
Master Gu

Daoist4u25rl · ตะวันออก
46 Chs

Master nine turn, flower wine left behind

A week passed quickly.

"Humans are the spirit of all things, and Gu are the essence of heaven and earth. There are countless types of Gu in this world, existing all around us—in the soil, in the grass, and even inside wild beasts."

"During the process of human reproduction and survival, our ancestors gradually discovered the mysteries of Gu. Those who have opened their aperture, using their primeval essence to nurture, refine, and control these Gu to achieve various purposes, are collectively called Gu Masters."

"All of you, having successfully opened your apertures and condensed your primeval sea seven days ago, are now first-rank Gu Masters."

In the school hall of the mountain village, the school elder was speaking confidently.

Opposite him sat fifty-seven youths, all listening intently.

The wonders and power of Gu Masters had long been deeply ingrained in the hearts of these young people. Everything the elder spoke of deeply captivated them.

At this moment, a young boy raised his hand. After receiving the elder's permission, he stood up and asked, "Elder, I have known since I was very young that Gu Masters are divided into ranks. Can you explain this in detail?"

Gu Yue Shi nodded and motioned for the boy to sit down. "There are nine major realms for Gu Masters, from the lowest to the highest: first-rank, second-rank, third-rank, and so on up to ninth-rank. Each major realm is further divided into four minor stages: initial stage, middle stage, upper stage, and peak stage. You have just become Gu Masters and are all in the initial stage of the first-rank."

"If you work hard in your cultivation, your level will naturally rise, and it is possible to advance to the second or third-rank. Of course, the higher your aptitude, the greater the possibility of advancement."

"Ding-grade aptitude means the primeval sea occupies two to three-tenths of the aperture and can generally cultivate up to first or second-rank. Bing-grade aptitude, with the primeval sea at four to five-tenths, usually stops at the second-rank, with only a few lucky ones advancing to the initial stage of the third-rank. Yi-grade aptitude, with six to seven-tenths, can reach the third or even fourth-rank. Jia-grade aptitude, with the primeval sea at eight to nine-tenths, naturally has the highest talent and is most suited for Gu Master cultivation, able to reach the fifth-rank."

"As for Gu Masters above the sixth-rank, each one is a legend, and I don't know much about them. Our Gu Yue clan has never produced a sixth-rank Gu Master, but we have had fifth and fourth-rank ones."

The youths' ears perked up, and their eyes shone brightly as they listened.

Many of them couldn't help but look at Gu Yue Fang Zheng, who sat in the front row, their eyes filled with envy and jealousy toward this Jia-grade talent.

Meanwhile, some glanced toward the last row of the classroom.

In the corner by the window, Gu Yue Fang Yuan was sound asleep on his desk.

"Look, he's still sleeping," someone whispered.

"He's been sleeping for a week straight and hasn't recovered yet?" someone else sneered.

"Not just that. It's said that he doesn't come home at night and wanders around the village outskirts."

"Someone even saw him a few times at night, hugging a wine jar and getting drunk outside. Luckily, the area around the village has been cleared and is relatively safe." Classmates whispered, spreading various rumors quickly.

"Alas, the blow was indeed too much. He bore the name of a genius for so many years, only to turn out to be a Bing-grade talent, haha."

"If that were all, it would be fine. But his younger brother turned out to be a Jia-grade talent and is now receiving the best treatment, admired by all. The younger brother is in the sky, and the older brother is on the ground, tsk tsk..."

Listening to the growing discussions, the school elder's brow furrowed into a knot.

In the entire classroom, the youths sat upright, radiating vitality, making the slumped, sleeping Fang Yuan even more conspicuous and irritating.

"It's been a week, and he's still so dispirited. Hmph, I really misjudged him back then. How could such a person be a genius?" The elder snorted internally, displeased. He had spoken to Fang Yuan many times about this situation, but to no avail. Fang Yuan continued to act on his own, sleeping through every class, causing the teaching elder a great deal of frustration and anger.

"Forget it, he's just a Bing-grade. If he can't even withstand this little setback, then cultivating him is a waste of family resources and will only lead to disappointment," the elder thought, feeling very disillusioned with Fang Yuan.

Compared to Fang Yuan, who was only a Bing-grade, his younger brother Fang Zheng was a Jia-grade talent, a much more worthwhile investment for the family.

While thinking, the elder continued the previous topic aloud: "In the history of our clan, many strong individuals have emerged. Among them, there were two fifth-rank powerhouses. One was the first clan leader, our ancestor, who founded the Gu Yue village. The other was the fourth clan leader, who had exceptional talent and reached the fifth-rank Gu Master level. If not for the despicable and shameless demonic thief Flower Wine Walker's ambush, he might have advanced to the sixth-rank. Sigh..."

At this, Gu Yue Shi sighed deeply.

Below the platform, the youths were filled with righteous indignation.

"It's all because of that Flower Wine Walker, so sinister and cunning!"

"What a pity our fourth clan leader was so kind-hearted and died young."

"If I had been born a few hundred years earlier, I would have exposed that demon's ugly face, even at the cost of my life."

Every member of the Gu Yue clan knew the story of the fourth clan leader and Flower Wine Walker.

Flower Wine Walker, also a fifth-rank Gu Master, was a notorious flower thief in the demonic path. Hundreds of years ago, he wandered into Qing Mao Mountain, attempting to commit crimes in Gu Yue village, but was discovered by the fourth clan leader. After an earth-shattering battle, Flower Wine Walker was forced to his knees, begging for mercy. The kind-hearted fourth clan leader intended to spare him, but Flower Wine Walker suddenly attacked, seriously injuring the clan leader.

Enraged, the clan leader killed Flower Wine Walker on the spot but succumbed to his injuries shortly after.

Thus, in the hearts of all Gu Yue clansmen, the fourth clan leader was a heroic figure who sacrificed his life for the village.

"Flower Wine Walker..." Awakened by the classroom's outcry, Fang Yuan opened his sleepy eyes.

He stretched lazily and thought with some resentment, "Where exactly did Flower Wine Walker die? Why haven't I found his legacy after searching all around the village?"

In his memory, about two months later, a clan Gu Master, drunk and heartbroken, lay outside the village, and the scent of his spilled wine attracted a wine insect.

The Gu Master was delighted and tried to capture it. The wine insect fled, and the Gu Master, in pursuit, discovered a hidden cave entrance leading underground.

Wine insects are precious, so the Gu Master ventured into the cave and found Flower Wine Walker's remains and his legacy.

Upon returning to the village and reporting his discovery, the entire clan was in an uproar.

That Gu Master reaped great benefits, his cultivation soaring, and even won back the heart of the lover who had abandoned him, becoming a celebrated figure for a time.

"Unfortunately, I only heard vague details of this story and didn't know the exact location. I never thought I'd have the chance to relive this day. Flower Wine Walker, where exactly did you die?"

In recent days, Fang Yuan had bought much wine, wandering around the village at night, hoping the scent would attract a wine insect. Unfortunately, there was no sign of it, leaving him quite disappointed.

"If I could find that wine insect and refine it as my vital Gu, it would be much better than the family's Moonlight Gu. Time flies; it's already April, and time waits for no one." Fang Yuan sighed, looking out the window.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, the green mountains stretched far and wide. Nearby was a bamboo grove.

These were the distinctive bamboo of Qing Mao Mountain, each standing straight like a line, with sharp tips as pointed as spearheads.

Not far away, the forest had already begun to show new green. The budding shoots were a mix of yellow and green. Occasionally, colorful finches perched on the branches.

A spring breeze blew, carrying the fresh scent of the green mountains and clear waters, spreading it across the land.

Unconsciously, the class was nearing its end. The school elder made a final announcement: "Over the past week, I've taught you how to meditate, observe your own aperture and primeval sea, and how to sit and mobilize the primeval essence in your body. Now it is time to refine your vital Gu. After this class, go to the Gu room in the school and choose your Gu worm. After selecting your Gu worm, return home to cultivate in seclusion. Only after you have refined your Gu worm will you return to school for further classes. This will also be your first assessment. The one who finishes first will receive a generous reward of twenty pieces of primeval stones."


The next moment, the entire classroom erupted in cheers.

"Finally, we're going to refine Gu worms. What kind of Gu worm should I choose?" Fang Yuan's eyes flashed with a sharp light.