

Maya, a witch with a special ability to create illusions, got a nearly impossible mission. Her mission is to make the vampire prince fall in love with her and then stab him in the heart on the night of the blood moon. Will she be able to complete her mission, or will she get tempted by his beauty?

SRISHTI_CHOUDHARY_6966 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

CH-1. (Galaxy Of Dreams.)

Author's pov:

In the garden of stars, a female who seemed to be in her twenties was sitting ideally. She was so focused on her meditation that she couldn't even sense some people who were coming straight toward her.

In the group of three women, one was dressed in a floral yet royal attire while the others were dressed in a maroon-colored attire. As the lady in the royal attire stood some steps away from that female, she called out, " Maya, wake up."

As soon as those words came out of her mouth, the whole garden echoed with her voice. Slowly the stars and the darkness which was helping them to show their shine started fading away as Maya slowly opened her eyes.

The garden which a few seconds before was glowing with stars was now turned into a normal garden with fresh greenery. Maya blinked twice trying to set her focus on the lady. As she realized who was standing in front of her, she stood up immediately and deeply bowed while greeting her with pure respect and admiration, " Madam Hua, pleased to have you here."

The lady who was continuously staring at Maya smiled and replied, " You may relax, Maya."

With this, Maya stood up, but she still didn't look into her eyes and kept her gaze down out of respect for her. Madam Hua's expression softened as she saw her gesture and a satisfied smile appeared on her face.

"It's my pleasure to have you as my pupil, Maya. Your dedication and discipline made you stronger but your respect for your teacher and your down-to-earth behavior will help you to get excellent opportunities." She stated.

Maya's eyes glinted with hope as she guessed that Madam Hua got her some opportunity still, she didn't show excitement on her face and said politely, " Just say the words, Madam Hua. I will try my best and will never disappoint you."

Madam Hua raised her head with pride and finally stated, " Lady Tian has ordered our presence in the royal court."


Maya was speechless. Lady Tian, the creator of the sky and the cousin of Queen Byul, the creator of stars.

Byul was the one who helped in creating the whole galaxy. As per the old tales, God wanted to create many galaxies, but it took long enough, so he created several creatures that had magical powers to help God for creating galaxies.

Of those several beings, one was Xíngxīng, the creator of planets, and one was Byul, the creator of stars.

As they both completed the task, God set them free from their responsibilities and granted them access to live around any galaxy. Xíngxīng and Byul fell in love with each other while working together. And as God freed them from their responsibility, they both planned to create their galaxy for themselves.

So, after taking permission from God, they created their galaxy named, '' Galaxy of Dreams", where they started living together and started their community of witches and wizards.

Maya understood the importance of this opportunity and she decided in her mind that she will do her best and will not let Madam Hua and Lady Tian be disappointed in her. She nodded her head positively and started following Madam Hua.


At Court House:

The guards standing at the main entrance of the court opened the door by chanting some mantras. Madam Hua smiled politely at the guards. In return, the guards bowed with respect and let Madam Hua and Maya enter the royal courthouse.

It was Maya's first time and she was mesmerized by the architecture of the royal court.

Luxury and royalty were dripping off every artifact kept in that royal court.

The people present in the courthouse were visibly more powerful and rich than Maya and Madam Hua.

The whole Galaxy of Dreams was having its caste system. People with more power and money or people directly related to the royalties were considered High-class people. While people who were having either money or power were considered a Middle-class community who were used to bringing more strength and money to the Royals. These types of people were in majority and as per their hard work they were rewarded with special positions in the Royal Armies and Royal finance ministries.

The last and least were the Low-class people who were having neither power nor money to contribute to the Royals. This community was considered as the Losers or some were called out as cursed souls who in their previous life did something heinous that's why God gave them a life full of hardships as their punishment.

Some ancient scriptures of this Galaxy also narrate that the early loss of economy in the Galaxy made people furious. The Middle-Class community blamed the Low-class people for that misery and started killing them while spreading the rumor that the Low Class was a bad omen for the other communities.

They also spread false information that to come out of the situation of economic loss they all have to kill every single person in the Low-Class community.

As this got into the ear of King Xíngxīng and Queen Byul, they passed a royal law that no community should be harmed especially the Low-Class community.

But the rumor was rooted in a significant number of people and they also sent their message to the Royals that they will not follow the law and that if the Royals tried to stop them then they will also revolt against them.

King and Queen were in great worry and when they asked their royal advisers, one of them who was an old man suggested an idea to stop the violence.

The idea wasn't fully justified to the Low-Class community still it would calm the other communities and they will also not revolt against the Royals but support their decision.

The idea was that the Low-Class people will have to become the slaves of the Royals, High, and Middle-Class communities. According to their theory, to neutralize the bad deed they have to work for the people who did good deeds.

Although The Low-Class community was not so happy about the idea yet they couldn't deny the fact that it will stop the violence while the other communities were happy about this idea and agreed to it.

Soon, the idea got passed and was made into a Royal Law. At first, the Low-Class people didn't like the fact that they have to work for others as a slave but soon when they started getting money for their work, their living lifestyle also got better which made them realize that it wasn't that bad to work for others.

But soon their happiness got covered by the greed of Evil people who still thought of the Low-Class community as being cursed. So, those people thought that to torment those people. They stopped giving their fairs and started pressurizing them with a lot of work.

Soon, this thinking spread out throughout the whole Galaxy and people of other communities started tormenting the Low-Class people.

But one night, a woman lost her husband and her son as they were exploited by their owners which lead to their death.

That woman was filled with rage and vengeance. She straight went up to the hill of God from where the prayers were listened to by God. As she reached the top she asked God about the unfair death and life she and her family had.

When God heard her dreadful situation. He created a feminine figure from his energy and sent her to the Galaxy of Dreams, to know the exact situation of the Galaxy.

That feminine figure obeyed God's order and started living as a Low-Class woman in that Galaxy.

And as expected, she was treated miserably and was exploited like any other Low-Class person. That feminine figure got angry seeing such heinous acts done by the people of other communities and she was also angry with Xíngxīng and Byul as they both were also letting injustice happen to the beings who didn't have the power to protect themselves. Even after knowing that those people were dependent on them for justice still they didn't do anything.

But before doing anything she went to the Hill of God and told him everything that happened to her and was seen by her. God was also disappointed with Xíngxīng and Byul. They deserved to be punished, so, he permitted that feminine figure to take action against the injustice happening to the people.

As she got permission, that day when the sun was setting and the red-colored moon started to appear in the sky, she cursed the Galaxy of Dreams.

Her words were, " The world in which beings with power exploit the powerless cannot be a place created by God but by Devils. So, I curse the creator of this Galaxy and the powerful people who exploited the powerless beings to convert into stones just as their hearts are, cold and emotionless."

As her words echoed in the Galaxy, slowly all the powerful and rich beings including the royals started to turn into stone. As Byul got to know about the curse, she straight went up to the Hill of God and prayed to that Feminine figure to give her a chance but that feminine figure was very furious with the royals especially the King and the Queen.

Byul didn't lose hope and started praying to her creator, God, and asked him for mercy as everyone knows that God loves his creations and has mercy for all, so, he protected Xíngxīng and Byul's child which Byul was still carrying in her womb.

" I can't protect you as you are also the one who did a sin by not doing justice with your people but I can protect your child who is still innocent. Your child will have great powers and will free you and your people from the curse. But remember Byul, if she also walked to the same path and did injustice to someone innocent just like you and Xíngxīng. The curse will be applied to her from the same moment and she will also turn into a stone."

Listening to God's words, Byul bowed to him and God disappeared. As God disappeared, Byul started to turn into stone. She panicked but then calming herself down using her powers she transferred her child into that feminine figure's womb and requested to her, " Oh, the beautiful creation of God, please help me by taking my child into your womb."

The feminine figure gladly accepted the child and said, " Byul, I will protect your child with my life."

As she completed her sentence, a tear escaped from Byul's eyes before she turned into that stone which afterward became a white crystal as it touched the ground.

That feminine figure slowly picked up that crystal and left from there after staring at Byul who then turned into a stone.

The old scriptures also said that during the time of giving birth to Byul's child, that feminine figure couldn't bear the pain which she had to go through and passed away.

But soon the people of royal blood found the princess and was brought back by Lady Tian into the Galaxy of Dreams.

They also say that it was the stone which was the tear of Byul from which they recognized her.

Thank You for taking interest in my story and reading it. Hope you and I will make to the end of this story.

Also, as I am a new author please bear with my normal writing style and grammatical mistakes.

As per time with my experience and your reviews I'll surely improve myself.

Till then stay tuned--

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