
Mass Effect: Project-ACE

Project - ACE is a story about my oc in mass effect. Project - ACE was a classified Curbers experiment to create the 'Perfect Human' that had been genetic and cybernetic superiority over everyone else. Project - ACE consisted of three parts. The first was the construction of the 'Super Dreadnought' Hellaos. Second was the construction of the A.I. known as A.C.E. Third was the creation of subject Adam the genetically engineered human.

Aliexa_West · วิดีโอเกม
6 Chs

CH 001: Ship Project - Log

"Project 'Hellaos' report #1 by Project Head Chef Engineer Alex Road"

Finely the boss gave the go ahead for my baby to be built. I spent 40 years of my life designing this beast its a 2.3 km long star ship way passed Citadel ship regulations and the tech I developed for it's superstructure alone was expensive

Though by far it's peace of resistance is it's 2 km long spinal particle lance It uses plasma shot through a ten layered mass effect fled to destabilize the atoms of the target. well anyway lets get to building.


"Project 'Hellaos' report #103 by Project Head Chef Engineer Alex Road"

I have greatly underestimated the mineral cost of this ship it already drained a quarter of the mineral rich asteroids in this system and only the main 'skeleton' is complete. Anyway good news I received news of a A.I. development project to 'crew' this behemoth.

Well I just turned 80 this star year so I probably won't see her fly in my life time.


"Project 'Hellaos' report #157 by Project Head Chef Engineer Alex Road"

The Alliance found our old base Yesterday to bad the base was decommissioned due to my baby hungrily devouring all the mineral rich asteroids in the system. well anyway the boss sent more blueprints for the subsystems and thrusters.

on a side note I cracked the reactor problem I developed the Nova class element zero core too bad I couldn't size it down past being the size of a frigate. Though my son just entered the Alliance Military and the boss sent someone to 'Observe' me.


"Project 'Hellaos' report #247 by Project Head 'Chef Engineer' Sam Morgan"

It was a shame to lose Alex I really looked up to her apparently her shuttle had a accident from improper maintenance. Well I have been working on Integrating all the blueprints the Illusive Man sent.

At least the ship is 70% complete and the A.I. Project has seen promising progress. The 'Perfect Human' Program has completed It's first subject but is having problems replicating it.


"Project 'Hellaos' report #292 by Project Head 'Chef Engineer' Sam Morgan"

The ship has reached testing phase and so far everything is green. The A.I. Project should be delivering the A.I. Core soon so the ship will be 100% by the end of the year.

looks like the Alliance found two more base's that we abandoned. It's funny watching them trying to find us. They have hint's that some thing big is going on because of all the depleted mineral asteroids.


"Project 'Hellaos' report #300 by Project Head 'Chef Engineer' Sam Morgan"

The A.I. has been installed and has cleared all simulations. finely time to bring this protect to a close. Though I can't what to see how effective it would be in real combat.

*Hatch Opining*

Why has the Anti-Intruder system Activated, And why is the turret pointing to me?

*Bang* *Screaming* *Bang* *Screaming* *Bang*


"Project 'Hellaos' report #??? by '???'

[Purge Successful: Initializing Auto Mode]

[Destination Set]