
Ch 5

{A.N. : This is about the time when the agents visited. I almost forgot them}


"Please make yourself at home while I bring some snacks for us."

I said to the three agents while I went to the kitchen and brought out my own recipe of juice better than wine, along with some snacks that I had made, which were cookies, pastry, peanuts, almonds, cherries, milkshakes, chips and popcorn, all which took five minutes to get ready.

I placed it on the table by the sofa, and initiated the conversation.

"So what juicy mission stories do you have?"

To say they did not expect that would be an understatement to their disbelief about the situation especially after I gave them an encouraging look while taking a few chips and peanuts.

"We want to discuss about how Tony Stark and you came in contact."

Phil Coulson spoiled the fun as always getting to their cover topic, as the main one which I knew was about my information about SHIELD and his father being a founder, which was their main concern.

"Oh please, don't act as if you don't know I hacked him, like I hacked you. Happy with the answers? Now the juicy stories as I don't have all day. Also, help yourself to snacks, I made them, don't worry it isn't poisoned. So who will start first?"

They just looked even more weirded out and wary, but finally, Natasha picked up the popcorns, followed by Barton, who went for the chips. Seeing them, Phil also picked up the coconut chip cookies, and Natasha started with the spy story which was very interesting to me.

It wasn't because I enjoyed the stories, as they were generic, but I enjoyed as I admonished and pointed out their flaws and said I could do better while casually telling them the easier methods due to my skills, all the while being fully engrossed in their stories.

There were a few funny ones as well, where once, Natasha had to get information out of a target, who was a big shot in drugs business, but before she could do anything, the idiot picked her out of all his subordinates to act as his date, and blabbed his whole plan as she only fanned the flames a bit.

"Are you for real? Or are you just making stuff up?"

"Of course I am telling the truth!"

"Yeah I believe you."

Was my reply while my face had the clear intention that I did not, but wanted to hear more stories.

Barton was next and he told about when he was in the training range, he had blindfold on his eyes, and Phil was throwing a ring which had a buzzer on it, which beeped and he had to hit plunger type sticking arrows through them.

They had done quite some times, and when once he threw the ring, t was at the door, and Barton shot, but their director was coming through the gate, and the arrow with the ring stuck to his forehead.

"HAHAHA!! You have to have a recording of this! That old one eyed bald pirate must have had an even more black face at that time!"

They just stared at me in shock while trying to hold their laughter at my nickname for him.

"Hey why are you guys so stiff? Is he listening in? Oi old man, next time you want to talk to me, do it directly. Don't eavesdrop like a jealous wife. You are a spy for God's sake! Make better spy tools!"

Then, I activated a device which looked like a speaker but actually cut off all connections to the outside from my house.

"Well he won't bother us anymore, so let's enjoy ourselves shall we? You guys won't be getting a break anytime soon anyway."


Natasha was the first to agree followed by Clint and Phil as they knew it was true and had a judgement of my character by now.

Very intelligent but laid back and will not cause trouble unless provoked.

Those were the thoughts of the agents on the intelligence gathering on their target Joe Miller.

So, we had quite some fun, with me playing music, all of us eating and watching movies, along with some fun magic I did in front of them, just to see if I could trick them as well.

And I did. It was very funny to see them react the way they did, plus they couldn't get the hang of when I was doing the tricks or even what I was doing.

We just chatted a lot, mainly I was listening to their complaints after they confirmed that the communication was really cut off.

It was like a dam had blasted open as even Phil complained, which I was certainly not expecting but turns out, he had no holidays so I guess it is understandable.

We just spent the day bonding and having fun like normal people complaining about bosses, eating and drinking all we could, watching movies and playing games.

It was a fun time, and although I know they will not be able to visit soon, I told them that they could always come here anytime.

We bonded quicker than I had expected, but it was fun, so meh who cares. Plus, now I had spy friends as well!

No matter how strong I get in the future, I won't forget that this is my vacation and new life and to enjoy myself to the fullest.

They left around evening, and promised that whenever they could, they will come to relax, especially for the food, which they liked a lot.

I think that is the reason we bonded so fast, but it is fun, so I just left it at that.

After they left though, I had nothing better to do, so I just lazed around and watched TV shows.