
Master's pet

They came for us, they invaded our world. Earth was no longer ours, their was no more peace but war and destruction. The time when Alphas, vampire lords, witches, humans and all creatures of the earth were no longer in charge but now slaves of their deadly invaders. Fern knew it, she knew they were the bad guys, her enemies but she couldn't help it, she fell in a love triangle. she can't promise to let go. He held my face in both his callus hands and then looked right in to my soul. “Why do you keep on blaming yourself for everything, Lillian? Why be so hard on yourself?” He gently asked me, master was never gentle, he rarely showed this side of him to me. “I am sorry master, I am such a big disappointment to be your creation. but I couldn’t stop it, please have mercy on me. Please let me continue to stay by your side.” I said, as I did nothing but broke down in front of him. I knew it, I was a disappointment, a disgrace to him, he taught me to be strong and cold, to never show emotions, because it made creatures weak. “Tell me what’s wrong, my dear Lillian.” Master whispered in my ears, as his cold thumb gently rubbed my tears away, and out of nowhere he pulled me into a hug, I was really taken back by his actions, because I myself, knew how much master never liked me closer. He would always tell me to stay 6feet away from him. And now that I am this close to him, he felt so different from the master I had known in my whole existence, I held him tighter as I moved closer to his big, hard and warm body, due to the embrace of his presence that would soon get cold. “Tell me, what wrong have you done, to deserve my forgiveness? What is it, my sweet girl?” Said master, as he held me tighter to him, my head deep in his chest, breathing in his scent. She loved him so much she was not willing to let go. A story were it's all wrong but so right.

leala · ไซไฟ
9 Chs

Chapter five


I stood by the huge glass, and stared down at the damaged earth below me.

Everything was destroyed, even the mountain, I had once called home for years, was now gone.

Lone tears slip down my cheeks, as I thought of my family, my parents, my siblings, I was now an orphan, my mother and father were gone. And I had no idea where Alex was, when we had woken up that day we were caught, Alex was not in the same room as both I and Emily, which only made me more worried, where was he? did they kill him? my heart just broke at the thought.

Letting out a hopeless and helpless sigh, I sat up on the soft bed, it was Xenia's, I supposed because of his triggering scent, but when I woke up, it was all so empty and quiet.

I knew it, I knew Xenia was the reason, why earth was being destroyed, he was the reason, why my parents were dead, why my brother was missing, he possibly had him locked just as my sister, or both were now, even slaves, pets or something.

But even with all this, I still couldn't bring myself to hold a grudge against him, I didn't have courage to hate him, and had no idea why, maybe because I was gullible and stupid.

But the only thing, his overbearing presence brought me, was fear and a weird feeling, I wanted to know everything about him, to be closer.

Which all made me, angry at myself, I felt so much guilt for feeling this way, he was the earth creatures' immortal enemy, my family's enemy, he was my enemy, my parents' murderer, the destroyer of my childhood, my home and people.

I should hate him, I was supposed to despise him, but I just couldn't, because I didn't have the ability to hate him, all I could do was to follow and do anything he asked of me, it was like I was under a spell. I was weak, just as they all used to say.

My feet carried me to the room, which both Xenia and I had bathed in, I slowly slip the small piece of clothing off my body, and entered the water.

The water was not as warm as the last, but it still worked for me.

I just stood their surrounded by the cold scented water. As I thought of nothing in my life, it felt so relaxing and peaceful.

I dry the water off myself and wear back the piece of clothing, since I had nothing to wear but it.

White walls, glass and wall disappearing doors, an airship, technology, destruction and damage, was all new to me, but what possibly could I, poor Fern do? Nothing, I was just an on looker, this was not the first time, this was my whole life.

I did nothing but watch.

"Good." I heard as Xenia praised, pulling me up from my knees and leading me away from the entrance.

I had done as he had told me to, I had knelt in front of the door and waited for his return, even when I got tired, I kept pushing myself harder, I had this strong feeling, to please him.

"Eat." Ordered Xenia, when strange food magically appeared in front of me, without giving him any chance to repeat himself or get irritated, I dug in, then I just realized, how really hungry I was.

Looking up from the strangely delicious food, I find Xenia quietly sitting, his strong arms, crossed against his chest as he stared in to space, his handsome face in a grimace.

In the few hours I had got to know him, I saw nothing but that calm aura he carried around him, which hid the danger his presence possessed, even when he was supposed to be irritated, his facial expression, or his voice never seemed to change, he kept himself so closed and hidden.

"Um- Xe…..Xenia are-n't you hun-gry?" I asked slightly stammering over my words, as I felt his heated gaze immediately on the side of my face.

I let out a loud and surprised grasp in shock, as in a blink of an eye, he was next to my tiny form, sitting right next to me, he was so close.

"What was that my little pet, worried about your master, are you?" I heard as he teased, making all the blood rush to my pale cheeks in my embarrassment.

"No-no, I was just wondering if you were not hungry, you eat food right?" I question more to myself.

"Yes, in fact I am very hungry, so hungry and thirsty, but my food is not ready, you see, my dear Fern." I heard as he said, his face only a few inches from my own.

"Wh-at is i-t th-at, yo-u e-at?" I stammered, my breath coming out in pants, all due to how close and the warmth of his tongue on my neck.

"So sweet and delicate." Xenia whispered, before I felt him capture my lips in his own, they were so warm and inviting.

"Open your sweet little mouth for me, my sweet pet."

So I did, I let him in without questioning, he devoured my mouth, his rough and callus hands, dominantly moved to my throat, cutting my air supply but I still didn't try to push him away, I just felt myself melt.

"So delicate and fragile, it only makes me want more." He said more to himself, as he pulled away from me, and then stared at my now flashed face, before his hands moved from my cold pale cheeks, trailing back to my bare neck, I felt tingles and sparks on my skin, as butterflies in my stomach.

"So small and perfect, all I want to do is ruin you, ruin that little pure mind of yours, and make it so dirty and sinful for to bare, even with just the sight of me." Xenia said, his voice in a faint whisper, he seemed to be in his own world.

I had no idea of what he meant, but I felt my body heat up at his words, as warmth ran down my southern region.

Right now, I felt so hot from his gaze, I couldn't look into his eyes, he had this look, as if he just wanted to devour all of me.