
Chapter 95

The slam of the door triggered one of many flashbacks, throwing Maddox into the past.

The young man quickly pulled up his boxers, before throwing himself on the bed. It was the third time since he had left his family and slowly Maddox was getting irritated.

Was it true that women were more focused on the looks than what lay beneath, because it sure did seem so.

Three women had been willing to sleep with Maddox, but the moment his scars were visible they avoided him like he was the plague. Not even the girl he considered his girlfriend, wanted him after the knowledge of his scars.

It had been sixteen years since the fateful night he was introduced to the powerful assault of silver laced whips and black magic. Even with the passed decade the scars still looked just a few months old, gruesome and jagged. They covered his upper thighs, stomach, chest and his whole back.

No girl wanted to see that.