
28 Joining

"Interesting thing is, she has the thirteen tailed cat."

"Your relative? How nice."

"Yeah? Tch. Well I have fifteen tails, okay?"

The girl rolled her eyes, smiling slightly.

"Oh? It seems that the cat had notified them of our presence."

The fox frowned after saying that, seemingly finding something annoying.

"The blue pheonix that the fool gave to the girl..."

"Stupid Liu Huangzhou... Creating trouble for me, his sister?"

Sighing, the short girl shrugged, "Whatever, I guess. It's for the best. We needed someone to fulfil the prophecy anyway. She's the most fitting, considering she had recently changed souls with someone else."

"The one about the defeat of the Archangel only to be reincarnated into a girl who had a fox and a wolf?"

The girl wearing a blue robe shook her head, raising her eyebrows.

"What, that thing about the awakening of the two goddess sisters and the extermination of Satan by Taoist Zhao?"

The girl beside the wolf nodded silently, only for the silence to be cut off by the question of the teenager below.

"How long are you going to stay there? I'm here waiting, you know? Lan Helian, who are you guarding as a guardian?"

"Damn," Helian cursed, "She figured it out so fast?" She whined.

Jumping down the tree, the fox panicked as she watched the twelve year old walk over to the teen.

"Ah! You... Wait! Aren't you supposed to not reveal yourself?"

Grumbling, she ran on her four limbs as she transformed back into Lan Helian and ran over out of the shade, revealing herself.

"Hey! Wait for me!"

Xuanmei glanced over at the girls, one calm and unhurried and the other portraying a picture of a little girl running after her big sister.

"At your service, Xue third miss." The girl almost the same height as Xuanmei chuckled.

"Who are you?"

"Yu." She replied, yawning, she smiled a lazy, naïve grin.

Curiosity, like a prying little butterfly, landed onto Xuanmei's heart, igniting a strong curiosity in her.

"I'll be joining you for now, okay?"

Xuanmei nodded cautiously, feeling a little tingling from inside.

Yu walked away, talking to Helian about trivial matters. Before she could take more than thirty steps, though;

"Hey! Hold on! You stupid fish*! Didn't you promise me a hug every time we meet?"

Yu stopped, an eyebrow cocked.

"You only asked me to promise you that because I hate physical contact, blue pheonix."

"Wait, how did you know about him?"

"Ah, well, I have a natural ability to talk to guardians."

"Even your little thirteen tailed cat."

Now this ignited suspicion in Xuanmei's heart.

"Who are you?"

"Does it matter that much to you? It's just a few letter combinations, nothing much, you know? Not very important to me."

Narrowing her eyes, Xuanmei's aura got dangerous. However, Yu looked to be half asleep and unaware of her angering Xuanmei.

"It's fine if you don't tell me... I'll just have to force you to!"

*Yu: Even though it's not the correct pronunciation, 鱼 (Yu) essentially means fish.