

Alex Shelby has a secrete, ever since he was young, he had always felt different, he could see farther, hear clearer, and recognize and track things with smell alone. He was faster, stronger and more aware of his surroundings and his abilities just keep growing and getting stronger as time passes on. Until one night, he had a painful craving and hunger for blood. ------------------------------------------------------------------- -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- New chapter every Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 3 chapters a week. Monday to Thursday are my off days. Plus i use it to write more chapters.

picaresque · แอคชั่น
2 Chs

The End- Prologue

The story will switch between two different characters in two different time periods as you will notice in the first two chapters this and the next one for a good chunk of the first and a part of the second arch of this novel.

Again be warned that there will be some scenes and dialogue that might set well with some readers and for that i don't apologize, it's part of the story and the book.


-February 4th, 1500-

On the coast of France of what is going to be Modern day Normandy

"Are you sure about this Henry?" a low husky voice said, as two figures exited a forest entering a wide field.

"Yes, Marcus, the elders and their stupid council and rules are gonna get us all killed" Henry looked overate his friend with a sad expression.

"But there's no coming back from this, from what you're gonna do, it goes against tradition and the laws of our world" Marcus Argued.

The two were what people would call Vampires, but many different cultures have called them by many names.

Children of the night, Blood Suckers, Pale ones. But they we're called something much more than that. Children of Cain, The Betrayers, Kin Slayer.

Contrary to popular belief Cain was not banished from what the bible had depicted but instead was cursed and changed by the devil and his magic, transforming him into something much more than a monster but a creature of the night, to forever be tormented and alone. but that's a tale for another time.

"The Elders would have us believe that we need to keep our bloodlines pure but that's stupid and idiotic, they would rather cling to the old ways, to our glory days in the dark ages when we were, feared but not anymore Marcus" Henry said looking up into the sky.

It was a full moon and the clouds have finally parted revealing the moon as it's light shown on the two men.

Their pale faces glowed, their skin like marble and their eyes both of different color.

Both Henry and Marcus had long white flowing hair, their eyes glowing with two distinct colors, Marcus with his yellowish golden glow, and Henry with his deep red eyes, both animalistic and abnormal in nature Henry's eye's symbolizing his purity, the more darker and redder the eyes, the more it symbolizes power and the purity of his blood line.

From a far they looked liked mannequins dressed up with long colorful robes. But closer they were akin to statues, perfect and chiseled as if a master sculptor had chipped away their imperfections, leaving only a masterpiece.

"The humans are changing my friend, they are capable of traversing great distances with their ships, new weapons of war, their black powder, muskets and guns, we need to start over, we need a new haven something that will protect us if we are ever found out" Henry said as placed his hand on his chest. "We need to change too"

"They talk of a new world Marcus, one that hasn't been touched, or tainted by the council and their toxic courts, Out there is a chance at something new, far from their controlling gazes"

"That's what the Masquerade is for Henry, plus they will follow you, you know that right, many others will too, in order to exploit it, covens will pop up, vagrants, ghouls, the fallen...." Marcus said grabbing his friends arm. "We have known each other for so long my friend that I consider you family, a brother even"

"I know Marcus, Ever since my father found you that was what, almost five hundred years now"

Marcus laughed, He participated in the first crusade, a distant memory now. After being felled by a stay arrow through the chest, he was found by Jonathans father, seeing Marcus cling to whatever life he had, he took him and created him as one of his servant, serving him and now serving Henry.

"But this needs to happen, to safe guard the future of our species, I must do this" Henry said walking away from his friend Marcus followed.

"You're Father tried to do the same thing, look at what happened" Marcus knew mentioning his father would hurt Henry but he knew no other way to deter him from leaving.

Henry winced, he was angry at Marcus for mentioning it but was saddened for he knew Marcus was right, and the fate that be felled his father might just happen to him too.

"From what I hear, the new world is vast Marcus, it would definitely take them a while to find me, plus I have you to help me with that" Henry said smiling at his friend.

"What do you plan for me to do? I doubt I'm gonna like it" Marcus questioned him raising his eyebrows.

"Probably, but I need your help, when it's done it'll buy me precious time if not a couple centuries" Henry smiled, "I'm gonna fake my death"

Marcus sighed he knew Henry was smart and brave but not stupid It's be impossible to do especially since Vampires turn to ash, their scent would still be recognizable. "And how do you plan to do that exactly?"

"Well just some blood magic, don't worry I've already got that covered" Henry said as he began to walk.

"Ok, explain" Marcus said interested to whatever plan Henry came up with.

"It took sometime and a lot of errors and conjured demons but, I completely created a puppet, it looks exactly like me, has my blood and my scent, that you can't tell the difference"

"Smart, but you know it's not gonna work against the elders right, it would work with the Cainites and the blue bloods but not against the Pure Bloods and the Elders, especially against the war-masters and their elites"

"Well I don't expect it to go that way" Henry laughed "It's gonna burn in the sun and then you can send them "my" ashes, just tell them that I killed myself because of my father's death"

"You are crazy" Marcus shook his head "But this could work" he smiled.

"It will work, after all only me and my bloodline are the only ones that can properly use blood magic, and as you can see it's just me now"

They have now been running for a good two minutes, it wasn't a normal type of run because they were vampires, they were more like a blur now, as fast and quiet as the wind.

Soon they came up to a town with a busy harbor "That's my ticket out of here" Henry pointed at a lone Caravel. "My double is at my estate, talk to walter and he'll show you, don't worry you can trust him, and he will give you my will, every thing that i have my assets and estate is all yours" Henry said hugging his friend.

"I'll do as you asked of me but promise me, you'll be safe" Marcus said grabbing Henry's shoulders facing him.

Henry chuckled "Marcus, I'm a Vampire, trouble is gonna find me in due time".

With that Henry said his last goodbyes and finally conjuring a small box, "Years from now, when the time is right give this to me in the future"

Marcus looked at the box "I'm not gonna ask what's in this, but how will I know when is the right time?"

Henry smiled "You'll know my friend".

Henry disappeared now, vanished as part of his Abilities, as a legacy of a long lost Abu Haquim clan of Vampire's who's magic had been lost through time capable of Blood Magic and the ability to use the night.

Thanks for reading, and if you are confused on some of the stuff Mentioned don't worry everthing will be explained in time or I might just Make a Glossary or everything in the Novel but where's the fun in that (Plus I'm lazy).

picaresquecreators' thoughts