Darius lets out a slight groan, a very minute emotional response to the enormous pain he is going through.
I place my hand on his shoulder, unable to do anything else.
But I find doing so alleviates him somewhat.
"It's coming back." Kysilius asks and heads over to Darius' side. "Have you taken your dose today?"
Darius shakes his head, unable to give a proper response as we can see he's been hooked by the pain.
"Dammit." Kysilius rummages through his pocket and produces an Epipen, which he immediately injects into Darius' arm.
As soon as the Epipen leaves Darius, I feel relief overtake him.
But the pain still lingers.
"Why didn't you take one today?"
Darius leans onto the sofa, breathing heavily.
He turns to me with a weak smile on his face.
"I was...distracted." He says, staring right at me and I feel heat rising in my cheeks.
I duck my gaze and try as hard as I can to be invisible.