
The Receiving End

‘No…! Please… Caleb! Don’t go!!’ Ashleigh cried out.

Caleb woke in his room two hours later, his head ached and the taste in his mouth was bitter. He tried to sit up but the room was spinning around him. He teetered to the side.

“Whoa..” a familiar voice called out.

Caleb looked up to see Galen reaching a hand out to steady him.

“Galen?” Caleb said.

“Yea, Brother, it’s me.”

“What happened?” Caleb asked.

“What do you remember?” Another familiar voice asked.

Caleb turned to see his mother leaning against the wall beside his sliding glass door. Her arms crossed over her chest with an irritated look on her face.

“I’m not sure,” he said. “I feel a little fuzzy right now… but I think…”

He turned to Galen, only now noticing the sling on his arm.

“I think… do I owe you an apology?” Caleb asked.

Galen laughed.

“Yes,” Fiona said, “yes, you do. Me too.”

“Sorry, to both of you… I sort of remember what happened… but I don’t really understand why.”
