
Marvel: Unknown

Tags: Selfcest, Genderbent, Action, Marvel, Demons, R18, Gore, Sci-fi, etc... Synopsis: Due to him trying to exploit his name in a scam, Truck-kun initiated revenge on him by killing him untimely. But fortunately or unfortunately, he gets reincarnated. Though after waking up, the first thing he sees scares the living crap out of him. "...I'm gonna die... again..." [ Main World ] : Marvel [ Side Worlds ] : *Mairimashita Iruma-kun PS: Credits to the real owner of the cover. Please don't sue me.

VerzVerx · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
14 Chs

Chapter 11: Weapon Master

"Wait don't enter!"

"Iruma! Don't be such a killjoy" "Yes!!!" "My bets!"

Iruma is such a goodie. I still wonder how he survived in the netherworld for so long. His dodging ability and plot armer is really thick.

Then I heard Irene speak from the bracelet and what she told me made me grin.

"Why don't you put on a show? It can earn you some RP."

"That's exactly why although I appreciate Iruma's kind reminder, I ain't gonna listen. As if it could harm me anyway."

Vincent just grinned and walked forward boldly. Not soon after, countless weapons like swords, knives, arrows and others were launched straight his way.

In response to this, he just grinned and reached out his delicate hands to catch the sword nimbly and deflect the other swords and knives that came after.

An axe then suddenly fell from above and spears suddenly sprouted from the floor. But he just casually leaned and avoided the axe whilst deflecting the incoming arrows and knives. As for the spears? He used them as platforms.

"FUCK YEAH!" "That's so badass!" "Fuwawawawawa-!" "How?!"

Soon the barrage of weapons ended and Vincent threw the sword casually on the floor. Then he smirked and looked at the rest of the abnormal class.

"Was that all?"

As soon as it ended, Vincent was immediately swarmed by everyone as they asked him their questions enthusiastically. Only a certain invisible pixie was not included.

Sabnock laughed as he pulled out a sword embedded in his body and pointed it at Vincent, "You were that nosy woman who got in my way last time! You are quite good, fight me!"

Meanwhile Vincent was confused, he doesn't know about this. So Irene explained what happened between the two of them at that time clearing his confusion.

After hearing it from Irene, he smirked and thought that Sabnock really is a respectable demon. But he's still a green horn. He picked up a katana from the weapons around him and asked him.

"You're not satisfied being defeated once? Come on let's dance!"

"HAHAHA! Good! I declare you as someone worthy to be my rival on my path to being the demon king!"

Sabnock grinned and shook off all the weapons in his body, leaving an iron sword in his hand that he pulled out from his chest. He then gripped his sword and assumed a stance as he prepared to battle Irene.

(A/N: From the perspective of others, it's Irene and not Vincent)

"Show me what you got, my rival!"

"You didn't have to tell me twice. I'll finish this in a second."

Vincent just smirked and assumed an iai stance and waited for Sabnock to initiate the attack. Seeing this, Sabnock didn't wait anymore and rushed forward before raising his sword and making a downward slash using the greatsword.

With a faint smile on his lips, everything didn't seem to bother Vincent as he just stood there. But...

"Sasaki Sword Style — Swallow's Return."

They then saw a fast silver light and heard the sound of swords clashing. Vincent made an upward slash in an attempt to cut off Sabnock's hand but despite the sudden attack, he successfully blocked with his greatsword by changing its trajectory.

But he was then surprised by what happened next, as soon as the her blade was blocked he saw the blade suddenly change its trajectory and became a downward slash. He couldn't react in time and was slashed across his chest.

Then he saw it change directions again in astonishment, and this time he knew that as soon as the blade reaches his chin he would die. He felt bone chilling aura of death grip his heart and he can't help but gain a grin on his face.

"That's enough, Irene Enderion."

The blade stopped just inches away from his chin. He then saw the katana being withdrawn and sheathed again on its hilt.

"Why are you such a worrywart, I didn't even intend to kill him at all. I was just showing him a glimpse of death."

The entire duel didn't even last more than a minute, the entire exchange of Sabnock blocking Vincent's sword to the two other sword slashes of the sword technique, it took no more than ten seconds.

Naberius Kalego looked at the student who casually sheathed her katana with an innocent smile on her face with a frown. He hates troublesome students and this class is full of them. He wants to gut that annoying principal.

"Come to the back mountains in ten minutes. Also clean this mess up."

Then he went and stepped out of the room. The class fell down in silence. But soon Irene was swarmed yet again by everyone.

"That was so cool! What was that sword technique dezugaru?"

"That was sick!"

"Truly a beautiful move!"

Sabnock meanwhile laughed out loud disregarding his large gaping wound on his chest to his abdomen.

"S-S-Sabnock-san! Go to the infirmary to get treatment immediately or you'll lose t-too much blood..."

"Wahahaha! No need! My body will naturally heal and this kind of wound won't kill me. Am I right, my rival?"

Vincent nodded in agreement to his words. He didn't plan to kill him so he controlled his strength. But that scar will still last him for quite a while.

For the past months he's been here in the Netherworld, he wasn't slacking off while Irene was out to get him RP. He regularly practiced his weapons proficiency everyday and with the help of his [ Weapons Genius ] talent, he leaned and mastered the use of weapons in a breeze.

Though currently he only mastered all types of swords, bows, spears, and axes. He hadn't mastered any unconventional weapons like the sickle, chain daggers, morning star or any of the like yet but he did know how to use them.

"I-I see. That's good."

Iruma breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he heard that Sabnock is fine. But then he was suddenly startled when he saw Irene staring at him with a grin plastered on her face.

"Wh-What is it, Irene-san?"

"Hmm... How many volumes did Hatsukoi Memories have?"

"Oh, about over 1—"

But before he could finish speaking, he suddenly stopped and remembered that Hatsukoi Memories didn't exist here. This is the Netherworld. And... Irene-san was speaking japanese earlier.

Realizing this, he mechanically froze and looked at Irene. He then saw her wide grin on her face.

"I'll ask you later Iruma-kun. Kahahaha! Let's go to the back mountains!"

Iruma's face paled as he thought that maybe after this... he'll be eaten by these demons.