarily leaving the area densest with zombies, the rest of the journey was relatively safer. They even rested for a while in a supermarket on the way, taking the chance to search for food to replenish their energy and hopefully find some rations for dinner if possible.


The supermarkets in the city center had clearly been looted many times. Tools that could be used as weapons, and most importantly food, had been completely taken. Although some remained, it was under collapsed shelves or amidst nauseating bloodstains and even bones. 


But survival conditions during the apocalypse were cruel to begin with, so they immediately started searching after entering the supermarket. Finding food was already not bad.


Seeing Shana guarding the entrance, Ling Mo relaxed and brought Ye Lian through the relatively large supermarket. 


The supermarket was filled with a strong stench of blood and rot. Corpse remains could be seen everywhere. Many foods that could be used as ingredients, like rice, had completely spoiled in this environment and were inedible. Of course, even if they could find any, this group had no way to cook a meal here.


After his spiritual power increased, Ling Mo felt his senses had also become much sharper. For example, under the same visual conditions and observation method, he could now notice many details he would have just glanced over before. To be exact, while he still did not care about these details, they were immediately committed to memory the moment they entered his field of vision.


This was why Ling Mo noticed the look in Wang Cheng's eyes. He had not paid any attention to the seemingly ordinary survivor previously, only casually sweeping a glance over him…


Yet now as he wandered idly in the supermarket, although there were no gains, Ling Mo vaguely felt something amiss. 


It was like he was being watched by someone!


But looking all around, who was there? Ling Mo frowned, carefully observing the surroundings in the supermarket. When they had entered, Shana and Liu Yuhao had already searched it once, dealing with any discovered zombies. Logically, other than them, there should be no one left inside. 


But with so many shelves, Ling Mo's field of vision was limited and he couldn't fully see every nook and cranny of the supermarket clearly.


However, when he brought Ye Lian to one row of shelves, he suddenly stiffened before immediately revealing a hint of joy!


Ye Lian's instincts had stirred up intense thirst and killing intent! This meant there was a mutated zombie somewhere in the supermarket. 


But why was it only noticed now… A strong sense of unease rose in Ling Mo's heart.


"Ah! Help! Save me!" 


A miserable shriek immediately sounded, and Ling Mo instantly brought Ye Lian rushing towards the source.


Of course he wasn't going to save anyone, but for the mutated zombie!


Passing several rows of shelves continuously, a gory scene appeared before Ling Mo's eyes. In front of a half-open warehouse door, a survivor with an arm torn off and intestines pulled out still twitched with wide eyes. There was also a male student madly rushing towards him – none other than Lu Xin upon closer look.


"Help! Save me!"


However scared of Ling Mo Lu Xin usually was, now he desperately threw himself at Ling Mo, seeking rescue.


But Ling Mo's pupils constricted as he didn't even glance at Lu Xin, immediately controlling Ye Lian to flank the attacker from the side.


Because behind Lu Xin was a big fella! At least 1.8 meters tall, fat all over, with crazed bloody light shining from his red eyes, yet moving agilely and reaching Lu Xin's back in a blink. With a sweep of his huge fan-like hand, Lu Xin's shriek sounded as he was directly smacked away several meters.




Seeing a living person get smacked away just like that before his eyes was still very shocking to Ling Mo. But that kind of speed, that kind of brute force, no wonder he could tear a person apart alive in the blink of an eye.


The situation was obvious at a glance. Lu Xin and the other survivor on his last breath had rashly opened the shut warehouse door, releasing the mutated zombie trapped inside.


Opening doors randomly during the apocalypse was simply suicidal!