
Mate Poacher: I Will Cuck Everyone

Mark, a twenty-year-old man, walks by the sidewalk as he laments his fate. He caught his longtime girlfriend cheating on him, which broke his heart. As he walked along the sidewalk while cursing his fate, a bright light illuminated the sky, changing not only his life but also the fate of the entire world. Mana was introduced to the world, and everyone got a class and would be able to level up if they fulfilled certain conditions. And Mark got a class too; with his twisted fate working, he awakened a mate poacher class. Hesitant to embrace his class, Mark wanders into the world that has now turned into a battleground where might makes right!. Will Mark embrace his class and become powerful? Or will he, like the many others, succumb to the games of the powerful and die a dog's death? MILF | GILF | THREESOME | NO YURI | NO NTR | lots of NETORI | WINCEST New chapters on: Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday

DaoistYd0crO · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

003 My Class Is...


1. Fuck your best friend's girlfriend in front of him!

Rewards: 5 Exp, +1 INT, +1 MP

2. Fuck your best friend's mom in front of him!

Rewards: 7 Exp, +1 MP, +1 STR

Mark's golden eyes dilated as he read the conditions for his level up.

His heartbeat rose as it drummed against his chest; his breath became shallow while his vision tunneled.

'I have to fuck others' women to level up!' Mark exclaimed inwardly. A gnawing sensation of disgust gripped his heart as it clawed its way around his body.

He felt disgusted, but also conflicted; the thought of getting back at his betraying friend flashed in his mind.

'That bastard!' Mark fumed inwardly as he recalled the scene of his girlfriend kissing his best friend.

Anger rose in his heart, almost overshadowing the gnawing feeling of disgust. They both fought for dominance as Mark's grip on his armchair tightened and he clenched his jaws.

'I will fucking get back at–!' he resolved as anger almost won his heart.

As Mark was in his own thoughts, thinking about what he should do, his father's cold voice cut through the silence like a hot knife through butter.

"Tell me! What class did you get!" Mark's father said, his voice like a man giving a command—he wasn't asking; he was demanding!

But then, a beautiful woman sitting opposite Mark's mother said, "Honey, what's this all about? What is this screen in front of us? And… what is this class…?"

But her voice trailed off as the man sitting at the head of the table glared at her.


No words were spoken, but the woman felt even more terrified as if a snake coiled tightly around her neck in silence.


She gulped in fear as her palms became drenched in sweat as she tightly gripped her dress. "M-Mine is C-Charmweaver!"

She clamped her mouth shut the moment she answered.

The man's gaze didn't linger on the woman for long as his eyes darted toward Mark's mother.

"M-Mine is Soul-Bard!" she answered instantly before she closed her mouth.

She didn't want to anger her husband by asking him questions when he didn't permit.

Mark's father's gaze lingered on his mother for a moment before he looked toward Mark's sister.

But she wasn't as brave as her mother, as she froze like a deer in front of headlights, not able to bear being under his scrutiny.


Her entire body began to tremble with fear and anger; her heart pounded against her chest while her eyes darted around.

Mark, observing her sister's breath getting shallow and her chest rising and falling rapidly, was about to step forward…

But his mother beat him to it as she placed her hand on her daughter's shoulders and squeezed them reassuringly.

His sister's heartbeat calmed down a little as she took some deep breaths. Mark's father didn't utter a single word and kept staring at his daughter like a hawk watching its prey; his gaze was sharp as ever, devoid of any warmth.

"M-M-Mine's a p-priestess!" she stammered as she answered and shut her eyes tightly while holding her mother's hand for support.

His father's attention then went towards Mark's half-brother, who smirked as he noticed he now had his father's attention. "Father, I am pleased to say that I got the class of a Merchant! With this class, I can take our companies to a new height!"

He boasted as he puffed up his chest like a pufferfish while he arrogantly gazed at Mark, hoping to see him in despair.

'That's right! With the dark-merchant class, I will take over the companies and become their head!'

He resolved inwardly as a sinister light glinted across his eyes.

Mark's mouth twitched heavily while he squinted his eyes at his brother. His gut churned with anger and hatred as he stared back at him.

The silent atmosphere turned suffocating with each passing second as the two heirs of one of the biggest families in the world stared at each other with threat and hatred.

But Mark's father didn't stop his two sons from fighting for the chair; instead, he let it happen; after all, the one who wins the fight will become worthy of being his successor.

He observed both his sons for a few moments before turning toward Mark. "What is your class?"

He asked, breaking the suffocating tension between the brothers.


Mark's mother released a sigh of relief as the tension and the suffocating feeling in the room broke.

But for Mark, the man who wholeheartedly hated his father. It was dreadful! He felt like a fish being stared at by a whale, puny and non-existent!

'What should I do? I cannot reveal my actual class!' Mike exclaimed inwardly as he clenched his jaw.

His eyes darted around like a hungry squirrel looking for food as he thought of a lie.

"Come on, Mark! Tell us what your class is!" his half-brother said with a smirk on his face, adding fuel to Mark's anxiety.


'Fuck you, bastard!' Mark cursed inwardly as he gulped nervously.

"Oh!" his half-brother exclaimed as he covered his mouth exaggeratedly, pointing his finger at him.

"Did you, by chance, get a useless skill!?" he said while his smirk widened sinisterly and his eyes glinted with mockery.


Mark gritted his teeth at him as he glared daggers at him. His entire being wanted to hurl at him, break his bones, and stab him with his broken bones.


But his hatred had to wait for a while as his father demanded the answer. His father's voice turned Eben colder as he glared at his son.


"I-I-I," Mark stuttered as he gulped, 'What should I say? What should I say!?' He mumbled nervously, but his father was losing patience; he narrowed his eyes at his son, squinting at Mark.

He was about to ask again, but before he could, Mark answered him by saying, "I've got Playboy class!"


The entire room was plunged into silence as they sank in Mark's words. But the silence didn't last long.

"Pfft, Hahaha!"

Mike's half-brother began to laugh loudly, breaking the silence; he clutched his stomach while squinting his eyes as he continued to laugh.


He continued to laugh as if he had heard the funniest thing in the world. The woman sitting beside his brother, his father's second wife, too, smiled at him with mockery.

'With your shitty class, my son can take over the companies!' she mumbled inwardly as she continued to smile.

Mark stayed in silence and didn't react to his stepfamily's mockery; after all, with each passing second and with the mockery he was facing, a tempest sparked in his heart!

It slowly grew and was gradually devouring the disgust for his class, seducing him to embrace his new power for revenge.

Mark's father didn't say anything nor stop it. Instead, he leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes, reviewing his family's classes and how to best use them.

He rocked his chair back and forth, thinking about it for a few minutes before slowly opening his eyes.

"All of you get out! I will explain what happened at dinner!" he muttered his command before closing his eyes back.

Mark's half-brother, who was still laughing at Mark while making fun of him, immediately stopped his actions and wore a serious look on his face.

He turned toward his father and started, "Father, I want to introduce you to my two subordinates who helped me with the last project you assigned me! I think they both will be really useful in the coming times!"

He finished as he stood up, watching his father's expression.

Mark's father thought about it for a moment before he nodded his head, "Bring them to dinner! I will get rid of them if they are not up to the standards!"

His half-brother wasn't worried about his father's words, but he nodded his head nonchalantly and began to walk out of the room with his mother.

But when he was at the front of the door, he turned back toward Mark and smirked at him, "Oh! By the way! Dear brother, I think you know both of them! After all, they are Thomas and Sarah!"

His eyes glinted as he said his piece and closed the door behind him!

'Fucking son of a bitch! I will definitely make you pay!'

Mark cursed as his face reddened in fury. The tempest in his heart raged on like a volcano, engulfing his disgust and devouring it whole.

He clenched his fists until they whitened while his golden eyes glowed menacingly as he recalled the names that his half-brother had said.

'I will make your lives fucking miserable!' she raged inwardly, resolving to destroy them. After all, they both were his best friend and his girlfriend.

'I will definitely cuck you all!'

Hi guys,

Author here, I am sorry I couldn't upload new chapters for this novel as I was busy with the moving and stuff.

But I am free now and will upload this and my other novel daily without breaks.

So, if you like the novel and are intrigued, add it to your libraries, as it will help me get motivated!

And also check out my other novel!

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