
Chapter 106; VIOLET

Shutting the door softly she turned and walked to where Chad has been standing all this while and glanced at him from head to toe as if checking out something. Once done she nodded to herself and stared straight into his eyes. "Take care of our Alpha Chad. If he says go do the opposite and if he says stay then hold him close. He is really passing through a lot right now and needs all the comfort he can get. We both know how it can be when one mate gets rejected. Please never abandon him in this trying time. Always be there for him..." She paused, exhaled, and wiped off the beads of sweat on her forehead. "As for Violet..."

"I heard everything, you don't need to go over it again" Chad interrupted her.

"I know you did. I wasn't about to tell you that." She rolled her eyes at him and chuckled.

"Oh, ok." He shrugged off. "Go ahead then, I'm listening, and please let it be snappy we need to leave already."