
Mated To The Cruel Prince

[Matured Content] Saving an injured Fae in the forest had not been Islinda's plan, and worse, he turns out to be royalty, Prince Valerie of the summer court, heir and crown prince to the throne of Astaria. But then, humans were wary of those otherworldly creatures while the Fae looked down on the humans, thinking of them as lesser creatures. Islinda and the prince were worlds apart but that didn't stop them from falling in love.  Unfortunately, Prince Valerie couldn't stay in the human realm forever and had to return to his kingdom with a promise to come back for her. And she believed him.  But then, the other one comes instead.  Dark, broody, ruthless yet dangerously handsome, everyone feared Prince Aldric. Even as a fierce warrior and son to the king of Astaria, Aldric is denied his right to the throne and cursed never to take his place because of his dark heritage.  Twisted from the inside and starved of affection, Prince Aldric does what he is best at, causing misery. He captured  Islinda - the woman who has drawn his brother's attention. He stole her from her home for his cruel purpose. If he couldn't have the throne, he could at least play around with his brother's love interest. His new prize.  Islinda hated him. Loathed him for taking away everything that she could have had with the summer prince. He's the villain. Now she has been dragged into the middle of the dirty politics played in the courts of Astaria, not to mention surviving the cold games played by the prince.  But all hope wasn't lost because the cruel prince could tempt her all he wants but he was never going to get the one thing he wants the most. To be loved. He would never have her heart!  Or could he?  ________ "What can you offer me, little human," He grinned, slow and cruel. She would make such a wonderful plaything.  "Please," She begged him, tears now gathering in her eyes, "Just let me go."  "Fine," He shrugged as if it was an easy request, "You can go."  "W-what?" She croaked, finding it hard to believe.  "Little human, you would find out my mind changes very easily." Those words sounded merciful yet she could sense the threat beneath.  But did he really mean?  Islinda didn't sit around to find out as she broke into a sprint. If there was even the slightest chance of him changing his mind, then she would take it. She would not give up hope yet.  She didn't know why but Islinda spared a look over her shoulder after a while and the blood drained from her face at what she saw coming.  Oh no, she just made a terrible mistake.  This was never freedom.  It was a hunt.  And she just became the prey.  _________ Note: This is a dark fantasy book and the male lead is a villain, so don't expect fluffy romance. What to expect? Death, gore, thick sexual tension, and explicit scenes. Also, it is not reverse harem. Gift magic castle = 5 bonus chapters! Come, let us have a wild hunt! 

Glimmy · แฟนตาซี
862 Chs

I Am Your Nightmare

Panic rose through Remy when she was unable to move a muscle. It was a lucid dream and she should be able to direct and control the course of her dream. But that wasn't the case. It was almost as if she was pushed into the seat of a carriage ride and someone else manipulated her dream. 

At first, she was unable to see anything past the encroaching darkness that sent chills down her spine and her instincts warned her to run! To wake from this slumber! But there she lay helpless, squirming in real life, not that there was anyone to help her. 

And suddenly, there he was, hovering over her, it was the young boy that the bitch Islinda had brought home. Remy should not be afraid of him but it was the feeling of a prey recognizing a bigger predator. There was a menacing energy around him that made her heart begin to pound loudly in her chest. Something was not right about the boy. 

"Ahh," He rasped, taking a good look at his handwork, "You don't look so scary anymore, do you? How easy it was to get into your dreams, pathetic human." 

Fear entered Remy's eyes and she willed herself to wake from this nightmare, but nothing happened. She grunted with all her might, trying to move all to no avail. There was a greater force holding her down and she panicked further. 

"W-what are you?! Who are you?!" Her voice climbed a notch higher and was shaky, realizing finally that she was in danger. 

Aldric smirked, "I thought you were never going to ask." He stood straight, his head lifted with pride, "I am your nightmare. Creatures of lore you humans speak off to scare bad kids into good behavior. But don't worry, I'm no longer a myth, now flesh and blood. Aren't you honored to see me?" He grinned, fangs outstretched and gleaming with malicious intent. 

Remy's blood chilled as she saw her life flash before her eyes. She can't die yet. She was not ready to die now. Death looked painful. 

"Please don't kill me," She squeaked, tears beginning to slide down her cheeks and she was hiccuping with her emotions running high. 

"Kill you?" Aldric mused before bursting into laughter that didn't even come to be hilarious to Remy. If anything it scared her further because the man seemed unhinged. 

"Oh you poor, human," He cooed, "I'm not killing you." He pursed his lips, thinking about it, "At least, not yet. You see I'm on a mission and killing you would only be a hassle and distraction. I need something from Islinda and until I achieve my purpose, you would not oppose my temporary stay here, would you?" 

As dumb as Remy was, she got the point and shook her head quickly, "Of course not, you can stay as long as you want." She conceded out of fear. 

"Good." Aldric was leaning beside her now, reaching out to push her hair away from her tear-stained face. 

He said, "You would not remember this dream except an innate fear of me when you wake and would stick to our arrangement. Now sleep." Aldric snapped his fingers and her eyes were shut close instantly. 

"Good girl," Aldric muttered after retreating from her mind and staring at her sleeping figure. The human looked so innocent and peaceful with her eyes shut which was a huge contrast to hours ago when she had been raging at Islinda. 

Annoyance shot through Adric and he lifted his feet and kicked her off the bed. Remy landed on the ground in a heap, a pained groan leaving her mouth and yet she didn't wake. While it was a petty move for someone of his status, it felt oddly satisfying. 

Having accomplished his purpose, Aldric thought of returning to bed with Islinda. Why does the thought sound dirty in his mind, though? His monologues had never been this entertaining until now. He wondered if it would be easy to infiltrate Islinda's mind as he did Remy's. What would she dream of? Valerie? 

Ooh, scandalous. 

Aldric was excited now, filled with anticipation as he left Remy's room. Back to his child form, he made it back to their dog house - as he prefers to call her room - and kneeled beside her. The dark prince stared at her and come to think of it, the human was quite pretty now he saw her up close. 

He was just about to push into her mind when he remembered there was another problem. The village chief. That was another human that could jeopardize his stay here. He couldn't afford that. Hence, as exciting as it would be to spy on Islinda's dream, the cruel prince had more pressing issues. 

Opening up a portal with the help of the medallion, Aldric tracked down the man. It took the prince quite some time to find the chief asleep in his home. Unlike Remy who was lucky enough to escape the prince's cruelty, the humans would come to discover in the morning that their chief has traveled to the great beyond. 

Yep, Adric killed him without blinking. Oh, do not blame him. He had seen the way the man looked at him in his office with suspicion, and if he let him live on, the chief would undoubtedly find out his secret. Unlike his brother Valerie who was playing a dangerous game here by trusting Islinda with his secret, he would not be captured by the humans and be disgraced by them. 

And to be honest, it wasn't that bad considering it was a painless death. No, Aldric believed that he did the man and the villagers a huge favor. The chief 

was old just like his father, King Oberon, and needed replacement. Younger replacement. They would take up his place and there would be more space for the next generation. Neither would anyone come between him staying with Islinda. 

Mission accomplished, an evil grin split his features. 

Now, where was he? 

Aldric was just about to return to Islinda when he felt a strong tug. Someone was calling and there was only one person who shared such a special bond with him. 

He vanished again and had company this time when he reappeared. 

"Maximus…." Aldric said the name, his tone low and gravelly, "I didn't summon you." 

"I know that, master. But the shy Fae you gifted me is beginning to get quite impatient. Moreover, he's accomplished the task you gave him already." Maximus announced to him, her eyes glinting as she stared at Issac who had a ten meters space between them. 

Aldric turned to the side, finally acknowledging Issac's presence, having not noticed him earlier.

He looked at the pale-faced Fae, and said, "You are still alive?"