
Mated to the King

They say that a blind wolf has no value. A wolf pup born blind should be given a swift death by the parents or by nature but what happens when nature decides to spare a blind wolf? Though blind she overcame lots of obstacles and ended up leading the largest pack equal to that of a King. What'll happen when she finds out what her true identity is? Will she and her brother save the world or destroy it? Will they be consumed by their power or will they ignore the temptation?

_Sienna_04 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs


The next morning Mei doesn't get up at the time she usually would in the morning which caused Mama Kate to worry so she heads up to her room. She knocks on the door but gets no response but hears whimpering. She opens the door to see Mei fighting herself on the bed scratching her arms and legs, spilling blood onto the blue bedsheets making them turn purple.

"Mei." Mama Kate says as she approaches the bed but Mie continues to thrash around spreading her blood. She places her hand on her leg but ends up getting scratched and her screams make Mei jolt out of her sleep looking around panicked until she smells Mama Kate's blood mixed with her own.

"I.....I'm sorry." Mei says fear etched into her features.

"It's ok." Mama Kate responds taking a step towards her but Mei scrambles off the bed taking refuge in an unoccupied corner next to the bed. Upon hearing the commotion Alec and Kelly rush to the room surprised to see the bedsheets covered in blood and Mama Kate nursing her already healed hand but her gaze is on a cowering Mei who refuses to raise her head from her knees.

"What happened?" Kelly asks Mama Kate.

"I came to wake her up but I head whimpering so when I opened the door I saw her scratching her arms and legs. Then I touched her leg and she scratched me before she woke up and went into the corner." Mama Kate said.

"Let's go Mama Kate. She's having an episode." Kelly says guiding her out of the room leaving Mei alone with Alec.

"Mei." Alec says he draws closer to her cautiously and hears her mutters to herself as her fingers dig deeper into her arms causing her blood to pool around her in a puddle.

"Mei." Alec says again and she raises her head in his direction ceasing her muttering for a moment and stilling her fingers.

"A darkness is coming. I know not who it's connected to but it's coming. Someone wants to destroy the royal family and someone is looking for me. Wants to protect me or kill, motives aren't clear." She mutters her voice not entirely her own. Alec freezes in place as Mei's words replay in his mind sending an unwelcomed chill down his spine.

The last time Mei had one of these episodes was when the kingdom had to defend itself against an army of hunters long before they knew each other so he knows that the warnings that come with the episodes aren't jokes and they rarely change.

"Fear not trusted one the truth will be revealed in time." She says before she loses consciousness. With a sight, he picks her up and heads to the bathroom to clean her up then heads to his room placing her gently on the bed using his wolf to sense Nixie but it's like she's not there and he sighs in annoyance. Once he places one of his jerseys on her and covers her with the blanket he heads towards the kitchen where Kelly is already explaining to Mama Kate what happened at the palace.

"Those good for nothing royals." She hisses clenching her fists. They both look up when Alec enters the room though he seems preoccupied then he snaps out of it. He sees Mama Kate and Kelly looking at him for an explanation so he tells them what he was told through their mind link for speaking it the risk of being overheard and sending the pack into a panic which isn't needed.

"I know you told me about it but I've never seen it." Kelly says.

"Over the years she's had a lot of episodes from what she told me but the ones I was present for rarely ended in her speaking at all farless warnings with such meaning." He says.

"How is she now?' Kelly asks.

"She's unconscious but her wounds are healing slowly but surely. These episodes take a lot out of her." Alec says with a sigh.

"How long will she be out?" Mama Kate asks.

"Depends. Sometimes it's day others it's weeks." Alec responds shaking his head.

"I'll stay and take care of her while you take care of the pack." Kelly says and Alec nods gratefully before he leaves the room heading to the study taking a seat behind the oakwood desk. Not long after he powers up the computer Thane enters with recent reports looking nervous and tense as he hands them to Alec. He quickly skims them noting that more wolves have gone missing until he lands on a request meeting from the Copper Stones Pack then looks up with a murderous gaze.

"How nice of them to pay a visit." Alec says.

"They insist." Thane says.

"Where are they?" Alec asks.

"In town." Thane responds.

"Prepare a squad." He says and Thane nods before leaving the room.

After the squad is prepared and after informing Mama Kate and Kelly he heads towards the town. When they arrive in the town they head to Sam's coffee shop where the Alpha his mate, their children along with a few guards have occupied a table waiting. When Alec and the squad enter they all stand at attention while Alec looks to Sam for confirmation that everything is ok, only when she nods does he return his attention to the unwelcomed guests.

"What do you want?" Alec asks cutting to the chase.

"Whoa there. We didn't come to make trouble." The Alpha says.

"What do you want?" He asks completely ignoring the Alpha.

"We want an alliance." The Alpha says.

"No. Leave." Alec says.

"You don't even want to hear my proposal?" The Alpha asks shocked that anyone would refuse him.

"Look, one of my pack members saved your daughter because it was the right thing to do. That's the end of it no opportunity to become allies so leave. You have no business here." Alec says and the Alpha sighs not expecting the Alpha of the rouges to be so smart.

"Ok. We'll leave but we gave Miss Sam some baked goods as a thank you for the help." He says but Alec doesn't respond he swiftly leaves heading to their cars parked outside. Once they are gone Sam lets out a breath of relief.

"Did you check the goods?" Alec asks, gaze locked on the populated streets watching as children walk home from school.

"Yes. It contained wolfsbane. I've already disposed of it." Sam says noticing how tense Alec is.

"Is everything ok?" She asks and Alec nods his head before he leaves returning to the pack house. When they return to the packhouse, he doesn't tell Mama Kate as too not to worry her but gives Kelly a brief rundown and she agrees that they need to place a protective barrier around the town but they decide not to do anything else until Mei wakes up.

So Mei can predict upcoming dangers, what fun.

Her biological brother and step-sister's characters are going to be more involved moving forward. Promise!

Hope y'all enjoy the update.

_Sienna_04creators' thoughts