
Marvel: The last Timelord

The doctor is plunged into a world where Gods roam around and time is not allowed to be freely manipulated by just anyone. How will he survive when he isn't the man who knows everything and who has seen everything anymore. The story takes place in a timeline where the doctors tenth to eleventh regeneration goes wrong and at the same time, the battle of New York also happens. By an infinitely impossible set of circumstances, the wall between multiverses is attacked at the same time and he crosses through the hole above New York instead of the Chitauri.

Time_Stories · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Doctor who?

[1942 words]

Stepping out of the Tardis with unparalleled confidence, the confidence of a man who had stared death in the face and said 'not today', the man had only taken a single step when he collapsed to the ground.

Although surprised, this wouldn't have been the first time he had stepped out of the Tardis and fell flat on his face, in fact, it wouldn't even be the second time. This had actually happened a lot now that he thought about it.

His first thought was that gravity, of whatever freaky planet he had landed on, was much stronger than the nice and mild earth he was used to. But as he lay on the ground in an undignified clump of limbs, he felt the regeneration that had been stuck in its weird limbo state finally start to finish what it started, sucking all the energy out of his body.

Once again reminded that this was not a normal regeneration, a process that was always peaceful for the one who started it and an uncomfortable one for whoever came next, he prepared himself for the worse.

Except, surpassing all expectations, what came was just downright dreadful. Unimaginable pain that any lesser man would have fallen to spread through his body as the golden lustre that had never faded away started to intensify. Energy blazed out of every pore in his body, he could only continue laying there on the ground as a fiery clump of golden light, completely unable to do anything but release a groan now and again. Whatever was happening was clearly not just changing his body, he could tell that much at least.

After some time the pain passed like it was never there, the golden energy raging around him silently retreating inside his body. It felt like it was mocking him with how smoothly it ended. Not that he was complaining but it would have been nice to be rewarded with a flashy boom or firework for his effort.

Quickly jumping up, the man dusted himself off, straightened his suit and tie, and took a quick peek at the surroundings wondering if anyone had seen him in such an embarrassing state.

Unfortunately, he was met with a helicopter flying above him and a camera pointed right at his face. "Well that's not good, is it?"

Immediately ignoring the camera, for now, and shoving his hands in his pockets he took another glance around trying to find what period he was in. He was clearly on Earth, the helicopter a dead giveaway, and from the architecture and signs around he was also clearly in New York but one thing was bothering him. Why did the layout look so different? And where was he even standing? Shouldn't there be a building here?

"I didn't destroy the building did I?" The question sent him into thought as he examined the floor, "Nah, I couldn't have, it looks too clean for that and where's the rubble..."

To be honest it wouldn't have been the first time he had done something like this. When he had first escaped from Gallifrey, although the memories were hazy at best, he was pretty sure he had crashed the Tardis into a lot of things. Some much bigger than a building.

Just as he was about to ask someone what had happened, hundreds of hazy orange glass panels appeared in front of him before men dressed in black armour quickly marched out and pointed what he could only suspect were cannons at him followed by more than a dozen hovercrafts surrounding him.

"Well isn't that a cool welcome" The man muttered as he observed them, completely unafraid at their tiny display of power. Noticing the orange logo they had adorned in various places, his mind wandered to various organizations he had met over his eternity that might want to capture him. How did he know they were here to capture him? Well, it didn't take a genius to figure it out.

Giving up on the endeavour, because there were just too many to remember, he looked back up only to realise a small group had detached themselves and walked up to him.

"ENTITY ZERO, ZERO, ZERO, ONE, On behalf of the Time Variance Authority I hereby arrest you for the possession of a forbidden divinity and crimes against the Scared Timeline! Face on the ground and hands in the air!" An armoured man yelled as he held a baton with a purple tip in front of him.

Instantly he was thrown into confusion. Time Variance what now? He didn't think he had ever been more confused in his life. Someone, other than him, actually dared to say they had authority over time? What sort of madness had he walked into.

"I think you've got the wrong person, I've only just got here you see." Pointing and looking towards his recent crash site as he spoke.

Only for him to immediately get smacked across the face with the end of a baton when he turned around. The surprise hit ungracefully knocked him back to the ground, a place he seemed to be getting to know rather well in the last couple of minutes.

"Ow! What was that for!" He wined as he held his bruising cheek and glared up at the armour unit that was surrounding him.

The armoured man who had hit him looked at him, then back at his baton in confusion, clearly expecting something different to occur.

"Idiots! Didn't you read the briefing I handed out! Time altering technology doesn't work on him!" A clear and authoritative voice rang out from behind them before a man in a grey suit stepped forwards and smacked him over the back of the head, yet his eyes never left his own as he stared down at him. "Use the damn leashes!"

Before he could wonder what these leashes were, his hands were secured and forced behind his back, a metal noose was leashed around his neck and his face forced back to the ground. "I'm starting to think that you guys aren't here to welcome me!" He voiced with his face squished into the ground.

The man in the suit crotched down in front of him "Once again Entity Zero, Zero, Zero, One, for multiple violations against the Scared Timeline you are now under arrest. You can call me Agent Davis, not that we'll be talking much." The last part said as he held out his hand before he sheepishly brought it back when he realised he was in no situation to take it.

Trying to hide his awkwardness and nervousness, Davis quickly stood back up and turn towards his hunters. "All right everyone, well done, that was easier than expected. Pack up the blue box for evidence and make sure to reset the timeline before we leave, we don't want this place to stray any further from the Timekeepers path."

Taking one last look at the disbelieving crowd of onlookers as the reset charge went off, Davis stepped inside while muttering, "And here I thought this was going to be difficult."




"You seem a bit nervous, is this your first day on the job?"

"Yes, I'm actu-... damn it!" Agent Davis looked over at entity 0001 surrounded by ten of his best hunters and scowled. This man seemed to see through him like he was made of glass and it was irritating him to no end. "Could you shut up for one moment?"

"Well that's not nice, I was just trying to make polite conversation seeing that where ever we're supposed to be heading is quite far away," The man rebuked while curiously looking out through the window and at the near-infinite TVA headquarters. "Where are we heading by the way?"

Groaning, Davis finally gave up and replied, he couldn't stand the endless questions, maybe if he answered them he would finally shut up. "The higher-ups have decided that you are too dangerous to keep lockup in TVA's normal prisons so they have built a specially made one where you can enjoy the rest of your time until the timeline finally ends. Happy now?"

"Yes... well, kind of." The man leaned back, shifting in his restraints before he spoke again. "Not really. What's this TVA you keep talking about and why am I going to prison?"

"Damn it Entity Zero, Zero, Zero, One." He knew it. He should never have answered the first question. Sighing he lamented his fate before answering again. "The TVA or Time Variant Authority, is an organisation which governs over multiple universes ensuring that none of them strays from the Scared Timeline. And why are you going to prison? Well you sir, have single handle broken more than thirty laws set in place by the Timekeepers and, in a TVA first, broken the very first rule they put in place."

"Oh~ Well that sounds pretty bad doesn't it." The man exclaimed then seemingly thinking of something he lapsed into silence.

Davis shook his head. "You have no idea, no one even wanted to take the mission."

The proceeding silence felt heavenly but all good things must come to an end and it was eventually broken. "Sound pretty fishing to me..."

Davis looked up. "Huh? What do you mean?"

The man shrugged and looked away. "Well...Putting a newbie on something as seemingly important as this? No one else wanting to go? Why would they do that? But I don't really know if it's my place to say. Oh and look, we're here!"

Before Davis could think anymore on his words the doors slid open and hunters poured in.

"Well done Agent Davis, you've completed your mission splendidly!" A voice pierced over the noisy footsteps and sent shivers down his back.

Slowly turning around, Davis couldn't help but avert his eyes when he finally saw that creepy smile that never reached her eyes. Before he had come on this mission they had been introduced to each other in a more in-depth debriefing and the interaction made her no less creepy, in fact, it made it worse, he still remembered the shivers he got when he had asked her name and she had just responded 'It's 3912'.

"Hello, 3912" Davis managed to squeeze out.

3912 glanced at him, the smile always present. "Yes, hello Agent Davis, we will take it from here and the Timekeepers have told me to inform you that you will be allowed paid leave for the next week."

Without waiting for his response, 3912 walked off with a trail of hunters following her and dragging along Entity 0001. Davis let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding, but as if the world had it out for him, words that immediately made him confused were whispered into his ear. He didn't even get a chance to respond before he watched entity 0001 get yanked away from him and off the shuttle.

Still reeling from his word and seeing that this was the last time he was going to see the man, Davis felt that it would be rude not to get his name so he called out. "Um, excuse me, but what's your name?"

The man gave him a strange look, a look that clearly meant 'You're only now asking?' but still, he answered. "It's The Doctor. It was a pleasure meeting you Agent Davis, I hope to see you soon."

Slightly stunned because they definitely wouldn't be seeing each other again, a fact he had made abundantly clear, Davis didn't get a chance to answer before the man was dragged away. Standing there, Davis was left thinking 'Doctor who?'

And there he is, the man, the myth, the legend. The Doctor! Recommend a plot in either the movies or comics that would be fun for The Doctor to do his detective shtick.

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