
Maximus power

Maximus Power the power to enhance your strength is a powerful skill, but is it strong enough to beat a monster of shadow

Maximus_Blick · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Eagle of Alliance : Eagle's all seeing vision

As the lesson started Mr Rees asked Calida to sit next to Lucas for the time bieng

"Hey, Hey." Lucas whispered trying to get Calida's attention "Come on Calida it's important." as he poked her with a pencil

Calida quickly grabbed and snapped the pencil in half as she asked "What is it?!" as she put the pencil in her bag

"... dude, I was just wondering where Maximus was?" Lucas said half irratated about his pencil.

"Not sure I think he's in a science class right now," Calida responded as she started to write down what was on the board, "We'll talk to him later, but why'd you want to know?" Calida asked.

"Cause I found a place where we could train it's at the top of the school no one goes there but me." Lucas whispered as he started to play on his phone.

"then let's go after class and with your speed you can go find Maximus." Calida replied.

"then let's go." Lucas said with a straight face

"But isn't les..." as she was about to finish the bell rang.

"How... did you know that ,was going to happen." Calida asked, as she put her things away.

"let's just say it a lucky guess, now go up I'll go get Maximus." Lucas said as he jumped over the table and ran to the door before the teacher could even notice.As Maximus exited the room putting his papers in his bag ,Lucas appeared right in front of him as he suddenly felt a took a firm grip on his hand and as he blinked he was on top of the school, as he looked around he could see a fence surrounding the top of the building.

"Hey uh Lucas what the hell did you just do?" Maximus asked as he suddenly felt weesy from the instant speed,

"He brought you here for some training." Calida answered as she took out her sword from her bag, "He said no one comes up here so let make use of this space now let's try the fire gear." Calida said as she dropped her bag on the floor.

"uh why do you have you sword and how come I can't use mine?" Maximus asked just before Calida went for a instant kill on the neck that would of hit if Maximus didn't catch the sword.Backing off as he checked his hand as he felt a burning sensation on his hand, but as he checked Calida leaped towards him ,like a lion after it's prey, cutting through the air as Maximus went in with a blow to the chest his fist went through like he was hitting thin air as he realised that she left a small mirage of herself as she snuck behind him hitting him on the head.

"Game!" Lucas shouted he was in front of the door with a turkey baguette he got from the store, as he took a bite he continued by responding "Two thing's you need to improve first of your senses and your healing ability, so let's start with your senses their's a move our people learned called element sensing, using your element and your five senses you make your own sixth sense, but it takes serious concentration so when you do unlock it, you'd probably yous it for about ten minute." as he finished his lecture he put his lunch in his pocket razing his hand up,

"I'll be your opponent now don't hold out on me." Lucas said getting into his fighting stance and shutting his eye's tightly,

"Very well but remember I haven't fully finish unlocking it." Calida said as she leaped towards Lucas at full speed her sword turning into pure fire, flipping her body three-sixty making a sphere covering her sword in fire. As she came in for the leg the fire covering her sword disappeared as she lost control of her sword as it came out of her hand, "That's element sensing Maximus it's different for everyone, now it's your turn try again." Lucas said finally moving from his spot to him as he pushed him to the stage to fight.

"Now Spar!" Lucas yelled as he yelled Maximus quickly went in for a punch to only get blocked as he backed off, as he thought of a opening he thought of another move Master J taught him,

"This, is gonna hurt." Maximus thought as he took his stance putting his hand in the air and in a blink of an eye Maximus turned invisible using the wolf cloak as he jumped in the air hitting Calida on the shoulder with a single kick nearlly making her lose conscious but it did make her lose focus stopping her from using her fire power.

"Wow he didn't even use the elemental sensing and it already seems like he's won, but still not strong enough to fight the Iblie from before." Lucas thought as he continued to eat his sandwich. As the two continued to brawl Calida slowly started to sense all attacks from Maximus even though he was still invisible.

"Crap how am I supposed to defeat her now, she knows where all my attack come and where I go for cover." Maximus thought as he ran all over the place taking cover to regain stamina.

"You had the advantage only for a small amount of time now that I can use my ability this will end now." Calida said as she kicked Maximus in the face sending him flying. As Maximus got up a bit banged up, he had a few cuts one on his lip one on his right leg, as Maximus struggled to keep his invisibility, Calida disappeared leaving another mirage this time more noticeable

"she gonna come in for a final jab to the head to knock me out, I know it." Maximus thought as he frantically looked everywhere for Calida, "okay all I have to do is to unlock element sensing and I'll know where she is." Maximus thought as he stopped moving putting all focus on his sensing as he made his own stance as he widened his legs and put his hands together then with a deep breath he went into a small meditation.

"Move your right leg forward." a small voice called out and as he did he felt all pain on his leg and lip were healed, "this will only heal small cuts and bruises and after the timer, you'll gain an extra cut twice the healed cuts combined." the small voice warned him as it faded away and then as Maximus opened his left eye everything was plain white as if he was blinded, but at the same time he could see and hear everything on the roof.

"So that's his element sensing no this is way more powerful than that I could sense when someone was coming because mine covered, his is around the whole roof, even Calida was smaller than mine." Lucas thought staring at Maximus at pure disbelief.

"Nice sensing but can you sense this." Calida thought as she made five mirages that all did the same movement as all of them went in to knock Maximus out Maximus stepped out to the side avoiding the real Calida attack from the sky kicking her in the stomach knocking her out.

As Maximus limped towards Lucas who finished his lunch he asked "now that I've won can I get fo-" as Maximus almost finished his sentence he was knocked out by Calida

"Did you have to do him like that?" Lucas asked picking Maximus off the ground.

"He should learn to never keep your eyes off the enemy and..." before she could finish she started to puke "He deserved it after hitting me." Calida moaned as she sat on the ground, "I'll just stay here until I regain my strength you go."

"Okay then I... we'll be off." Lucas chuckled as he used Maximus arm to wave goodbye, but as he lift his arm it revealed a massive cut across his arm.

"Calida what the hell did you do in the fight!" Lucas yelled at Calida.

"Nothing, why are you so mad anyway?" Calida asked calmly

"We're in school how is this gonna look to everyone!" Lucas continued still yelling at Calida ,who was taking it very calmly.

"Well I'll just come I'm supposed to be his sister, it'll look less suspicious." Calida answered as she grabbed her bag putting her katana inside.

"Cool, let's hurry then." Lucas said as he carried Maximus to the infirmary with calida right behind.