
Maximus power

Maximus Power the power to enhance your strength is a powerful skill, but is it strong enough to beat a monster of shadow

Maximus_Blick · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs


As Charles went to the control panel he asked "So wait, where is Bunker AT3 ?" Maximus finding a chair to sit down responded saying "Omega said it was in the U.A. and it was the most secure one during his time and apparently he wasn't alone he was with a group as well." "wait but what are we gonna do during the time, since we'll still need info and the people will probably need it?" Calida responded finding another seat. "Oh yeah, that's also another thing to worry about, how about this we'll go down to Earth and set up our base, then we'll worry about that." Charles said messing with the panel then with a tap of a finger, the room started to gradually spin then flash the ship finally stopped upon a immense magenta blue lake "uh... dude what the hell did you just do?" Maximus asked holding on to his mouth, ready to puke as he turned his head to the left he saw Calida on the floor unconscious and to the right he saw Charles on top of the panel "I might've pressed the wrong buttons." Charles said as he tried to get off the panel and Maximus in a sarcastic tone yelled out "Well nah, uh Master J is gonna kill us, wait where are we?" Charles patting the control panel answered "we're above lake Michigan-Huron the panel says the base is under here." and as Maximus turned to look outside upon the lake, he was amazed at the dazzling lake and all the wild life and all the green mossy trees that surround the lake "wow, it's so... huge, oh yeah Charles how do we enter base?" Maximus asked turning back to Charles who was still trying to understand how this high-tech gadget "uh... got it!" Charles yelled out, as Maximus tried to help out an unconscious Calida."the only way to enter in is if we have a specific person that's you!" Charles continued impressed of how complex the system is, "wait then how do I unlock it then, since I've still haven't master my power?" Maximus asked laying Calida on her chair "no, no power needed all we need is the dragon sword dad gave you." Charles answered pointing at the sword."Wait why do we need my sword?" Maximus asked holding his sword."think of it as a key, see their is a place near the statue that you have to put the sword in then it should teleport us their." Charles explained as he tried to find a place to land the massive plane, "oh, if that's all ill just go down their myself just get ready to be teleported with me." Maximus answered leaving the room with a smirk.

As Maximus was exiting the ship he was then stopped by a cold and harsh voice "And where do you think you're going boy?" Master J asked his voice sending shivers down Maximus spine, "oh, uh Master J, I.. I'm going t..to unlock the base." Maximus stuttered frightened of what Master J was thinking about "stand firm boy, you had the guts to fight me so at least stand straight, that's the first lesson I taught you when you stayed with me." Master J responded and as he turned to leave Maximus responded "thank you, grandfather." as he turned to leave, surprising Master J but leaving him with a smile on his face. As Maximus made his way down to the hanger to open the back of the ship he thought to himself "Wait, hold on I'm not even able to use Alpha to cushion the landing like back in space, so how the heck am I supposed to get down?!" as Maximus started scratching his head he remembered what Master J said "stand firm boy, you had the guts to fight me so at least stand straight." as Maximus thought over what Master J said he suddenly had a questionable idea, with a smirk on his face opened the back of the hanger.As the wind swept through his face, he took a deep breath and leaped of the plane and as he dived down from the sky like a shooting star, he could feel his sockets rolling back into his eyes. He never felt such a rush in a while and as he started to see the hard ground, he moved his body into a weird position his legs were both straight pointing to the ground, his right hand curled up into a fist and his left hand hand behind his back and as Maximus plummeted to the ground, he knew that this was a life or death situation and as he was only centimetres of the ground, he punched the ground using all his strength leaving a small crater in the ground. "well, well, well looks like Master J was right, all I had to do was stand firm." Maximus spoke coming out of the rubble unharmed except for his left hand which was completely shattered "oh, crap my hand, is this the toll it takes to use that move?!" Maximus wondered holding his hand in pain."crap,crap,crap I made this much of a crater using that move, I better get out of here before anyone sees me in here." Maximus thought as he climbed out of the mammoth sized crater "Now, where in the hell is that statue, Charles spoke about?" Maximus asked himself as he wondered through the park aimlessly. But as Maximus turned he saw the statue tucked away by the lush greenery and as Maximus walked up to the statue, he started to see how old the statue was their it had lost its right leg and left hand hand it was covered in bird poop and green and was filled with spray paint as Maximus looked at the statues face more closely he saw Omega's face."wow this dude's full of him self and he's supposed to be a powerful ancestor of mine." Maximus thought to himself then he noticed something, on the statue of Omega's right hand their was something metal sticking out as if something needed to be placed their "so that's where my sword supposed to go, thank goodness we have Charles with us." Maximus chuckled to himself as he was putting the sword through the hand, then Maximus heard a little click then the statue started to rumble then snap. Maximus disappeared and so did the ship all that was left was the old statue as if nothing happened."Maximus, Maximus oh their you are you okay?" As Maximus started to open his eyes he saw Calida kneeling down to tend to Maximus hand then as Maximus tried to move she stopped him yelling "Don't move, not till you're hand is healed, like c'mon how dumb could you be that you'd jump off the god danm ship?!" Maximus with a chuckle responded "hey it's nothing I'll just walk it off." as he stood up he realized that he wasn't in the ship and as he looked around the room he saw posters, books, maps and as he looked up at the ceiling he saw a art work of 4 stars all surrounding a huge star but the room looked run down and out of use "uh... is this bunker AT3?" Maximus asked, Calida who was packing the first aid kit responded saying "well, yeah what were you expecting, this was out of use for a long time, so obviously it's going to be dusty." and as Maximus looked at his left hand which has started to recover from the impact it took he asked "where's Master J and Charles?" "they're in another room cleaning up Master J told me to help you clean up this room,but due to your injuries you'll just be dead weight, so I'll just do it myself." Calida responded already taking down some posters "hey c'mon I can do something to come on let me help." Maximus responded trying to lift up a box, but letting it go immediately and holding his hand which has started to swell."like I said dead weight, just go I'll be fine." Calida responded trying to hold back the laughter. "Ok, ok I get it I'm dead weight, I'll just go and see what Charles and Master J are doing." Maximus answered back walking out of the room still holding his hand."danm why does she act like that, all I wanted to help her out, uh forget about her what I really need to worry about is what Master J is doing to my brother?" Maximus thought to himself, as soon as he thought that he could hear a crash nearby "shoot what did Charles do to make Master J this mad? Maximus thought to himself as he dashed towards a room and on the top read a sign that said "training room." Maximus realising what was going thought "whelp he's a dead man" as he walked in.