
Master Gu

Daoist4u25rl · ตะวันออก
46 Chs

Drifting away

The red sun was setting but had not completely disappeared. The sky still had light, but everything seemed to be covered in a layer of gray. Through the window, one could see the distant mountains gradually darkening into a heavy black. 

Inside the dimly lit living room, the uncle and aunt sat in the main seats, their expressions obscured by shadows. Upon seeing the two jars of wine Fang Yuan had brought with him, Uncle Gu Yue Dong Tu furrowed his brow into a knot and spoke, "Time flies, and now you are both fifteen. You both have the qualifications to become Gu Masters, especially Fang Zheng. Your aunt and I are very proud of you. I am giving each of you six pieces of primeval stones. You need these for refining Gu worms, which consumes a lot of primeval essence."

With that, a servant came over and handed each of the Fang brothers a small bag. Fang Yuan silently accepted his bag without a word. Fang Zheng immediately opened his bag and saw six oval-shaped grayish-white primeval stones inside. His face instantly showed gratitude as he stood up from his seat and bowed to his uncle and aunt, saying, "Thank you, Uncle and Aunt. I really need these primeval stones to replenish my primeval essence. I will always remember your kindness in raising me, and I will never forget it for the rest of my life!"

Uncle smiled and nodded. Aunt quickly waved her hand and said warmly to Fang Zheng, "Sit down, sit down. Although you two brothers are not our biological children, we have always treated you as our own. We are proud of your achievements. Alas, sometimes we wish you could really become our children since we have none of our own."

These words were full of meaning, but Fang Zheng did not understand. Fang Yuan, however, slightly frowned. As expected, Uncle continued, "Your aunt and I have discussed it and want to adopt you into our family, to become a real part of us. Fang Zheng, would you be willing?"

Fang Zheng was taken aback for a moment but soon showed an expression of joy and readily agreed, "Honestly, since my parents died, I have been longing for a reunited family. Becoming a real part of your family would be wonderful!"

Aunt's expression relaxed, and she smiled, "Then you are our good son. Shouldn't you stop calling us Uncle and Aunt?"

"Father, Mother," Fang Zheng realized and quickly changed his address.

Both Uncle and Aunt laughed heartily. 

"Good son, it's not in vain that we have raised you since you were five. We have cared for you for ten whole years," Aunt said, wiping her tears. 

Uncle then looked at the silent Fang Yuan and gently asked, "Fang Yuan, what do you think?"

Fang Yuan shook his head without speaking. 

"Brother," Gu Yue Fang Zheng wanted to persuade him but was stopped by Uncle.

Uncle's tone did not change as he said, "Since that is the case, Fang Yuan, we will not force you. However, you are already fifteen years old and should start your own household. This will also make it easier for you to inherit the Fang family branch. Here are two hundred pieces of primeval stones as my support for you."

"Two hundred pieces of primeval stones!" Fang Zheng's eyes widened. He had never seen so many primeval stones before and couldn't help but show an expression of envy. 

But Fang Yuan still shook his head. 

Fang Zheng was puzzled, while Uncle's expression changed slightly, and Aunt's face darkened. 

"Uncle, Aunt, if there is nothing else, I will take my leave." Fang Yuan did not give them a chance to speak further, picked up the jars of wine, and walked straight out of the hall. 

Fang Zheng stood up, "Father, Mother, Brother is just having a hard time understanding. Let me try to persuade him?"

Uncle waved his hand and sighed deliberately, "Sigh, this cannot be forced. You have such a heart, and I am already very pleased. Someone, take Young Master Fang Zheng to his room and settle him well."

"Then I will take my leave." Fang Zheng left, and the living room fell into silence. 

The sun had completely set behind the mountains, and the living room grew darker. 

After a while, in the dimness, Uncle's cold voice broke the silence, "It seems that Fang Yuan, this little rascal, has seen through our plan."

The rules of the Gu Yue clan clearly stated that the eldest son at the age of sixteen was eligible to inherit the family estate. 

Fang Yuan's parents had passed away, leaving a considerable inheritance, all "kept" by Uncle and Aunt. 

The value of this inheritance was far beyond a mere two hundred pieces of primeval stones. 

If Fang Yuan, like Fang Zheng, was adopted by Uncle and Aunt, he would not be eligible to inherit this inheritance. If Fang Yuan started his own household at fifteen, it would not meet the clan's inheritance regulations. 

"Fortunately, we have won over Fang Zheng, and Fang Yuan only has a B-grade aptitude." Uncle sighed again, feeling extremely fortunate.

"But, dear, if Fang Yuan is determined to start his own household at sixteen, what should we do?" Aunt asked urgently, thinking of the inheritance.

"Hmph, since he has evil intentions, we can't be blamed for our actions. Before he starts his own household, we must catch him making a major mistake and expel him from the family, stripping him of his right to inherit." Uncle snorted coldly.

"But that little rascal Fang Yuan is very clever. How could he make a mistake?" Aunt was puzzled.

Uncle immediately rolled his eyes and scolded, "You are really foolish! If he doesn't make a mistake, can't we frame him? Let Shen Cui seduce Fang Yuan first, then scream assault. We'll catch him red-handed and accuse him of being lewd and depraved. Wouldn't that be enough to expel him?"

"You are so clever, dear! Brilliant plan!" Aunt was overjoyed.

The thick night covered the land, and most of the stars in the sky were obscured by drifting clouds. In the village, lights gradually began to illuminate each household.

Gu Yue Fang Zheng was led into a room. 

"Young Master Fang Zheng, this room was specially prepared for you by the master himself," Shen Mammy introduced enthusiastically, bowing with a flattering smile on her face.

Fang Zheng looked around, his eyes shining. The room was twice as large as his previous one, with a large bed in the center. A sandalwood desk with exquisite stationery was placed by the window, and the walls were adorned with beautiful decorations. Even the floor was not ordinary but covered with a soft handmade carpet.

Fang Zheng had never stayed in such a room before. He nodded repeatedly, "This is great. Thank you, Shen Mammy."

Shen Mammy, Aunt's most trusted person, managed the household servants and was the de facto housekeeper. 

Fang Yuan's personal maid, Shen Cui, was her daughter. 

Shen Mammy laughed, "I dare not accept your thanks, Young Master. It's my duty! You just need to eat well and sleep well. If you need anything, just ring the bell by the bed, and a servant will come immediately. The master instructed that you should focus solely on your cultivation these days, and leave all other matters to us servants."

Fang Zheng felt another wave of gratitude and silently resolved: This time, I must get first place and not disappoint Uncle and Aunt!


The clouds in the sky grew heavier, and the night deepened. The stars were almost completely obscured, leaving only a few struggling to shine. 

"Uncle and Aunt must be planning how to expel me from the family. In my previous life, they secretly incited the servants to provoke me, then framed me and expelled me. I wonder what changes will happen in this life," Fang Yuan thought coldly as he walked down the street.

He had long seen through Uncle and Aunt's true nature. 

However, he could understand. 

People die for wealth, just as birds die for food. Whether on Earth or in this world, many people trample on family, friendship, and love for profit.

In fact, there was no family affection at all. When Uncle and Aunt adopted Fang Yuan and Fang Zheng, their real motive was to seize the inheritance. The two brothers frequently surprised them. 

"Starting is always the hardest, especially for me. I have neither outstanding aptitude nor a mentor's guidance. It's like starting from scratch. My parents' inheritance can be a great boost. In my previous life, I lost the inheritance to Uncle and Aunt, which cost me two years to reach the peak of the first rank. This mistake must not be repeated in this life."

Fang Yuan walked and thought at the same time. 

He did not stay in his residence but carried the two jars of wine, heading straight out of the village. 

The night sky grew darker, and the wind in the mountains blew stronger. 

A storm was coming. 

However, he had to explore. He needed to retrieve his parents' inheritance, but that would have to wait until he turned sixteen next year. The relics of the Flower Wine Walker could be obtained soon. 

There were few pedestrians on the street. Dim lights shone from the houses along the road, and the wind blew around some small pieces of garbage and leaves.

Fang Yuan's thin clothes could not block the mountain wind, making him feel cold. 

He simply opened one of the jars and took a small sip. Although it was turbid wine, swallowing it brought a wave of warmth. 

This was his first real drink in days. 

The farther Fang Yuan walked out of the village, the sparser the houses became, and the dimmer the lights grew. Ahead, darkness loomed heavily. The wind pressed down on the forest, and in the night, the swaying branches rustled loudly, sounding like a pack of beasts roaring.

Fang Yuan's steps did not falter in the slightest. He walked out of the village gate, continuing further into the darkness.

Behind him, the village was brightly lit with countless lights.

In one of those warm, illuminated corners, his younger brother, Gu Yue Fang Zheng, sat at a desk, reviewing the notes he had taken in class. The room was well-lit, the sturdy walls keeping out the cold wind. Beside him was a cup of hot ginseng tea, with steam gently rising from it.

"Young Master Fang Zheng, your bath water is ready," came Shen Cui's soft voice from outside the door.

Fang Zheng's heart stirred, "Bring it in, then."

Shen Cui entered the room, swaying her hips and wearing a seductive expression.

"This servant greets Young Master Fang Zheng," she said, looking at him with eyes full of flirtation. Fang Yuan was only of B-grade aptitude, but Fang Zheng was of A-grade. Climbing up to him would mean true wealth and fortune!