
Masters of the Universe

What would you do if the life long question was answered and find out that god is real? No only that but that all of the gods that were worshipped in the past were also real ? Then what would you do when you are chosen to be one? Follow Arthur as humanity enter the Age of Gold , where all of the old gods a new ones come to take their rightful place as the masters of the universe.

cedricast2017 · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

A Fate of one that links to many

"Failure again." Arthur says to himself for the sixth time this month. While some may say that starting your career is hard, that would be understatement if not an insult to him. For half a year he has tried to get job after graduating yet he keeps getting the wrong end of the stick. He barely gets by even with the amount multitude of part time jobs he has but even those is enough to put food on the plate. "Well you can't help it."He thought having grown numb to this experience, he's set off to find some distraction from it.

As he walks down the road he comes across the recent newspaper and finds an interesting article: "Nectar of the Gods found ! Can we also become legends?" The article says of a famous archaeologist finding the mythical ambrosia from Greek mythology in the ruins of a certain king. Just as always people would think :"What's so special about it ?" It's special because it lasted hundreds if not thousands of years without spoiling. Heck, the thing was found to still be warm just as if it was recently cooked! This phenomenon got the interests of some scientist piqued as they try to find what composes the mythical nectar. As the newspaper says the food had incredible healing properties that could not be explained to the point curing the most serious concern of injuries or illnesses so fast that it was incomprehensible. Even more it was shown that the genetically, the cells of the recipient of the ambrosia seemed to reverse and rejuvenated effectively making the recipient younger .Of course as the news of the miracle drug was known, the most influential people of the world fought for the possession of this nectar making headlines. As any intelligent person would've guessed this drug would've been kept in the most secured and secretive place in the world but something unexpected happens: three weeks after the miracle nectar of the Gods was found it was lost as it was stolen by someone . For the first time, every nation banded together to catch the thief making him an international criminal . But after many months of searching they gave up as they found no trace of the treasure or the thief.

Throughout those months, Arthur didn't get any luck and was still stuck in his neverending quest of finding a sustainable job . He was on his last legs, his landlord not wanting him anymore and was about kick him out. Even more depressed than he usually is, he takes off to the park for a stroll and some quiet. While he was distracted contemplating his miserable life he finds himself away from the populated area of the park and into the trees that many campers loved to stay at. As he wonders around trying to find a path out , he stumbles on a fountain that was in an open area in the trees guessing it's an old one he goes to check if it still works to get a sip, as he pushes the button to allow water to flow, he accidentally cuts himself on it: "Ow! What the hell?" Arthur goes to see the wound on his finger but notices some thing strange, the wound was gone ! Thinking he was imagining it he was put out of his stupor when he sees that there was still fresh blood on his finger and that a drop fell in the fountain. As he was puzzled he notices something weird, the fountain changed . It no longer looked like fountain in fact it looked more like a pedestal for giving sacrifice to a god. To make things more bizarre, Arthur finds himself in some sort of ancient temple, at the centrepiece where the Statue of the Gods is supposed to be was a giant black pillar made of an unknown material. As Arthur looked at the pillar he felt pressure from it as if he's looking at an actual god and had the feeling that nothing could destroy it. From then on the temple started to change as if noticing Arthur's arrival. Murals started carving themselves on the walls of the temple . They seemed to appear in some sort of chronological order : the first mural depicted an image of an area filled with mist like substances that went on to mix into a new different substances and separate into multiple different ones if one looked for long enough they would feel lost and disoriented. It depicted the pure sense of chaos. The next mural showed that all of those substances were contained in an egg like thing. Though it had no fixed shape, one would think of the container as such . The third mural showed something strange to Arthur : the substances all at one time mixed together and formed one perfect substance , so perfect that it was impossible to describe . As Arthur watch on he felt as if the substance was alive and watching him back which threw him off. The fourth mural shocked Arthur, the substance exploded and dissipated in the space . But after what seemed an eternity, the substance came to put itself back together but this time things were different the substance was bigger, way bigger that it was. Though the mural was at an average height to normal murals found on walls outside, Arthur felt as if he was a speck of dust in front of the whole of the universe. In the fifth mural , things picked up the chase as the substance recovered itself it had gained a circular shape and inside it other similar but smaller circles appeared with one being bigger than any other. As Arthur looked inside the bigger circular space he witnessed something even more shocking : he saw formations of galaxies, solar systems, planets all the way to living beings . What shocked him even more was that he witness the birth and growth of a particular planet as he discovered it was the one he standing on. "Wait. Is that..." stammered in shock as he realises he just witness the birth of the universe and everything in it especially that of his planet Earth. He goes to the next mural as it unfolds more shocking truths : this mural showed humans being created. What he saw was a man and a women being created by an entity of pure energy. "Oh my God!" He exclaims as he witness the creation of man as it was described in the Christian Bible but the most shock comes from the next thing he sees : he witnesses another creation of humanity as was described in the Greek mythology as he sees humanoid of gigantic proportions shaped humans from mud along with other animals. He then sees an infinite amount of creation from multiple mythologies be displayed in front of him.