
Maximus power

Maximus Power the power to enhance your strength is a powerful skill, but is it strong enough to beat a monster of shadow

Maximus_Blick · แฟนตาซี
27 Chs

Back to Class

as Maximus looked at the photo he turned it to the other side where it had a small quote saying "Squad Neroun" it also said a bunch of name one was Omegas with the Eagle symbol another was a young woman between the ages of twenty and twenty nine her name was "Neva" with a fire symbol another was a boy around the age of sixteen "Don" with the symbol of Earth the third one was "Raul" with the symbol of air and the Last was a middle age man who wore a straw hat his name was "Saul" with the water symbol.

"So I'm gonna need one more person to fight Red Riot, alright then I'll need to train before though." Maximus thought putting the photo back but as he did a small necklace ,which was made out of a Dragonite bone the rarest ore in his home planet and painted with gold ore and in the middle of the necklace was a small emerald green crystal, fell out of it and as he picked he felt as if his whole body was on fire and his vision was getting blurry, as he turned the necklace to its face barely able to tell what happened ,he realised that the emerald green crystal has changed to the colour white. as he laid it back on the desk his vision returned and the burning he felt vanished.

as Maximus tried to compose himself Calida came in asking "What the hell just happened I felt a great surge of flames from this room..?" she stopped as she realised that it was Maximus emitting that fiery presence "What did you do?" Calida asked helping Maximus of the floor.

"Th.. that... necklace it.. it did... something?" Maximus said unable to explain properly quickly grabbing the book flipping through all the pages for more info, till he stumbled on a small note with weird writing on it with the fire symbol on the corner, "hey Calida can you read this?" Maximus asked passing the note to her.

As she decrypted the note she then took the necklace unharmed unlike Maximus "This necklace was a gift from the last fire elemental to Omega it gave him the power to use fire but he would be drained of energy the longer he used it so he had to learn some fire gear." Calida explained sitting down on the chair.

Maximus sitting back on his bed asked "What's fire gear is it some.."

"Kind of machine, nope it's martial arts that gets stronger the faster your heart pumps." Calida answered, "It's the only way to use the necklace or else the fire will have no where to go and will just burn the part your not moving so if your heart pumps let's say your heart beats around sixty beats per minute then the fire in you will just move slowly burning every part of you, but if it beats for fifty or more you'll be able to move with no problem because the fire in you will spread thin and will be to small to feel anything thin and the moves will teach you how to control your flames." Calida said as finished explaining, as she stood up she put the necklace in her pocket telling maximus, "I'll teach you four of the ten fire gear martial arts only then will I give you the necklace, now come we're having a meeting with the other's to discuss our next move, but before that please put a shirt on." Calida tossing a white shirt as she walked out of the with Maximus in toe.

As they entered the hollow room and sat down Maximus could feel the tension as he looked at Lucas his head so he wouldn't get beaten by Master J who was sitting right next to him, "Good now that everyone's here, let's put out everything on the table Lucas can you start first." Charles said as he sat down on the seat next to Calida.

"Oh sure, first ofme and my bro aren't human we're Avenian's.."

"Wait what kind of race is that and how come you guys look just like humans like us?" Charles asked cutting Lucas off,

"We're a race of Elemental's, that evolve from humans who have the resemblance of the element, we look human because we are just with more knowledge and our abilities unchained." Calida explained,

"I'm gonna go on a hunch but you're also a Avenian?" Lucas asked as he started to look up from the floor,

"I'm half Avenian my mum's a Avenian don't know about my dad though," Calida said holding her Katana close to her "Anyway please continue,"

"Cool now you know that, Maximus you're whole objective was to find the suppliers, well we're your guys me and Jake have been helping your mum for a while now, but after a year we've been attacked by Iblies left and right this was the last attack we could take." Lucas continued to explain,

"If it weren't for you all our repairs weaponry would've been destroyed because after you passed out we saw a bunch of dynamite next to the house and a bunch near the mines where we get our resources." Jake said showing a stick of dynamite,

"Now what about you three what's your story?" Lucas asked looking at Maximus and Charles and avoiding eye contact with Master J,

"We're All starians unlike you guys we gain our power through a certain object we're handed at birth which determines our power, but our home planet is in ruin due to it being destroyed by the Red Sun." Maximus explained.

"Okay now that everything is on the table let's discuss what to do now since we'll need to get more food, since most of the Iblies cargo ship food won't suffice and how to get you guys back on track with trade back home," Charles continued as he took a note book out of his right pocket.

"So what would you need to continue your work you..." but as Charles looked a the twins he realised that they went quietly instantly, "Is everything alright guys?" Charles asked putting the note pad down,

"Uh... maybe we didn't set everything on the table guys," Jake said avoiding eye contact, "See the night you came to our house... I was given a message from the pack they're stopping trade due to them... being defeated by the Red Sun." Jake continued as he took out a small piece of metal putting it on the table on it it said "We will no longer need the equipment for the Alpha has been taken down losing her arm in the process and the Red sun was able to leave the planet."

"I... I already know." Maximus said struggling to believe what it said, "But I never knew how badly my mum was injured."

"For how long exactly, when did you think of telling us!?" Master J yelled as his presence started to shake the room.

"Oh yeah like I could tell you what happened through my mind, Master I was knocked out what do you expect me to do about it." Maximus yelled back slamming the desk, as he said that Master J's presence slowly reverted back to normal.

As he sat back down his hand started to shake as he asked Maximus "What do you know boy ,don't hold anything back."

with a sigh Maximus explained everything about how in two months the Red Riot would arrive and how he needed to train so that he could at least use Maximus power, as he finished everyone was quiet.

"Well now with this new info I know what we'll be doing for the next two months, I suggest that everyone goes to their room to rest." Charles said as he put all the notes in his pocket and walked off.

"That guys heartless ,but he's right we gotta to school tomorrow... sorry for not telling you sooner" Jake said as he walked off with Lucas and Master J in toe.

"If this is how strong the Red Sun is, you'll need all the training you can get," Calida said standing up

"I promise by my pride as a Avenian I will help you use the power of the flame." Calida continued holding her hand out.

"So your my new master now even more things to worry about" Maximus said grabbing her hand, "I'll try my best to be a good pupil." Maximus said leaving the room with a forced smile. As he entered his room locking the door behind him, he soon started to cry as he fell down on the floor still forcing a smile as he croaked out "I swear I'll kill you, I'll kill you Riot."

As Morning arose, Maximus and Lucas were waiting outside the gates near the park, Maximus wore a blue t-shirt

"Dude you look tired had a rough sleep?" Lucas said pulling his cheeks

"Hey stop that I just woke up to early, anyway where's Calida?" Maximus moaned pushing his hand away.

"Oh she's just getting her stuff, but question you guys aren't related are you?" Lucas asked sitting on a near by bench.

with a chuckle Maximus answered, "Took you this long to figure it out." as he sat down next to him

"Hey I didn't give much thought of it till we were told, but another question then why lie about it, no one's gonna be non the wiser?" Lucas asked taking a quick jab at Maximus,

"Cause if we say were not related then people will question us about always going and coming to school together this just saves us the hassle." Maximus explained avoiding the punch.

"Makes sense I guess, yeah now that I think about it everyone in the school would probably blow it out of proportion." Lucas said as he opened up his phone to go on twitter.

As the two started looking through the phone something caught Lucas eyes as they looked back again it was a news article stating "The Rave house hold burned down in an accident as well as the twins Jake and Lucas who are now presumed dead."

"Hey guys, sorry for the wait lets get going." Calida yelled waving to them before walking to the bus (she wore a white T-shirt and track bottoms)

with a smile Lucas yelled back "Took you long enough, man I feel sorry for Maximus he has to deal with this everyday." as he got up and started following with Maximus right behind, "Hey Maximus can you keep this news to your self, I don't want to put more pressure on my bro." Lucas whispered looking back at the article.

"What'd point would that do look at the views, someones probably read and soon everyone's gonna find out about it." Maximus answered pointing at the "1.1M" views.

"True, let's just pray no one find's out." Lucas said putting his phone in his pocket,

"Finds out what?" Calida asked as she put her hand out to catch the bus, "Why are you guys acting so danm shady all of a sudden?" she continued badgering them as they got on the bus.

"Look it's nothing, now can you stop asking us questions it's annoying!" Lucas snapped at her as he sat down with Maximus,

"Oh, if that's how you going to be then you can sit by yourselves." Calida said as she sat away from the two,

"Come on Calida you know he meant nothing by it right Lucas." Maximus said tapping on Lucas shoulder for to only be ignored by him,

"It's fine Maximus, if he's going to act like that let him." Calida said as she took her seat on the far end of the empty bus.

"Dude seriously now I have to deal with this the whole day." Maximus moaned after punching Lucas in the shoulder,

"Hey at least me and her don't share the same classes, now i can focus on my history project." Lucas said as he started to play subway surf

2 hours in the History class

"Everyone this is Calida, she will be in our history sector for the rest of the school year." a tall man said he wore a black white polo shirt and black trousers, "My name is Mr Reen and for your partner you will be with... Lucas." Mr Reen said pointing towards the back of the room.

"Oh heck naw." Lucas muttered under his breath in pure frustration,

"uh sir can I be with anyone else I don't mind if it's by myself." Calida begged,

"Sorry Calida but all decision are final." Mr Reen said as he sat down at the front desk,

"Welp this is going to be hell." Lucas continued to moan as he listened to the conversation, "Hey Calida come on he wont budge just sit down." Lucas said trying to be more friendlier,

"Why do I have to sit next to him." Calida thought as she slowly dragged her self to the back and sat down.

"Okay now that everyone's here let's start the lesson" Mr Reen said with a smile.