
Maximus power

Maximus Power the power to enhance your strength is a powerful skill, but is it strong enough to beat a monster of shadow

Maximus_Blick · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Power of the Ancestor

the figure started to laugh "You're impressive, a boy whose only power is drawing out your full strength, which would be impressive, if it wasn't because your lack knowledge of how your power works and how little strength you have, however even with all those set back, you were still able to use it to draw in you're mothers power of the Alpha wolf." Maximus still confused on what was going on asked "wait, wait, hold up, who are you again?" stunning Omega "wait hold on... you .. don't know who I'am your parents never told you who I'am?" his voice trembled "I'am Omega Blick also known as the conqueror of Avos, Quintips and the one who discovered the all star, your'e telling me you don't know me?" "no nothing is coming up" Maximus responded stunning Omega "I can't believe it have I been forgotten already." Omega whispered to himself.As Maximus wandered what Omega was whispering about he asked "yeah...so... you said something about me able to use my mums power, can you explain?" Omega in a upset tone explained "well thats what your power is it makes you draw out huge amount of power that you can use to enhance your physical ability and you can use it on anything as well like your'e dragon blade or a simple piece of stone, you can also use it with power of the ancestor to reach into past ancestors and draw out their power to its highest potential, like your'e mothers power it should've taken you iinyanga (months) to learn how to even turn into a wolf, but due to your power you were able to learn how to do everything in matter of weeks." Maximus amazed of what he learned replied "so that means I'm able to even use my power on anything and it would make it into a deadly weapon?" "yes basically, however it's a one time use so it won't last forever and due to lack of strength you cant use your body unless you have no other choice, that's why your father gave you the dragon blade and gun, due to it being made out of a dragon bone steel it can take up to 75% of your power." Omega responded now starting to sound a bit better."whelp, looks like your times up boy, its time for you to leave you've been here to long." Omega stated and as turned around Maximus yelled out "wait, I still got more question to ask...!" but it was in vain for smoke started to appear engulfing him and then flash. He was back in the ship and as he stood up from the A.D. he started to think "if I'm able to draw out powers of my past ancestors and enhance it then what is my limit? how far down can I go? what will happen if I'm able to Master it?" and as Maximus thought he could hear the sounds of things breaking "wait, they're still at it? I better stop this before it gets ugly." as Maximus left he pondered "what is the full extent of Master J's power.