
Master Of The Entire Public: My Servants All Have Systems

The entire individuals went through the perpetual world to partake in the opposition for authority, everything being equal. Jiang Ming didn't hang tight for Goldfinger, and was somewhat frustrated. Subsequently, while enlisting an assistant, it was found that the golden finger was on the assistant? The primary attendant - Awakening the 100-overlap Enhancement System, the prepared officers can be 100-crease more grounded! The subsequent attendant - Awakening the sign-in system, offering Lin Ming the hint in money box consistently! The third attendant - Awakening the advancement system, developing beasts can develop boundlessly! afterward. The system is getting more peculiar and stranger. The phantom sisters, bloom attendants, assume the part of the system, and you will become more grounded when you play Remlam. There are likewise cultivating systems, amalgamation systems, Kua systems, Ouhuang systems, and so forth, extraction systems. Jiang Ming: Despite the fact that I don't have a golden finger, my attendants are invincible. there will always be more chapter on patreon and you can check it out what is the latest chapter I have uploaded and if you can plz support me patreon.com/AZofficial https://www.buymeacoffee.com/AZofficial

Ahmed_Riaz · สมัยใหม่
50 Chs

Chapter 27 Farmer Zhao Si, Farming System!

Following Jiang Ming's orders, his three attendants embarked on an attack towards the direction from which Zhou Qing had assaulted the previous night. However, locating Zhou Qing's initial territory proved to be a challenge. Unlike Jiang Ming, who had circled around his initial territory, Zhou Qing had taken a different approach. He had ventured far in one direction and established insignificant territories along the way, confusing the attackers. Bai Yue and the others wasted considerable time attacking these ordinary territories until they finally stumbled upon Zhou Qing's single initial territory.

This strategy was not advantageous for defending against monsters, but it succeeded in perplexing the enemy lord. Zhou Qing had chosen this method knowing that the initial territory was protected by enchantments and had planned to counter the lord from the start. However, he had not anticipated the strength of Jiang Ming's attendants. Before the real confrontation could even begin, Zhou Qing was swiftly defeated.

Jiang Ming utilized a spatial transition and joined Shangguan Xueying, who had discovered another enemy within the castle. Elsa had her bow and arrow pointed at a heroic servant who was hiding. Uncertain about what to do, she looked to Jiang Ming for guidance. Jiang Ming focused his attention on the servant and identified him as Farmer Zhao Si, realizing that the previous night's encounter with a lone swallowing toad was due to Zhao Si's weakness.

In an attempt to save his own life, Zhao Si knelt on the ground, trembling with fear, and offered his surrender. He pleaded to join Jiang Ming's territory, emphasizing that the original lord was deceased. Jiang Ming received a system notification, asking if he would accept Zhao Si as a heroic servant. Understanding the potential benefits of having Zhao Si, despite his low rank, Jiang Ming promptly accepted the offer.

To Jiang Ming's surprise, when he examined Zhao Si's profile, he discovered the presence of a system. This revelation astonished him, as he had not expected a surrendered servant to possess a system. Curious about the implications, Jiang Ming activated the system on Zhao Si's attendant panel. Instantly, the farming system was bound to Zhao Si, raising his loyalty to 100 and unlocking its potential.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, Zhao Si wept tears of joy and expressed his utmost loyalty and dedication to Jiang Ming. He acknowledged his limited combat abilities but promised to excel in farming, utilizing the newly acquired farming system. Jiang Ming assigned Zhao Si to the Lingtian District, eager to witness the surprises Zhao Si would bring to his territory.

Afterward, Jiang Ming returned to the territory crystal and claimed it once again. Coincidentally, or perhaps triggered by his actions, the leaderboard was announced prematurely.
