
Marvels Ripperdoc

The reincarnated ripperdoc Dante gets killed by some Arasaka agents..but instead of dying is transported to Marvel.. After realizing that he is in Marvel he seeks to get stronger and make a profit whilst doing so.. to eventually end up free from the system that was apparent in the cyberpunk universe. (Cyberpunk ripperdoc – The timeline is somewhat different for some movies that are from X-men and Fantastic Four to get them closer to Marvel) [important note ; this story is currently not actifly being worked on, but will get released at least up till chapter 18.]

KAAS_Sad_Dragon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs

4 - nature

Dante was walking down the streets of Chinatown, he had changed his appearance to suit the times more, covering up almost all of his cybernetic parts with skin tissue. In the early days he scared some customers with his somewhat abnormal appearance, but he calmed most by explaining that they were something like piercings that he was planning to remove.. and he had changed it, but tried to keep his unique look… 

As he was walking he found a nice looking clothing store.. just like his appearance his clothes could be seen as something quite deviant from the norm. not al of his clothes were like that but even his normal sets were made with synthetic material, so getting some new clothes with the new card was something he was planning to do for a while at that point. 

He also wanted to try real non-processed food, but he hadn't decided on a place yet.. he would have gone sooner but Dante didn't know the risks of the world.. even if they were technologically some ways behind some corporations and government agenises seemed to have things that didn't exist in cyberpunk. 

Dante entered the shop looking around for something that would fit his style, but didn't see something that interested him, and while the fabric was good in comparison to that of cyberpunk it didn't meet up to some of the tings he had seen on the street. 

'Maybe I need to go to a higher class store for a suit of some kind…' after looking around some more Dante left, looking for something that suited his style more. 

The nearest place he could find was some time away, but Dante had enough endurance to get there with a small run. 

Before he left off he did decide to try one of the roadside stalls that served Baozi, a steamed stuffed bun that tastes delicious to Dante who hadn't tried anything like it in the years he lived in the cyberpunk universe. 

With a second Baozi in hand Dante left towards the shop that sold high class suits. 

"What do you mean I can't enter?" Dante was stopped by a person at the door of the place he wanted to enter. 

"I think our prices might be to high for you." The security guard looked unconcerned as if he didn't see Dante as someone who could pose a treat or who could actually pay 

"So you refuse me entry on my appearance.. I know I might look poor but I am a doctor." 

Just as Dante was about to explain that his appearance was purely for job related reasons someone exited the store. 

"What kind of self respecting doctor dresses like that?" The man who had exited the store looked down onto Dante who was some steps below him. 

"Well I am a skilled surgeon who specialises in human augmentations.." 

"So you claim to be a surgeon, who gives people prosthetics?" the man looked absolutely discussed at the claim and continued. "you are a disgrace to surgeons like me who do actual work." The man promptly left leaving Dante and the security guard alone as he walked towards his luxury car. 

"So…" Dante looked at the security who just shook his head. 

"I can give you the address of a nice store where I get my clothing.. if that will make you leave.." the security muttered the last part but Dante could hear it clearly.. he didn't blame the security for stopping him, as it was just his job, but he didn't think he would come here again if they treated people that way. As even in cyberpunk where clients not reused based on appearance as everybody knew if you didn't have the money you didn't have the time to come there. 

With the new directions Dante arrived at a nice looking store that sold clothing ranging from suits to casual wear.. trying on some of the clothing Dante couldn't help but feel surprised at the texture it had. 

Looking into the mirror he saw a handsome man looking to be nearing thirty years of age wearing a nice pair of pants with a wite blouse. His blue hair standing out as it overshadowed his pants colour. 

His face had some stubbles but nothing that could be described as a beard and no scars or cyberware were seen on it as he had added new skin tissue to cover all of that up. It would complicate check-ups but he could preform those on himself so he didn't mind. 

With four new outfits Dante left the store, heading off to new York's Central park to see the green of the planet he lived on.. even if it was still a bit chilly outside.. 

Walking down a path in Central Park Dante felt the nature around him.. he could still see some building behind the treeline ,but this park was a godsend in comparison to the polluted planet eventually he stopped at a park bench and took out a lunch kit he had bought on the way there, the amount of food it contained was more than expected, but Dante enjoyed it..

After eating his fill Dante still had some food over, and decided to just enjoy the weather a bit longer, as he was just sitting a blond girl just walked up to the bench. Noticing someone approach Dante looks up and meets the woman's eyes.

The woman looked to be in her early twenties having lush blond hair and a well kept appearance. Sha was wearing some sportswear looking to just have finished a run in Central Park.

"Are you still waiting for someone or can I sit?" She looked to Dante expecting a responds..

"O.. no sit down wherever you want I was just enjoying nature."

"You don't have the chance to visit the forest outside the city, as I would barely classify this as passible.." The woman seemed to genuinely think that this was sup par in comparison to just other jogging parks and forest outside of the city.

"Well I am a busy man.. a surgeon to be precise.. I run my own clinic near Chinatown so I haven't had the chance to really come out.." Dante didn't lie completely due to his job he found it difficult to go out and do something for extended periods of time.

"Mhh, my father was a medical practitioner…" Her words seemed to hide something deeper.

"He stopped?"

"He lost his license…." Just like before something was missing but the woman clearly didn't want to talk about it.

"Well I am sure that must have been though…. But I am sure that things will look up again.." at least Dante thought so.. for him his life had always been in some turmoil his first life was difficult.. his second was dangerous and emotionally reperceive.. but now.. everything seemed to be in place..

"It doesn't seem to.."

The woman seemed to be quite self deprecating..

"Has something happened lately.. that you want to share?" Dante tried to be respectful as to not create a more troubling situation.

"Well I and college's have been working on a project but the government is pulling out on the last stretch.. my boyfriend wants to complete his work but he has been overdoing it lately." Her concerns flowed out of her like a river, while Dante just observed the information contained in it.

"Well if he ever needs a doctor, he can come to me.. ill give him a special discount just for our nice chat.."

"I thank you but I don't know if he will even listen until he is finished.. sorry to onload this all on someone I don't know its just.." the woman seemed to get somewhat stressed as of everything was getting to much.

"I get it.. a lot to handle.. you know it is surprising how much I have dealt with people screaming and shouting out their fears that just a normal chat helped me understand the world more." He was referring to those who came in with malfunctioning cyberware that they would scream for hours until it was fixed complaining all along the way.

She giggled a little.. "Well my complaints must seem trivial to those who are in serous pain.."

"Not at all.. most of the people who scream are pretending to be the strongest ones.." a alarm interrupted Dante's speech coming from the phone in the women's pocket..

"Ohh I am sorry.. but I have to go...it was nice to meet you…" She stopped realising she didn't know his name yet..

"Dante.. Dante ripper.." When Dante created his name he wasn't sure what to call himself but he decided on a ohmage to his job as it fit better than the last names from his first and second live.

"Susan, Susan Storm.." they shook hands as she got up to leave..

"Well it was nice to meet you mis Storm.. I do wish the best for your boyfriend." Dante gave a small wave.

"I will.." Susan left, leaving Dante with some interesting news and getting him curios about the forest outside of New York.

Dante was soon to repeat her getting up and collecting his leftovers to eat later on..



Walking back took longer than expected as traffic seemed to actually work against Dante. Making it all the more clear that he needed a car. He still had his bike but that wasn't even finished and certainly wasn't road legal even if he put in the right classification.

The car that he had was a nice Quadra type-66 one of the most recognisable sports cars as they were modified and customised to fit all criteria the owner needed. His type-66 was one of the original produced meaning that it still had some flaws compared to the updated model but it also meant that it had more freedom to explore.

His bike on the other hand was a partly pout together Brennan apollo, as it was missing some parts that would have been delivered if he had not died.. the parts Dante missed were for a turbo he had been thinking of putting on, but he would have to make it himself if he wanted the bike to operate custom components.

Purchasing a car now was possible but would mean getting a low end one, which was not possible in Dante's mind.. after scouring the internet for a while he came upon the 2008 Lamborghini Reventón, a sports car modelled after a jet. Apparently only twenty were made to be sold with one extra for show.

All the cars were already in someone's possession it was just finding one that was willing to sell it.. sadly no luck existed and all the owners refused to even name a price for their car that was just sitting in their garage.

Although he did make a different over to one of the owners claiming that he could cure him in exchange, as Dante had found documents that contained his medical history while on search for a way to kill one of them..

Killing or threatening someone for their car might seem extreme but some of the owners were somewhat corrupt by his standards and highly corrupt to this world standard.


After a while of waiting Dante received a reply, questioning him on his knowledge of the medical problem.. the medical problem that he had was Ischemic heart disease, or coronary artery disease, the records were unclear ,but both could be used to describe the same problem off the blood vessels that supply blood to the heart becoming narrowed.

Dante replied to the man that he could cure the disease without a issue, but that he wanted the car as payment…

The man seemed hesitant in replying, but eventually agreed and asked for which hospital he came..

The reply that he was a independent surgeon silenced the chat as new waves of doubt seemed to appear in the billionaires heart, causing him chest pain… leading him to agree.

Now with the time and place settled and a agreed upon price reached Dante started to prepare his equipment… Dante needed a pair of bioplastic blood vessels, looking at the quality differences he chose to take the lowest grade he had as he wasn't to sure that the billionaire could handle more..

To every cyberware was a certain cost, not something that you had to pay but just a requirement to operate it properly, installing something that the body couldn't handle could lead to the body being overwhelmed and losing control of themselves.. not like cyberpsychosis but more loss of body function…

Getting the guy something that would more suit the price was the right thing to do, but as Dante was the only one offering the serves.. a premium could be expected, certainly to those who could afford it.

The date was set in a couple of days so Dante didn't have to hurry up to get ready it was already March.. being now around two months after he came to this world…

Looking back he didn't achieve much yet, as he had worked the first month gaining some customers due to his weekend sale in the second month he explored more of his surroundings gaining a id and bank account, and now with the heat on the rise he explored the green of the city in Central park.. Gaining a car and enjoying the weather were now on the top of his list and he could complete both within a weeks time.


A newly awakened mutant (side story)

Jason was a college athlete, more specifically he was running track and field all his life.. planning on doing it to maybe get a scholarship at a good university..

He was in his final year and would be choosing a university soon.. the offers weren't in but he was hoping that the scholarship at the university his brother went to would be accepted..

The field were just opened as off late, so Jason could once again do what he did best on a open track.. running..

But this day was different he had made it bright and early to school to do some track before the first lessons but felt that his shoos were weird.. as if the layout had changed, but something like that was impossible..

As he was running he noticed the girl he liked arriving to the field.. Emely.. she was also in her final year of collage, doing cheerleading and other activities besides college…

She and some of her team mates would practise the moves they would make that night at the American football match that was for tonight..

As he was on his third lap every cheerleader was already there practicing and discussing their performance tonight when some members of the football squad arrived.. probably there because they had heard of the girls practice session..

Just as Jason was rounding the bend near the cheerleaders.. Emely who was talking to one of the football players didn't seem to notice and preformed a somersault backwards coming onto the track… landing right before Jason, who promptly crashed into her…

Jason tried to get back up as quickly as possible, but before he could do he was pushed of Emely by Erik, the football player Emely was talking to before..

"Emely are you alright.. do we need to get you to the nurse?" Erik first priority seemed to make sure that Emely was not injured

Emely looked to be crying while she held her ankle, clearly out of breath from shock..

"How bad is it?" Jason tried to help her first as he wasn't feeling much of the impact and thought that he had slowed down enough before the collision.

"Get away from her you bastard… you did this.. what if she can't come cheer tonight at the game because of you?" some of the other members of the football team berated him while Erik still kept Emely close.. picking her up and bringing her to the school nurse..

"Emely?" Jason wasn't much concerned over the blame but wanted to make sure that the girl he liked was fine.. but seeing her eyes glaring back to him Jason realised the hate the girl had for him.. all created in a moment of error not even caused by himself..

"Hey are you listening?!" Someone pushed him again but Jason barely budged feeling as if his feet had dug into the ground..

Looking down he could see something he had never seen before his toes were dug into the ground with acid surrounding it…

Looking down he realised the excruciating pain that it caused, wanting to run away, but just as he made the first step he was pushed, causing the acid on his feet to leave the ground injuring the one that had pushed him..

A scream came from the guys mouth but everything was drowned out in Jason's thought…. All culminating in one word.. RUN