
Master Gu

Daoist4u25rl · ตะวันออก
46 Chs

In the bag

"Could you move a bit?"

"You've been afflicted by my exclusive Poison Gu. Without my antidote, you'll turn into pus and blood within seven days."

"Compared to Flower Wine Lord, I'm nothing! I was foolish and offended Flower Wine Lord. Flower Wine Lord, please spare my life in consideration of our clan's hospitality!"

The scene on the wall began replaying for the second time.

Silent and contemplative, Fang Yuan sighed softly when it repeated for the third time and said, "So that's how it is."

This technique of imprinting images and sound on the stone wall was likely set up by Flower Wine Walker using Image and Sound Storage Gu. This Gu could imprint images and playback sound.

Image and Sound Storage Gu sustained themselves by absorbing light and sound. For some reason, this secret cave wall emitted a red light and connected to the outside world through crevices, allowing external sounds like the roar of a waterfall to reach Fang Yuan's ears.

Thus, Image and Sound Storage Gu survived in this secret cave on the mountainside.

When Fang Yuan disturbed the withered vines earlier, he likely alarmed the hidden Image and Sound Storage Gu in the stone wall.

Anyone with a bit of insight could deduce the authenticity of this recording.

Back then, the Fourth Generation Clan Leader failed to ambush Flower Wine Walker and was killed in battle, though he managed to strike back and caused Flower Wine Walker's death. This history was embarrassing and the surviving elders concealed and distorted the truth.

They reversed the roles of the Fourth Generation Clan Leader and Flower Wine Walker. Flower Wine Walker became the defeated attacker who was killed on the spot, while the Fourth Generation Clan Leader was portrayed as an upright hero.

But this story had a major flaw.

Namely, Flower Wine Walker had clearly been killed on the spot, and his remains should have been controlled by the Gu clan. So why was there another skeleton found later?

In his previous life, the Gu master who discovered this must have been filled with fear upon viewing this recording. Although the surviving elders had long since passed away, to prevent Flower Wine Walker from returning, this truth must have been secretly kept within the highest echelons of the clan.

Realizing that if he monopolized the treasure, there would be huge risks later. If he was found to be involved with Flower Wine Walker, the clan leaders would naturally eliminate him.

Therefore, after careful consideration, he dared not conceal this treasure and made the decision to report it to the top ranks.

His actions further demonstrated his loyalty to the clan. His subsequent fate also indicated that he had made a wise choice.

But this did not mean Fang Yuan would do the same.

"A treasure discovered after such effort should be kept to oneself. Why should it be shared with others? Even if discovered, so what? Without risk, there's no reward. That Gu master was truly timid." Fang Yuan chuckled coldly, ignoring the repeating images on the stone wall and instead turning around to forcefully pull out the withered vines.

Flower Wine Walker's corpse was also affected, originally intact but now shattered into several pieces.

Fang Yuan didn't care, kicking away a leg bone that was in his way and then squatting down again to search for the treasure.

First, he found a bag of primeval stones. Opening it, he found only fifteen pieces.

"Poor guy," Fang Yuan commented. Despite Flower Wine Walker's flashy appearance, he hadn't accumulated much.

But Fang Yuan quickly understood the reason. After the intense battle and being affected by Moon Shadow Gu, Flower Wine Walker must have used primeval stones for healing. To have saved fifteen pieces was actually quite good.

Next, Fang Yuan found several remnants of dead Gu. Most were flower and grass types of Gu, now completely withered.

Gu were also living creatures that needed food to be raised, and most were very picky. Although flower and grass Gu had minimal food requirements, this secret cave had no sunlight at all.

After that...

After that, there was nothing left.

First, Flower Wine Walker engaged in a fierce battle with the Fourth Generation Clan Leader and then fought nearly ten elders. His Gu had already been consumed a lot, and after arriving here, he wanted to heal. Therefore, he used the wine sac flower Gu and the food bag grass Gu. But in the end, he was dragged down by the Moon Shadow Gu.

After three hundred years of neglect, his body had already become dry.

The only thing left was the Image and Sound Storage Gu in the stone wall and the wine bug.

This wine bug had survived with difficulty, relying on the wine sac flower Gu. But as each wine sac flower Gu died, it lost its food source.

This forced it to go outside to find wild wine sac flowers.

Then, on this night, it was attracted by the strong fragrance of Green Bamboo Wine and came before Fang Yuan.

"Image and Sound Storage Gu can only record once and are consumable. It seems the wine bug is the biggest gain of this trip. No wonder that Gu master reported to the clan. It looks like the profits were too small and not worth the risk." Fang Yuan felt a surge of understanding.

The Gu master in his memory had already reached the third realm, but the wine bug was only a first realm Gu. For Fang Yuan, it was quite precious, but for that Gu master, it was dispensable.

However, obviously, because of the report of the Gu master, the clan also gave him a considerable reward.

"Should I also report to the clan?" Fang Yuan thought for a moment, then dismissed the idea.

Flower Wine Walker's legacy seems to consist only of the wine bug and primeval stones, but that's not all.

The real value lies in the mountainside where Image and Sound Storage Gu are hidden.

Or rather, it's the repeating images playing on the mountain wall.

These images could easily be sold to other mountain strongholds. The high-ranking members of the other two strongholds on Qing Mao Mountain would undoubtedly be very interested in such conclusive evidence that challenges clan beliefs. The price they offer would surely exceed what the clan has rewarded.


You mention the clan's sense of honor and belonging?

I'm sorry, but Fang Yuan has none of that.

Moreover, this footage isn't some overwhelming force that threatens to destroy a clan—it won't cause substantial harm. The indifferent clan wouldn't value Fang Yuan, who needs to rely on his own efforts and expand his cultivation resources, especially in the early stages of cultivation when external support is crucial.

"Rely on the clan? Hah." Fang Yuan scoffed inwardly. "How could I be so naive as in my previous life?"

Don't rely on anyone. Everything in this world depends on oneself.

After confirming that the secret cave had been thoroughly searched, Fang Yuan retraced his steps.

Pressing against the water pressure and squeezing past giant stones, he returned outside the mountain. Looking back at the boulder, Fang Yuan suddenly recalled memories from his previous life, where he found bones in an underground cavern. But this wasn't underground—it was clearly inside the mountain wall.

No wonder he had gone through so much trouble and failed to find it for seven consecutive days.

It seems that in his previous life, once the clan discovered this place, they must have immediately destroyed the image wall and spread mixed messages to mislead the clan members.

Tonight's discovery was partly luck, partly accumulation, and perhaps most importantly, due to the strong fragrance of Green Bamboo Wine.

This aroma was truly rich, arguably the best on Qing Mao Mountain.

Perhaps in his previous life, that Gu master drank this wine after a failed romance.

But all of that didn't matter anymore. Fang Yuan had thoroughly excavated Flower Wine Walker's legacy. Though the outcome was somewhat disappointing, it was within expectations. Most importantly, Fang Yuan had achieved his initial goal and acquired what he needed most.

"Next, I'll focus on refining Gu in the inn. Once I have my vital Gu, I can return to the academy, qualify for student dorms, and cultivate with the help of clan resources. Staying in the inn for a short while is fine, but staying too long would be too costly." Fang Yuan pondered as he walked, heading towards the stronghold.

He initially had two primeval stones left, and now gained fifteen more, totaling seventeen. But for a Gu master, what are these few primeval stones?