
Master of The Great Dao

Dao is the beginning and end of everything. The great Dao binds all living and non-living things in the universe. It is the absolute concept that underpins the universe, incorporating the Yin and Yang principles as well as the Five Elements. Follow our protagonist Liu Feng as he travels through the mysterious world of cultivation with his unique system and unveils the mysteries of the great Dao.

Sarcastic_Ape · ตะวันออก
64 Chs

The Battle (1)

//Last Updated on June 22, 2024

//Please comment, and let me know your thoughts about this chapter.


"Nothing at all my love. Let's continue."


Ye Ming on the other hand was visibly irritated. Commanding a group of city lord's guards, he was running towards the southern region of the city. With every step he took, signs of annoyance were visible as he felt his plans were disrupted by Liu Feng yet again.

"Tch… that guy ruined my plans again," Ye Ming muttered under his breath, "Today was supposed to be spent with my beloved junior sister, not following these vague instructions."

Then, as if out of nowhere, a brilliant crimson glow lit up the sky. The unexpected sight caught their attention, bringing a halt to their search.


Over on the western side of the city, a tall muscular man was similarly busy in his task.

"Tch… I was hoping to enjoy the festival and drink some old wine," he muttered under his breath. "But I suppose I cannot ignore my son-in-law's request."

"Greetings General Yang. We've combed through every corner but found no traces of anything suspicious."

"Just call me Old Man Yang. I am just a retired old man," he replied, "So, you guys did not find anything either? Sigh~ just what did that kid put me into…"

Suddenly, the sky lit up in a crimson glow, triggering a sense of alertness within him. The seasoned general's all five senses, fine-tuned by countless battles, went on high alert, warning him of the upcoming danger.


As Liu Feng hurried toward the heart of the city, where the Chen family patriarch had activated the formation, he encountered Elder Shen on his path.

"Thank you, Elder Shen, for trusting my words. I am grateful", Liu Feng expressed his gratitude.

"Worry not, Junior Liu. It is our duty to eliminate such wicked individuals. But I am curious, how did you manage to dismantle the formation so quickly?", Elder Shen asked.

Liu Feng offered a modest smile, "Well, you see Elder Shen, dealing with a formation of this level is not a major challenge."

"I am kind of an expert in that matter myself.", Liu Feng replied recalling a joke from his previous life.

Elder Shen nodded with an approving tone.

In the middle of the panic-stricken city, a gathering of key individuals unfolded. At the center of the scene was the City Lord himself, assisting the citizens in evacuating with the help of his children Li He and Li Mei.

The group dedicated to protect the princess was close by.

Amidst this intense activity, a middle-aged man named Guard Wei who led the group, found himself in a fierce struggle against three dark-clothed individuals.

Confronted by the formidable opponents, he fought valiantly but was facing challenges to gain victory. His brow furrowed with determination, as he swung his sword furiously.

Abruptly, a thunderous roar echoed through the air, accompanied by a swift strike that cleaved two of his opponents in half. Guard Wei seized the opportunity and swiftly plunged his sword into the heart of the remaining foe.

As he stood victorious, a familiar voice with a hint of mischief reached his ears, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Tch…tch…tch…I must say, Xiao Wei, it seems normal life has dulled your senses," the voice taunted. It was Elder Yang, although retired, held immense respect in front of every soldier of the empire.

"Greetings, General Yang," Guard Wei responded with a respectful bow, upon noticing his presence. "Thank you for your help. It's an honor to serve you again on the battlefield."

"Just call me Old Man Yang now, don't you know I'm retired?" the elder chuckled as he replied to the soldier who once served him on the battlefield.

The elder's eyes brightened as he looked towards the young girl who was behind the guards, "Ah, Princess Lianyi, long time no see."

With a radiant smile, the princess, dressed in an exquisite purple gown, responded, "Hello, Grandpa Yang."

Elder Yang's expression shifted to a mix of affection and concern. "Ah, princess, I've told you before, just call me Old Man Yang."

"I am but a mere peasant, you have to think about maintaining your royal image."

The girl's eyes sparkled mischievously, and she shook her head pouting, "No, you are Grandpa Yang. Besides, Mother calls you 'Uncle' too. If you want me to stop, you'll have to ask her not to call you that first...hmmph..."

It seemed the elder and the princess were very much familiar with each other.

As Liu Feng and Elder Shen met with Elder Yang, he nodded, "Greetings Elder Yang. Thank you for your help."

"So, kid… did you destroy the formation?'" he asked with a doubting eye.

"Yes…it was only a small matter", Liu Feng nodded.

Later, Elder Yang and Elder Shen greeted each other acknowledging their presence.

After exchanging information, it became evident that each of them - Liu Feng, Elder Yang, and Elder Shen - had successfully defeated one of the Chen Family's elders, accompanied by a few assisting individuals.

Although there was no news from Ye Ming, Elder Shen assured them not to worry about his disciple.

Taking everything into consideration, it was evident that only three of the Chen Family's major powerhouses remained, Patriarch Chen, along with the two remaining elders.

Elder Yang held his heavy shiny spear firmly. Assuming command of the situation, he issued orders with unwavering authority.

"Xiao Wei, you take charge here. Guard the princess and escort her to safety."

The princess wanted to object, "But I can.."

Elder Yang interrupted her, with a stern yet protective gaze, "Not now, Princess. Your safety is our first priority."

Acknowledging the command, Guard Wei bowed respectfully, assuring, "Understood, General Yang."

Turning his attention to two others, Elder Yang continued, "He'er, Mei'er, your task is to escort your father and guide the citizens to safety."

With determination in their eyes, both Li He and Mei responded in unison, "Understood, Grandpa."

He issued his commands in a firm voice and hastened toward the battlefield, his aim was the Chen family patriarch, after warning Liu Feng and Elder Shen.

"Stay vigilant," he said, "They're desperate, they are even willing to burn their very blood essence to win this fight."

"Understood", Liu Feng replied while Elder Shen nodded in agreement.

"However, with the collapse of the formation, their chances are now very slim. Their defeat is all but certain today."


The Patriarch's face was filled with shock and confusion, his complexion turning pale. Standing behind him were two elders, their expressions mirroring his astonishment.

"No…no…this cannot happen…this can never happen…how???" the family head murmured, his voice trembling with disbelief.

"Master told me that there isn't a single person in the entire Great Qin who possesses the skill to break this formation,"

"Who did this...who?" the Patriarch's voice distorted with anger.

"Patriarch, please, try to calm down," the first elder added.

"We, the elders, will create an opening for you. Quickly use the summoning jade to call upon the lord."

"Yes…yes…I must do that.", the patriarch gained some sense of sanity.

As the Chen family head comes to his senses, the first elder's eyes widened as he noticed Elder Yang charging furiously toward their patriarch. Reacting quickly, the first elder unsheathed his sword and lunged forward, intercepting Elder Yang's deadly thrust with his own technique.

*Tempest Sword Technique: Gale Slash*

*Raging Dragon Spear Technique: Raging Dragon Thrust*


The clash of their weapons created a resounding clang that reverberated through the air, a testament to their formidable prowess.

Meanwhile, the second elder noticed the upcoming Liu Feng and Elder Shen. Calculating the urgency, he chose to target Elder Shen.

*Tempest Sword Technique: Breeze Thrust*

Liu Feng nodded at Elder Shen as both understood the unspoken plan, Liu Feng swiftly rushed toward the Chen family's patriarch, donning his deadly claws.

Elder Shen defended the elder's attack with a fiery construct.

'He looks powerful, more than the previous guy, more powerful than the creatures I fought before', Liu Feng decided to use a powerful from the beginning.

As the three powerful slashes were about to hit the Chen family head, a pale-looking person leaped in front, intercepting the attack. He collapsed, but soon he stood up again.

'What the….a zombie?', Liu Feng could not help but gasp.

As the patriarch's sinister gaze locked onto Liu Feng, a couple of zombie-like people rushed toward Liu Feng.

In a desperate move, the family head retrieved a jade pendant from his robe. Holding it aloft, he chanted, "With this humble offering of the Blood Core, I call upon the spirit of the Blood Sovereign!"

As the Jade artifact continued to emit a sinister pulse, dark energy began to envelop and consume the Blood Core. The atmosphere filled with an eerie aura as the malevolent power surged and twisted in the air, expanding its ominous presence.

A twisted grin appeared on the family Head's face as he watched the horrifying spectacle unfold before him. His voice took on a crazy tone as he shouted, "Hahaha… you vermin… soon you will regret ever crossing paths with me!"


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If you have any suggestions for any weapon techniques like sword, spear, etc. comment them and let me know, I'll try to use them in the story if possible. I am mostly looking for techniques that will mostly be used by others.

Fist Technique

Palm Technique

Sword Technique

Cultivation Techniques


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