

Surprisingly, we did not explode from hitting the ground so hard. I looked up, my dark hair still in my face and the boy was taking off his cloak. Underneath he was wearing a white hoodie, and jeans. His hair was also a wig, as he removed it revealing blonde hair. "Get up." He said. I complied, and we walked a bit further. I realized that we were inside a house. It was a nice house, with a cool toned pastel color scheme, lots of blues and purples.

I heard a shout. "Will! You haven't been here in so long, we thought they had found you out!" The boy, Will, was hugging a tall lady with short blonde hair, with a light blue hoodie, and purple leggings. She had emerald green eyes and dark skin. It seemed she fit the color scheme of the house. Another lady came out of a room with a black cat with green eyes. She was wearing a grey-blue cloak and had the same color eyes, her skin was as pale as Will's. "What's this about? I was trying to rest with Skyla." She said, gesturing to her cat. "Oh Will, what's up?"

Both the women then noticed me. The blonde started backing away. I held my hands up. "He brought me here." I said to them. "Oh." The blonde said. "I'm Helena, this is my wife Raven." She said. I nodded. "I'm Jay." Helena looked confused for a second then she smiled and Raven nodded. "So, I hear that you are a war strategist?" I asked Raven, she nodded. "Yeah, Helena doesn't like conflict, but I suppose it's part of life, so why not help my side win." She says.

Raven lowers her cloak and I can see her long black hair. She's attractive, both of them are, so is Will. "So, we're going to stage a coup." Will says, pulling me closer. Raven sighs and beckons us forward. She takes us down a hall, there's a door with a code on it, she enters it and we go upstairs. It's a nice room. There's a soft grey rug in the middle of it, a desk and two chairs as well as a whiteboard and a few markers. There's also a bookcase filled to the brim with strategy books, which I didn't know were a thing until now.

"Why do you have so much stuff?" I ask her, she shrugs. "I'm prepared, so Shadow Master, you have any strategies?" She asks. Will places whispers something to her and she looks surprised. "Oh, memory loss?" Raven asks, "I can probably fix you." She says. She murmurs a few words and a pad appears, she moves her fingers around on it in an odd way and a door opens. She returns with a potion. Will shakes his head frantically. "Are we sure we want to do that?" He asks.

"Oh, now you're questioning her?" I ask aggressively. "You told me she was your number one, that she would fix your problems and give you some common sense, which you definitely need. Now she can fix me and you don't want her too?" I yell. Helena is covering her ears. "Although you shouldn't yell in front of my wife, I agree. Will, what's wrong? Can you tell me why you don't want Jay to be healed?" She asks.

"I knew what he was like before, he was a murderer, now that he wants to do good, that he can be good, you want to make him a sociopath again? Also, that memory loss potion was hard to brew, and it took years, and you're going to undo all my progress like that?" Will asks. Raven backs away. "Will, you don't have to fight, don't pull out your staff. Stop! Please. Please. Don't hurt me. Don't hurt Helena. It's fine! We don't have to fight!" Raven pleads, but to no avail. Will has pulled out a staff from his cloak, it's metallic and bejeweled, but it's dangerous.

He casts a spell and immobilizes them. He smashes the potion and turns around to me. He isn't him, his eyes are no longer changing, they are a dark blood red. He kicks at me and I hide under the desk. In the shadows, he curses. For some reason I feel more powerful, stronger, just better. Pointy, sharp gems come flying out of the earth, they seem to attack him. He hides and yells at me to stop but I don't know how. I step out of the shadows, but the fleet of gems continue. Although I feel less strong. The shadows then come to me, and they surround me. He screams in agony, and finally I'm able to stop.

Will's face is somehow paler, and he's quite frightened of me. He backs away. And starts running.