
Me and my mind, in the apocalypse

I transmigrated into a world where humans struggle to survive against beasts far more terrifying than I could have ever imagined. Yet humans have awakened and developed superpowers. My arrival in this world will upset the balance especially when one day [Beep... system activated].

Le_Merwen · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Ambush :

Even though I had no experience in hunting, it seems that having the ability telekinesis is a cheatcode. All I had to do was see a rabbit to hook my spirit thread to it and send it flying through the air. All I need then is a blow from a club to kill him on the spot.

Even if the operation disgusted me, it is necessary for my survival. I was careful that the blood didn't stain my clothes which would ruin my plan.

Then I just placed the rabbit at the foot of the tree where I hid and waited for a goblin to come back.

It's a bit basic plan but these creatures don't seem very smart to me. They see a prey, they lose all rationality and throw themselves on it to devour it.

Patiently I waited my time.

Finally after several tens of minutes a goblin arrived. He approaches, sniffing the air and when he discovers the corpse of the still fresh rabbit, he throws himself on it.

He leaned over the corpse after dropping his makeshift weapon and just before his saliva could contaminate my precious trap, the club I hid in the bush rose from the air and crushed his skull.

[Ding...You killed a low level goblin +5 EXP]

"Two more to level up"

I climbed down from my tree, picked up the club and the dead rabbit and left. Of course, I didn't forget to hide the dead goblin in the nearby bush.

It is important to change hiding places because as soon as the goblins smell the blood of their pairs, they immediately come back as a group.

I was able to repeat this action again ten times before the problems found me.

[Level 2 -->4]

[+7 stat points to redistribute]

Goblin Village Viewpoint:

A patrol of about ten goblins sped back to the village. If Altaïr was present, he would have understood that it was the same patrol that had discovered the corpse of the first goblin he had found. Four of the ten goblins were carrying a corpse of their brothers on their backs, but they had one particularity: they all had their heads crushed.

The goblins have gathered to watch the motorcade pass.

(For more understanding of the reader, the author will translate the Goblin dialect to you)

"But what could have done that?"

"Has a new monster appeared in the forest?"

As the onlooker goblins gasped in horror, the procession marched eagerly towards the leader's hut.

They arrived in front of the row of guards and they wanted to pass but...

"Grynkle you're not allowed to go see the chief, he doesn't want to be disturbed at the moment" said a goblin guard with annoyance.

"Zetevirt triple andouille will warn the chef that this is an urgent matter!"

"You know the procedure, when the boss says no it's no"

"I find the bodies of our brothers in the forest every forty meters, so believe me you'll go ask the chief for an audience before I kill you on the spot" threatened Grynkle in a dangerous voice.

"Zetevirt let's go, it's about the lives of our brothers, let's not joke about it so put your quarrel with Grynkle aside" another guard intervened, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hmm fine since it's our brothers, don't move from here, I'll see if the chief is willing" he growled

Zetevirt passed the fabric that hid the interior of the hut and returned. Inside, the room was lit by torches arranged on the walls at the four corners of the room. The ground was paved and flat up to a certain point where stone steps began.

Fifteen steps precisely before encountering a throne made entirely of bone. A throne on which sat eyes closed, head on fist, the chief of the tribe.

As Zetevirt entered, he opened his emerald green eyes.

Without waiting, he bowed, his forehead touching the ground. He was shaking with fear.

"My apologies chief for disturbing your sleep, but an urgent matter reported by a goblin on patrol requires your attention"

"An urgent matter you say, what would be urgent enough to demand my attention? I hope you are sure of yourself, otherwise you will be severely punished!

"Yes sir !"

Zetevirt rushed out of the hut.

"The leader accepted your request but he's in a bad mood so try not to upset him."

"Don't worry about it, it's my problem now"

Grynkle entered the tent and showed the same respect to the leader that Zetevirt had shown earlier.

"What do you want from me ?"

"Our brothers are being savagely murdered by the dozen in the forest, their skulls crushed. In view of the injuries, it would be one of our weapons, the club with a point precisely, but the smell on their bodies does not correspond to a goblin nor even to an animal of the chief dungeon"

"Another tribe has invaded our territory through a portal and sent its scouts?"

"I cannot say with certainty the chief's assumptions, but looking at the rate of killing of our colleagues and the method, I would say that the aggressor is alone and that he fears our number"

"Well sound the horn to call back the goblins alone still outside, give the order to close the gate at the entrance to the village and take my guards with you. Find me this intruder and do not come back until you have finished if you don't want to suffer." The Chief said staring at Grynkle.

Grynkle's scalp twitched and he quickly bowed in consent before stepping out of the cabin.

Grynkle relayed the chief's orders and marched out of the village with the guards as the horn sounded throughout the forest.

Altaïr, at the top of his branch, heard the horn and felt that trouble was not far away.

"I think it's high time to change plans, otherwise death will come looking for me"

"Let's go bury this bastard who enjoys killing our brothers."

The hunt began.

The goblins knew their territory very well. They've been here a long time, and the dungeon has become their playground.

They have been surviving here for so long without starving thanks to the dungeon core. It revives creatures such as deer and other animals that ensure biodiversity. This is possible thanks to the sacrifices that goblins make every day. These sacrifices consist in fact of giving their vital energy to the core. So every day goblins are drawn at random to donate their energy.

This cycle has allowed them to last for generations.

"This enemy is really weird. Where the bodies of our brothers are, his traces are present but as soon as we move away a little they suddenly disappear"

"He must have wings to do such things"

The goblins were talking among themselves and their analysis was clever. Altaïr made a big mistake of underestimating their intelligence.

"Let's find him by his scent, he makes no effort to hide it, it's easy to find him." said one of the guards

"Good" a dangerous gleam shone in Grynkle's eyes.

Back to Altaïr:

"This horn does not bode well, let's change places."

But no matter where I went, no more goblins were present. It's as if they had all vanished.

"The horn that sounded must have brought them all together in the village. What happened to cause them to sound it?"

As I was thinking while swinging from tree to tree, a spear grazed my cheek.

A thin cut appeared on my cheek.

"What is ????"

My concentration shattered and my body crashed into a hard trunk. If my body had been the same as before, I would have died on impact.

I coughed up some blood and my vision which had been a little blurred is restored.

In front of me nine goblins were approaching. One stood in front of the other eight as a kind of commander.

He took off his red-maned helmet and looked me straight in the eye. He began to speak but his language is unknown to me.

Grynkle's point of view:

"Looks like it's just you killing our brothers. You look like a weak stranger to me."

Seeing the questioning gaze of the stranger in front of him, Grynkle began to grow impatient.

"Tell me your motives immediately and maybe you will have the chance to live meeting the chief or die on the spot. What do you choose?"

The stranger in front of him still says nothing. Eye to eye, Grynkle and the stranger looked at each other.

Grynkle took that silence and that look as a provocation.

"Kill him"

The guards behind him started moving.

Back to Altaïr:

The goblin in front of me started to howl when he saw that I didn't answer. Was he too stupid to see that I didn't understand him?

Suddenly he calmed down and spoke his gibberish calmly.

"Is he cursing me or what?"

When I saw the guards behind him start moving, I immediately understood. If I didn't run now I was dead.

The gibberish goblin in front of me jumped at me with his spear. I jerked my head back just in time to feel the draft created by the cold metal passing over my head.

My mind opened, I tied a string to the goblin that had just attacked me and took it off the air to send it flying against a tree.

And resuming my tactics from before I moved from tree to tree like Spider-Man.

Those armed goblins look a lot fiercer to me than the ones I killed easily. They didn't even care about the one who had his skull hit against a tree after I sent him flying.

They were only focused on me. No matter where I went and where I hid, they always managed to find me.

Moreover, I had the impression that they were tireless. They kept chasing me with their bodies wearing iron armor that was a good 20 kg.

[Ding..An urgent quest has been activated]

[9 Goblin-Type and Intermediate Apprentice-Level Monsters Want Your Skin]

[Successfully kill them (0\9)]

[Reward: a mental technique to hide his presence]

"It's time to give me a quest like"

My mental strength is seriously starting to enter a critical state and if I don't find a solution very quickly, death awaits me. It's time to use up the stat points I have left.

"System adds four points in Spirit and five points in Agility"

[Yes host]

It's time to make full use of the strategy I concocted for them: Spider one shot.

I felt a warm current flow through me as my rocking motions were much easier to pull off and hooking up my strings was easier for me.

My body arched to the right and I abruptly changed direction. My mental threads hooked faster and faster. So my speed started to increase exponentially.

I was beginning to see blurry myself.

My mental stamina was running out fast, it's time to start the operation.

[Remaining Mental Strength (19\30)]

The goblins started stressing me out of sight as they sensed me close.

I suddenly appeared to the left of one of the armored guards. With the spiked club in both hands, I hit his head at high speed.

The spikes went through his helmet and his brain. His head banged hard on the hard floor. I lifted the club and hit his head again and again. Blood was squirting everywhere and his helmet was badly dented. When finally:

[Ding...An intermediate goblin was killed +15 EXP]

"A single goblin like him is worth three normal ones, it's profitable!"

And I escaped again seeing the other goblins charging with hatred and rage written on their faces.

This time when their companion died they stopped chasing me and I could rest.

I dug the distance and finally when I was far enough I stopped on a branch.

"Eight to go" I said to myself, closing my eyes to recover my mental strength.