
Chapter 63: Lovers, Part 11


And the weeks pass.

“Any plans then, for this next visit?” asks Michael.

“Yes, I thought we might stretch her a bit more, test her limits.”

He looks at me askance. “What does that mean?”

“I thought we could take her to the Club.”

He sniffs, rubbing his chin. “You think that’s wise? That she’s ready for it?”

“I’m not sure. But we can try it. Don’t you miss the clubs? I thought you would like the idea?”

“I like the idea of the clubs with her, but only if she’s comfortable with it.”

“She’s been with plenty of others while we’ve known her. She’s always enjoyed it, revelled in it almost. Why should the Club be any different?”

He thinks for a moment. “It is a different environment. She might not feel safe.”

“You and I would be there.”

Michael nods but doesn’t look convinced. “It’s important that she feels safe.”


And she’s here again….