
Matilda and the Ice Dragon

mariewritesss · แฟนตาซี
10 Chs

Chapter 8 - Moxarth Is Waiting Part 2

Matilda wandered in between aisles of mythical pets, trying to find one. She passed by a two-headed beast in a small cage. It appears to have been just born. The left head let out a grunt of fire while the other head snapped at it. "That's one of our famous mythical pets. Hollowflayer."


Java nods his head. "A combination of the fire and ice stone. The head on the left is orange and the lines on its back symbolize the firestone. The one on the right is the same but blue. Symbolize the ice stone." Matilda was awed by this creature but Java's voice sounded more of a warning to stay away.

"The Hollowflayer could be dangerous, especially to the new Miscreants. I suggest you find a different mythical pet." The creature stared at Matilda while grunting. Chuckling, she moved along the aisle, where she spotted a large cage that held a brown deer inside. It had wings that reached the floor. "Peryton. A special pet, of course. It appeared during a war between two magical worlds."

"It's beautiful." Matilda muttered as the Peryton stopped to stare at her. You'd think she was annoyed with how many stares she got throughout the day but the Peryton didn't seem to bother her. However, she didn't feel right picking this one as her mythical pet. Java smiled. "Does it feel right for you?" No. "I'm sorry, Java. None of them. I don't feel..connected like I supposed to, assuming." Java nods his head as he leads her back to Novrug, who was busy tapping on a glass where a red beast laid asleep.

"I surely hope you know that beast is nothing but dangerous. You know better than to poke around the glass." Java snapped.

"Step back." He adds as Novrug smoothes his cape, clearing his throat of embarrassment. "Did you find a pet?" Matilda shook her no. "I didn't. I told Java that none of them stood out to me." Java nods his head, agreeing. "Well, no need for worrisome. I'm sure Headmistress Orae will make an exception."

"Surely, she will. She's a very understanding person." Java snapped as Novrug placed his hand on his chest, pretending to be offended by his reaction. "Such rude behavior." Says Novrug, rolling his eyes. Matilda stood there, wondering if they were truly bickering or playing around. She couldn't tell from Novrug's reaction. "I'll just tell Orae and we'll be on our way." Novrug turned his back towards them, raising his hand and began tracing a few letters with his finger.


I'm afraid Matilda could not find a mythical pet.

Do not fret, I will get her ready before the start date


When he had finished, he snapped his right fingers and the words disappeared. "Uh, where did it go?" Matilda asked, glancing around Novrug who was only laughing at her reaction. "It was sent to Orae. Professors don't use pen and paper, that's for students and it's quite old-fashioned. We communicate with each other through, what we call, "Lettering." Novrug thanked Java for his help and led Matilda out of the shop.

I hope she's ready.

Matilda saw that his lips weren't moving and wondered how she could hear him. Were her hearing aids messing up? If she took a hearing test, would she find anything to prove whatever she couldn't prove? She didn't have time to ask because Novrug pulled her into a shop that smelled of flowers and vanilla, which disappeared shortly after.

What is that smell? She remembered the same scent that random woman in her yard had left behind. Was she here? Could Matilda spot her and ask her why she was in her garbage? But there wasn't any sign of a red dress, which crushed Matilda. "The wonderful scent in the entire world." Novrug exclaims.

"You smell flowers and vanilla?"

"What? No, I smell peppermint." Novrug mutters as a woman who looked about twenty walked up to them. "Isn't it the one and only Professor Novrug. I've truly missed you." The woman was beaming a ray of sunshine but Matilda noticed that she wasn't exactly making eye contact with Novrug but he didn't seem to mind.

"It's wonderful to have you here again." She says, placing her hand on his arm. The woman's smile drops and she sniffs the air before stopping directly in front of Matilda, whose legs felt numb. How did she know where she was standing? Was her scent that strong? "I don't think I've recognized that scent, who is you?"

"That's Matilda. She's going to be attending Moxarth next month and I'm showing her around." The woman giggled as she returned to a shelf that had jars of eyeballs, tongues, and what seemed to be snakeskin. "She's blind."


Novrug sucked his teeth as he turned on his heels, opening the door for Matilda. "Ever since we've gotten here, you've had nothing but curiosity written all over your face." Matilda nods as she walks out of the door. "When she had lost her eyesight, Orae was kind enough to heighten her other senses like smell and hearing."

"Could Orae heighten my hearing sense?" Matilda asked, pointing at her hearing aids. But Novrug only laughed. "That ability was lost long before she even became Headmistress of Moxarth. Besides, your hearing affection was of birth, which Orae cannot fix." Matilda had already known what his answer was but hearing him say it out loud truly stabbed her in the back. She decided to change the subject. "Wait, weren't you going to buy anything or show me a thing or two in the shop?" He took a quick look at the ticking clock that hung over a shop in midair. "It was just for sightseeing. Now, move along. Gots to show you the Oceanmire before you go home."


On the way to the Oceanmire, Matilda had received ugly looks from those who had owned shops or simply shopped around. She didn't know why they were staring the way they were but Novrug didn't seem to pay them any attention, until someone had purposely pushed into her. Novrug managed to catch her and turned to a boy with black slick hair. "Now, you listen to me, boy. You've got some nerve pushing into a lady. Now apologize with your wrecked face!" His voice boomed as he snapped his finger, punishing the boy with the same technique he had used on Matilda. He led her away, humming to the whimpering noises the boy cried out. "To answer your question from before, Oceanmire is a transportation site. Look."

Novrug pointed towards a few buses that landed from the sky and then drove off through gates. Matilda watched the gate doors close and a sign above each one had changed.

"Penrose Way" to "Nuville City"

At the end of the last gate, was another door that didn't seem used as often as the other four. The sign above it was stuck at Penrose Way and Matilda was left curious. "Novrug, that gate, doesn't seem to be working. Does it lead to somewhere?"

Squinting his eyes, he responds sternly. "That gate is a one-way trip from wherever to Penrose Way. It's used for the higher people like Orae. The bus' purpose for using that gate is to transfer people of banishment, along with other reasons you may learn about at Moxarth."

Matilda nodded, although she was still curious about the gate. The clock struck Midnight and Novrug sighed. "Come now, I must get you home, I didn't realize it's gotten so late."


They had stopped in front of Matilda's door, for a proper goodbye. "Novrug, thank you for taking me on this journey. It was weird and interesting but I certainly enjoyed it." Novrug's smile stretched from ear to ear, delighted at Matilda's words. "So, you'll attend Moxarth?"

Matilda nods and Novrug lets out a low 'yes' before giving her a warm smile. "It's our job as your professors to ensure all students are comfortable and ready to begin. I'll have you know, no other student was given this kind of treatment but you're special, Matilda. I'm delighted to tell Orae the great news." He made his way to the sidewalk, turning his head towards Matilda with a grin on his face, "Moxarth is waiting."

With a low clap, Novrug was gone.