
Master Mage Revives As A Novice Swordsman

The Peak-Tier Master-ranked Mage Nash Allister fails in trying to defuse a difficult situation and, as a result, dies. He revives in his backup body. Unfortunately, the body awakened as a Swordsman rather than a Mage. Nash has to go through the rough beginnings of his journey to switch out to another Mage body!

AbyssalSword · แฟนตาซี
15 Chs

Chapter 13: Teacher Nash.

"What did we get?" Nash asked as he rested.

"Here you go." Naetir immediately gave Nash the Tier-2 Earth-type Scroll. "Sadly, that's all we got."

"Hm..." Nash held his chin as he was in thought. He turned to Naetir and smiled. "Keep it. Study it and learn to Cast the Spell within it."

"Do you already know this Spell?" Naetir asked with a little surprise in her voice. She thought that Nash's Spells ended at Beginner-rank. Little did she know, his Spell arsenal goes all the way up to God-rank, with some of his most frequently used Spells being Grandmaster-rank.

"It's called Circular Spire." Nash explained. "It's surprisingly a restrictive Advanced-rank Earth-type Spell."

"Advanced-rank?!" Naetir asked in shock. It was actually a Tier-3 Earth-type Scroll! "Don't you want it?!"

"No." Nash refused. He had tens of more powerful Spells within the restrictive Earth-type alone! "I should really focus on my physical power right now. I don't have the time to research this Spell. It seems Shinrith isn't quite familiar with other types of magic, so you research it and add it to your arsenal."

"I see..." Naetir got up and bowed at the waist. "Thank you so much!"

"You don't have to thank me. You saved my life." Nash smiled kindly. He was very fond of talented and earnest youngsters. He might look like a 16 year old, but his actual age was 52 years old. To him, the 20 years old Naetir felt more like a young schoolgirl. He wasn't at the point where he would skip formalities with her. If he owed her, he'd pay it back.

Shinrith sat with Natalie as he stared at Naetir asking Nash some questions about the scroll with jealousy.

"Do you think she's trying to get close to him?" Shinrith asked Natalie with a hushed tone.

"You're imagining things." Natalie chuckled. "Naetir always felt left out whenever Master Alex was teaching us Melee Classes. She's like a hungry beast that was let out of its cage. Let her learn like there's no tomorrow."

"I felt left out too..." Shinrith pouted.

"But you progressed on your own." Natalie sighed. "She never had enough money to take her rank promotion test because she always had to pay for lessons on combat as a Mage. To you, it came as naturally as breathing. You don't understand the struggles of us non-geniuses."

"She's the one who had a Perfect Cast." Shinrith looked to the side. It hurt for him. His pride hurt him. For once, he wasn't the best Magical Class in his party. He could tolerate Nash since he only had Magical knowledge. But now, he realized that even a Swordsman is a better Mage than him.

"It's funny." Natalie chuckled.

"What is?" Shinrith asked.

"I've known you for 10 years and this is the first time I've seen you jealous." Natalie said as she reminisced about the old times. "This is good."

"How so?" Shinrith asked. Natalie was a trusted friend that always gave him great advice.

"Use it as fuel. Put your ego aside and go sit with them and ask Nash some questions." Natalie said as she got up and walked to Nash and Naetir.

She looked at Nash and smiled. "Got room for two more?"

"I understand Shinrith, but you're interested in magic lessons? I'm a special case when it comes to using Spells. I hope you know that." Nash clarified.

"Of course!" Natalie smiled as she sat cross-legged in front of Nash. Naetir sat next to him so that they can both review the scroll.

"I need to know Mage tactics to better utilize my party members and fight against Mages." Natalie chuckled. "I might not have looked it so far, but I am the leader of this party."

Nash slowly smiled. He turned to Naetir. "Put the scroll away, we'll give a quick Mage combat 101 lesson for now."

Naetir frowned slightly. After some thought she sighed and sat next to Natalie. Shinrith sat to Natalie's other side awkwardly.

Nash got up and thought for a few seconds. He then glanced towards the Dark Human siblings. Rob was simply resting as he chatted with Leon, but Rebecca was looking at them. She quickly looked to the side, her face blushing lightly.

Nash sighed.

"Hey, Dark Human girl!" Nash called out. Rebecca got confused until she realized that she never properly introduced herself to Nash.

"M-My name is Rebecca. Pleasure to meet you." Rebecca bowed as she got up to Nash. Rob slightly frowned.

"Why did you convert to the Dark?" Nash asked almost in a whisper.

"MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS!" Rob quickly got up and unsheathed his greatsword.

"Sit." Alex said coldly as he released his Aura on Rob. Nash already knew about Rose and showed almost no hostility. He had Master-rank knowledge and hated the Earth Alliance. It would be difficult to find another person like him. Him dying in a fight with monsters would be acceptable, but someone killing him would not.

"I did it to save my brother." Rebecca answered truthfully. "We both converted to protect each other."

"Good." Nash nodded. "I will teach you. If one of you siblings dies, I'll kill the other. If you agree to this condition, I will teach you."

The entire party was silent. What kind of deal was this?!

"..." Rebecca thought about it. "May I ask why?"

"All of those who convert to the Dark have a tether, something that can calm them down no matter what." Nash explained coldly. "If your tether disappears, I will kill you since you have nothing to stop you in case you go crazy."

"Then I agree, but it shouldn't apply to my brother. If he dies, you can kill me. Afterall, I'm the one who's going to learn from you, not him." Rebecca asked earnestly.

Alex retracted his Aura.

Nash thought for a while, then grit his teeth. "No. You must both accept."

"B-But that's not fair!" Rebecca protested.

"We agree." Rob said calmly. He frowned at Nash. "If Rebecca dies, I have no reason to live anyway."

"What?!" Rebecca turned to her brother.

"We've already both agreed. Go learn to your heart's content." Rob smiled at his younger sister.

"..." Rebecca had nothing to say. Her eyes slightly teared up.

"Alright, everyone!" Nash clapped his hands and gathered the attention of everyone in the party. "I want everyone to gather up. We're going to go over general battle tactics."

Nash sent Alex a quick glance. As if hinting to him that he needs to pay attention too. Everyone got up and sat with the magical group, even Rob relented when he saw everyone gather up.

"Alright! I want everyone to quickly reintroduce themselves with Tiers, ranks and preferred fighting style." Nash said.

"I guess I'll start!" Natalie smiled. "I'm Natalie! I'm a Mid-Tier Intermediate-rank Swordsman Class! I use a rapier and like to rush in for powerful finishing or crippling hits!"

"I'm Shinrith." Shinrith said with seriousness. "I'm a High-Tier Intermediate-rank Mage Class. I specialize in Fire magic, but I can also use Earth magic. I like to deal large amounts of damage and keep the cannon fodder off Leon."

"Rob. Peak-Tier Beginner-rank Swordsman Class. I use my greatsword to deal consistent damage to the monster and try to finish it off with one hit." Rob explained roughly.

"My name is Leon." Leon introduced formally. "I am a High-Tier Beginner-rank Shieldmaster Class. I take all the monster's hits and keep the damage as minimum to the party as possible."

"I'm Naetir." Naetir formally bowed by lifting her robe slightly. "I'm a Peak-Tier Beginner-rank Mage Class. I can use all four main elements and I have a slight specialization in Wind magic. I usually provide support by keeping an eye on the Melee Classes and attacking any monsters that Leon misses."

"My name is Rebecca." Rebecca introduced herself. "I'm a Peak-Tier Beginner-rank Summoner Class. I prefer summoning puppets, but I can also use Wind magic. My strongest puppet is a Peak-Tier Novice-rank Swordsman Class. I use it to back up Natalie and Rob if they get attacked by cannon fodder in Boss fights."

"I'm K." K. introduced himself again. "I'm a Peak-Tier Novice-rank Healer and a Mid-Tier Beginner-rank Assassin. I only heal if someone is close to death. I usually protect Rebecca while she controls her puppet."

"I see." Nash thought for a while. "My name is Nash. I'm a Low-Tier Novice-rank Swordsman, but I can use a small number of Spells. I'm not very familiar with combat as a Swordsman, but I am more than confident in my strategic plans of utilizing each member to their full potential."

"I'll give you some pointers in general then give you our main plan of attack for multiple types of monsters." Nash explained. "Natalie, you should try prioritizing dealing as much damage as you can. Focus on damaging critical areas like tendons and joint areas. It will give you a better chance to land a fatal attack like a stab through the eye."

"What about Leon? If I don't quickly dispatch of the monster, he'll take more damage and might be in danger." Natalie asked calmly.

"Don't worry, I'll give him a general way to avoid that." Nash smiled.

Natalie nodded thoughtfully.

"I'll just go in order of introduction then." Nash nodded and turned to Shinrith. "Shinrith, I want you to continue what you do with regards to Fire magic. If there are a ton of small enemies, wipe them out with a large Fire Spell. Try to utilize your Earth magic more when fighting fewer, yet larger, monsters. Try to use it supportively, rather than focusing on damage."

"I understand." Shinrith felt slightly proud that his main way of functioning was apparently the only correct one in the party.

"Next is Rob." Nash said coldly. He still had a distaste for him. "Of course, if you see a chance go for the kill, but just focus on damage. Your greatsword could work wonders for attacking joints and crippling your enemies. If the enemy is especially large, your team will need you for the crippling attacks. Weakening your enemy is better than waiting until you're stronger. Not to mention, you'll eventually tire yourself mentally from constantly trying to find a lethal blow. Just wear it down and it will show itself eventually. There are some rare exceptions, but your default should be this."

Rob simply sneered. He hated how Nash would treat his sister. He didn't care much for himself, he's already felt the backlash of his conversion by many, but he didn't want his sister experiencing that.

"Next." Nash sneered back. Nash turned to Leon and paused. "Actually, Leon, you're for last. I'll teach you while we move."

"A-Alright." Leon nodded.

"Naetir, you're doing well. Actually, almost perfect." Nash praised. "You seem to have the basics of Mage combat down. That's surprising."

"I paid other Mages to teach me in the past." Naetir smiled weakly and scratched the back of her head. All her money was thrown into her lessons and equipment repairs. She barely had any to take the test. If she failed, she'd be completely broke.

"That's great." Nash nodded. "Let that be a lesson to all of you. It might be fine to take knowledge from one person, but never take all your knowledge from one person. Ask around. Maybe some weird dumbass's way of fighting weirdly fits you, but don't forget that across most people the basics are almost identical."

"Next is Rebecca." Nash turned to the Dark Human. "The Summoner Class is pretty rare, but I do have some pointers for you. Your puppet has the Peak-Tier because you're pouring your whole attention on it and using what you've been taught about Melee Classes to fight as one. You're a Summoner, not a Swordsman. Lower the attention you give your puppet. Drop its Tier to Mid-Tier and try to use Wind magic supportively while you have your puppet protecting you. Push Leon out of the way if you see a large attack coming his way that he can't dodge. Or maybe use it to push aside a monster's attack. You'll figure it out eventually."

"..." Rebecca looked at him slightly. "Thank you."

"Next is K." Nash turned to the Demon. "You'll have an entirely new job. I want you to join the DPS group. Help them with critical blows. I want you to lie in wait and attack when you see an opening. You're an Assassin, act like it. The team can survive without a Healer. If they get hurt, they'll live. Just focus on your job. If someone is critically injured, go help them then move back into position. If someone gets hit with a nasty attack like having a hole in their chests, you won't be able to save them with Novice-rank healing, just ignore them. They're already dead."

"I'll focus on heavy damage dealing and helping Leon tank until he gets the hang of it." Nash explained. He then got up. "I've already recovered around 20% of my body's Mana and my ring is 8% full. I can manage Tier-1 monsters with a party."

As the group got up, Rebecca and Naetir approached Nash and bowed. "Thank you for teaching us."

Natalie frowned as she saw Shinrith look to the side. 'His arrogance will be the end of him.'

"Leon, come here." Nash smiled at the duo then called for Leon.

As the group walked forward, Nash started teaching Leon. "Are you familiar with Aura manipulation?"

"N-No." Leon answered.

"I see...what about Mana manipulation?" Nash asked again. He wouldn't expect a Beginner-rank to be able to use Aura.

"I'm somewhat familiar." Leon answered truthfully.

"Great, I want you to push your Mana at the party and retrieve as much of it as you can. I want you to maintain a rhythm." Nash whispered with a smile.

The first wave caught the attention of the party, but they ignored it. After the 12th time, Rob turned around. "Can you stop it?! That's annoying!!"

"That's the point." Nash smiled. He then turned to Leon. "Keep using that on a monster to keep its attention on you. It will attack you crazily though, so stay focused and keep a little distance. Your job is to dodge. Don't worry about the party, I'll help you tank. Later, I'll tell you to tank alone. I need to also do my job, but I won't do it until I'm sure you can handle it. Be ready to jump in front of any attack to protect your teammates, but these attacks won't be aimed at them as much thanks to this little trick."

"I understand, thank you." Leon slightly bowed at the waist.

"If you have to take the hit and can't dodge, try to angle your shield to slightly alter the attack's direction. For now, keep practicing that Mana manipulation technique I taught you, keep it on a smaller scale to not annoy the party." Nash advised as he walked to the front of the group.

The group's current formation was quite different. Shinrith and Naetir held the flanks. Rob stood at the front with Natalie to his left and K. to his right. Rebecca stood in the middle and Leon held the back of the team.

Nash approached Natalie. "I want communication to be clear and precise. Understood?"

"You got it." Natalie playfully saluted.

Nash nodded slightly and headed to the back with Leon.

After a few minutes of walking, Alex returned to the group from scouting. "I found the Goblin Lord. It's pretty close. Let's go kill it."

"Can you lure two of its Hobgoblins?" Nash asked after a little thought.

"I can try, but why?" Alex asked. It looked like even he had something to learn from Nash.

"I want the party to familiarize themselves with their positions and jobs before we head into a large fight." Nash explained.

"I see. I'll try, but I might lure the Goblin Lord too." Alex nodded.

"That's no problem. I'll handle it on my own." Nash simply nodded. Alex disliked that part of him. Any sane person would laugh if a Novice-rank Swordsman said he'd tank a Special Tier-2 monster on his own, yet Nash had proven himself time and again.

"Alright." Alex ran off ahead.

Nash sighed and turned to the party. "Alright! You heard the man! Leon, take the front! Rebecca, Shinrith, Naetir, stay back! Rob, Natalie, K., I want you guys to push in after Leon grabs its attention! I'll back Leon up!"

"Roger!" the Dark World party responded as everyone unsheathed their weapons and got ready.




The party got a little nervous as they heard the heavy thud of footsteps.

They quickly saw Alex slowly retreating as he blocked against three Hobgoblins.

"I lured in a third one!" Alex yelled to Nash.

"That's alright! Leon, hold one off! I got the second one! Rob! Tank the third one! Keep it annoyed and keep dodging!!" Nash yelled out as he rushed towards one of the Hobgoblins.

Nash filled his body with Mana as he started using a Pulse-type Mana manipulation technique. It quickly got the attention of his target. Leon did the same while the rest of the party attacked the third one.

Nash slashed with his longsword and caused a very shallow cut on the Hobgoblin's large stomach.

'So this is my minimum with a casual slash.' Nash then used his superior footwork to maneuver around the Hobgoblin and slashed at the monster's back with all his power.


It caused a deep wound. It was in no way fatal, but it did cause quite a bit of damage. 'I see. I guess I can take one solo, but it'll take me too long. I'll cripple it and go help the main force.'

"I'll be back! Hold on!" Nash yelled as he increased the power of his Mana pulse. He then quickly lured the Hobgoblin around a distance of 30 meters away.

"..." Nash kept dodging the Hobgoblin's large club. He was waiting for the perfect opportunity. After around a minute of waiting, his eyes narrowed. "There!"

He quickly rushed under the Hobgoblin's arm as it widely swung its club.


He slashed at its Achilles' heel causing the giant monster to fall to the ground. Making all kinds of noises as it held its foot.


"Keep barking!" Nash sneered and rushed towards the main party as fast as he could.

"Nash! A little help!" Nash returned to find Leon struggling with his Hobgoblin. Actually, it was two Hobgoblins.

'I can't expect a complete beginner in Mana manipulation to accurately aggro one monster.' Nash clicked his tongue as he rushed to help. He quickly slashed at the damaged one's neck with as much force as he could.


He completely decapitated the Hobgoblin!

'It's a lot easier when it's not paying attention to you. There's also four enemies swarming it like flies. Not to mention the magic Classes.' Nash glared at the corpse before he started dealing damage to the other one. He slowly approached it and slashed at its armpit causing it difficulty to swing its club. It didn't take much from there to kill it.

Leon quickly fell to the ground, covered in sweat.

"That's why you shouldn't have such heavy equipment. Make sure to change it when we get back." Nash commented. He was quite tired himself. "We still have one more! All of you get up!"

The rest of the party grunted as they followed. Nash reached the Hobgoblin he injured.

It wasn't moving as he approached. He looked at the Hobgoblin.

It was dead.

'Hold on...' Nash inspected the corpse. There was a large hole in its chest.

'Someone extracted its Mana core.' Nash summarized. 'Some bastard stole my kill!'

"Wait a second..." Nash then realized that the wound didn't seem like a dissection. It was less of a weapon's slash and more similar to a bite mark. 'What kind of monster in this dungeon would bite as its primary way of at-...?'

"Shadow Walkers..." Nash muttered as his eyes widened in horror. He turned to Rebecca. "LIGHT SPIRITS!! NOW!!!"

Everyone quickly tensed up when they saw Nash's face.

"EVERYONE BACK TO BACK! DON'T LEAVE YOUR BACK OPEN FOR A SECOND!!" Nash instructed as he rushed to the nearest person to him, Leon.

Shinrith and Naetir tensed up as they surveyed the place.

Rob breathed heavily as Rebecca started Casting Summon Light Spirit nervously.

K. paired up with Alex who was somewhat casual about it.

Natalie grit her teeth as she rushed to a wall.

"NO!!" Nash yelled as he rushed towards her. He quickly turned to Leon on his way. "Put your shield on your back!!"

"Got it!" Leon immediately put his shield on his back.

Nash rushed towards Natalie.

Summon Light Spirit!

As Rebecca finished her summoning Spell, light filled this part of the dungeon. Nash saw a chill inducing scene that he has witnessed many times in the past. A skinny hand with long claws reached out with its pitch black fingers. One could only see the arm emerging from the shadows as it pierced towards Natalie.

"SHIT!!" Nash quickly used Teleport and pushed her out of the way. He then passed out from Mana exhaustion immediately after. Before he could even hit the ground, he was jolted awake by that claw piercing through his chest. As he fell to the ground, he quickly bit on something in his mouth. He broke a fake tooth that had a lifesaving treasure in it!

Mana Essence!!

This bright red liquid fell into his throat as incredible amounts of Mana rushed into his body. The surrounding Mana was absorbed so crazily that the Shadow Walkers were forced out of their natural Spell, Shadow Walker, because there was no Mana in the air!!

Greater Heal!

Nash took this moment of near omnipotence to quickly Cast a Greater Heal Spell on himself. He then turned to the rest of the Shadow Walkers. There were five to be exact. He quickly used his favorite Spell.

Earth Spire!

Five spires rose from the ground and pierced each one's head cleanly. Killing all of them. Then, a clear crack could be heard.


Nash heard it clearly. He looked at his hands. They were pulsating with power. 'So this is why Mira couldn't heal herself...she replaced this body's healing potion that I put in the tooth with the Mana Essence I gave her.'

"No way..." Natalie's eyes widened in shock. She'd only heard legends.

That crack that she heard...it was Nash's Mana Core!! He has forcibly become a Beginner-rank and increased his Mana Core's potential by one grade!!


"FUCK!!" Nash punched the wall so hard it cracked.

Natalie could see tears in his eyes as she got up. "A-Are you okay?"

"..." Nash quickly held his head as he slid to the ground. He then whispered to himself. "Fuck..."

"A-Are you crying?" Alex approached the two. Nash was actually sobbing.

"Where's the Goblin Lord?" Nash looked up with tears in his eyes, yet his eyes were filled with fury. He remembered that Mark was still out there.

"Why?" Alex asked.

"I want to blow off some steam." Nash said with hatred in his voice.

"..." Alex quietly observed Nash's behavior. "No. You're too worked up right now. Calm down first."

"You're right." Nash muttered to himself. He then smashed his head into the wall. "DAMN IT! YOU'RE RIGHT!!"

"H-Hey!" Leon said as he walked up with the rest of the group.

"Are you okay?" Naetir asked with concern.

"Just give me a moment." Nash said as he hid his face into his knees.

K. looked around as he widened his eyes in horror. He quickly fell on his butt as he yelled with no care for monsters hearing him. "S-S-S-Shadow Walkers!!!"

"Holy shit..." Rob paled as he noticed the perfect 10 cm diameter hole in each of the Shadow Walkers' heads.

Every single one of them looked at Nash with fear in their eyes. It was obvious that he used some sort of treasure, but such refined control was beyond even Advanced-rank Mages.

"Earth Spire..." Naetir's eyes widened in realization. She once had the luck to meet Master-rank Mage in the fields while she was training with other Mages. His exact words were 'I am quite skilled with Earth magic, especially the Master-rank Spell Earth Spire. My greatest wish is to Perfect Cast it someday'.

"Oh my god..." Naetir stared at Nash with fear in her eyes. 'A Master-rank Mage!!'

99 Gold

72 Silver

80 Copper

5 changes of clothing

Tier-2 Mana storage ring

Blood-bound spatial ring:{

6 Mana crystals

10 drops of Mana Essence

Tier-0 Mage equipment

Tier-1 Mage equipment

Tier-2 Mage equipment

Tier-3 Mage equipment

Tier-4 Mage equipment}

2 Tier-1 longswords

Tier-0 Blood-type Mana gathering array

100 Paper

3 Ink bottles


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