

Alpha Aston got to his pack borders with a wave of anger emanating from him due to his day encounter with Violet and Blake and suddenly felt a cold chill run down his spine down his bone marrow sending electric shivers through him. He ruffled his hair and halted as it did as if an image flashed in his eyes. The hairs on his body all stood up standing so thick and his eyes widened not understanding why he was reacting that way.

His fangs elongated more than it's ever been and his blood began boiling. His eyes distorted to a deep amber tint and his feet changed to paws with thick long claws looking so sharp. His short trimmed fingernails all lengthened to more than three inches long and his breathing quickened coming out so hoarse that he breathed out thick hot fume from his nostrils.

{{What are you doing Ast}}

[[I'm not behind what is happening to you right now Aston]] Ast purred and wiggled its tail in him but at the same time, he could feel its uneasy attitude.